Best Looking Priest Race?

Best maghar orc killers too
Thats the beauty of them
Theyre best everything

Blood elf hands down.

Depends on your main spec in my opinion.

For Shadow Priest Void Elf (Alliance) or Undead (Horde).
For Holy Priest Draenei (Alliance) or err… Blood Elf (Horde).

For Disc, mmh… probably Undead/Blood Elf.

you are hands down wrong

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I agree with Velharia on these four in particular.

Best to pick a race that looks good with both shadow and light.

Nope I look Great Thanks :slight_smile:

Zandalari Priest is great;
Shadow is good for a Bwonsamedi Loa Priest, and Holy and Disc for a Loa priest for… any other Loa.
Draenei are the same, they have the Auchenai for Shadow, and the regular Priests for the other specs.

but blood elves are more holy than shadowy, due to tge syubnnwelkl and all

edit2: sunwell

Every single armor type looks best on male humans, this is a known fact.

All m y horde characters are Blood elves, nothings better plus a built in 1% extra crit chance <3

In a fact Draenei Female :smiley: or Blood Elf Male looks good in robes too.

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I like Blood Elves but we also have Trolls… and Orcs and Tauren and Undead and Nightborne and Orcs again and Zandalari and Vulpera yet you only have blood elves?

Maybe I don’t like Tauren, Trolls, Undead, Orcs and Vulpera.

I would have Nightbourne but Blizz screwed up the player model and it’s just plain ugly. So Yeah Blood Elf all the way.

Zandalari everything is great, they are one of my favourite races.


swtill mire holly than mot gernseal priest races

What an absurd question. Everyone knows it’s Goblin.

Its a question with only one answer.
The answer is ALWAYS Worgen

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Draenei/LF draenei ofcourse!



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And the new hair and horns in Shadowlands for them :open_mouth: