Best race for hunter

Male Worgans look better when running with the constant speed buff from Trailblazer. They also have way cooler animations for attacks because of how they hold their weapons. They fire guns and xbows from the hip instead of like aiming a sniper rifle and they fire bows horizontally. Way more style. Plus, the fantasy of a wolf being a Hunter and having a bond with beasts just makes sense.

The running thing was a big factor in my race choice for my Hunter. I levelled a Human all the way to 120, decided he looks like an idiot all the time because his little legs were going triple time like he was The Flash. He looked goofy as hell. Deleted him and started again fresh with a Worgan. All the other races except Dranei suffer from that problem (maybe Kul Tiran are ok as well, haven’t tried them).

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Well, mainly i’d like bows instead of crossbows for sure as i’d rather look like for example Legolas from TLOTR than an “ordinary” hunter with a crossbow lurking in the forest with their hounds.
For me it’s very important to feel like i’m “connected” with my character when playing with it.
I might look picky as hell but i’m planning to spend my SL boost on a hunter and i want to take every option in consideration.

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May I suggest a trial test for every race ?

It’s simple: create a level one character.
Equip him with a Heirloom bow and fire at a level one target.
If you enjoy the animations you might consider picking that race. If not than it’s one less race for you to chose from.

Firing ranged weapon animations are very important as that’s all you will be doing all the time.



Troll - Tons of “Aztek”/Zandalari themed pets in cool 'armors" for BM
Void/Blood elves - classic Legolas theme in MM hunter in Nighthold green/blue set is awesome
Night Elves - for BM plathora of kittycats + cool sets designed literally for them *cough * Darkshore Kaldorei sets *cough *
Vulpera - anything isn’t good as vulpera? Those giant snakes are awesome, the hyenas are cool too with the little foxes
Worgen - You can have your very own “pack” as a BM , 2 wolves + a wolf pet and you as Alpha of the Pack

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Gnome, you can actually mount your pet and do mounted combat, it’s OP.

If Alliance, dwarf.

If Horde (since i saw your mention of huge shoulders), orc.

I have belf, Nelf and now leveling a mechanome hunter.
Can’t say there is a best race!

But I love Nelf in elite dark shore mog :sweat_smile:
And my Sylvanas like belf mog
And ofc mechanome in heritage with mechadungeon gun will look dandy imo

Well if you aren’t an elf you have chosen poorly.

It really depends on the rest of the gear - problem with rifles/crossbows - most of them are too big to look good on us unless the rest of the armor is also a bit bulky. Do a ranger/farstrder tmog is much easier in that regard.

Alliance: Dwarf, Night elf, Void elf. In that order.

Horde: Tauren, Troll, Orc, Blood elf. In that order.

Some people get put off dwarves because of the whole must have a gun, must have a bear vibe. Which I personally think is great, but when those wildhammer customizations come out, you bet I’m getting a bow and going for a true look of the nords!

answer is gnome, because it makes you so much harder to be clicked… esp after fd

MechaGnome of course!

Male Draenei are badasses with crossbows and guns, they also have majestic bow animations.
The only issue is that not many transmogs look good on them due to the ridiculous body build :confused:

Then alliance - dwarf male
And horde - orc and troll

Void elves look cool as Hunters/rangers

Dwarf too

Blood elf.

Night elf.

Feign Death AND Shadowmeld.

They also suit the class fantasy the best, but that’s a personal opinion.

Dark iron dwarf with flamy beard looks nice :muscle:

If you don’t care racial passives;

Horde = Blood Elves

Alliance = Night Elves or Void Elves

in terms of good looking ofc.

Also for horde, Vulpera can be good. Don’t know why but Vulpera hunter sounds great to me.

Their gun animation is incredibly irritating though.