Best way to farm gold for lvl 40 mount?

I’m struggling too. I exclusively buy spells I need and I don’t buy anything unless it helps me make a profit. Still struggling badly. How the hell do you all make money effortlessly is beyond me, I struggled in vanilla and I struggle now.


You could make the most of your Rogue abilities… eg stealth and pickpocketing.

Me and my partner are leveling together, so we made an agreement to not gain exp when the other person isn’t around. So whenever I’m online without her, I solo dungeons (pickpocketting only) to gain g without exp.

I started off doing runs of Stockades when I was a lower level, I could do 4 full runs in under an hour which netted 3-4g p/h just from pickpocket and vendoring the trash (no ah selling required).

That may not sound like a lot for some, but at a lower level 25-28 it’s not bad, especially for not having to actually kill anything, and is so good for when you just want to chill out and not have to concentrate much.
Plus, there’s no instance resetting as the mobs at the start refresh their pockets by the time you get to the end, so rinse and repeat.

I will be moving onto Scarlet Monastery when I’m around 35, hoping that will net around 5-6g p/h at least, maybe more, for when I’m playing on my own and exempt from gaining exp (thanks wifey) lol.

P.S Had 30g left at level 30 from doing this, and that was after buying my level 30 skills, full new set of armor/weapons, buying alchemey recipes from the trainer and AH and stocking up on a few greater elixirs and pots that I can’t make myself yet.

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U can maybe try find some items for cheap from a lvl 60 who play higher content and sell for much more then u buyed it for, thats my plan

Also check AH for people selling shellfish under the quest reward price…

Personally I used fishing deviates on a alt when watching TV. Because I only have to glance at the screen every min or so and my focus can be elsewhere.

My server, wool cloth is coming back up to expected price after the influx. Now 70s a stack on Horde Firemaw and relatively easy to farm. When the curve out levels the resource, low level resources are experiencing a price rise to fit the profession kits.

  1. Mob grinding (mobs that drop a lot of stackable grey items).
  2. Instance farming (passively gain money and items from simply playing the game).
  3. Auction House (flipping items, buy items listed below vendor price and sell them for a profit).
  4. Offer boosts, portals, food, water, summons, tanking, healing, opening lockboxes etc. for money.
  5. Gathering professions (i.e. skinning, herbalism and mining).

If you’re short on cash it’s usually not due to anything other than this one factor;
You’re spending too much money. Avoid buying stuff on the Auction House that aren’t bags.

I had like 130 Gold when i hit 40. I have skinning and herbalism and i did also pick Up every singel item and sold it if i didnt need it. I think i had enough gold for a mount when i dinged 37.

If you have leatherworking yes. If you don’t then no.

I was told not to spend much. But as a healer you drink a lot and stuff… without ever buying anyone from AH or learning usless skills I had 38g when I hit 40.

Now, by 49 I have 120g. I havent farmed anything for cash alone, but ZF runs are going to get you 5-7g per run. I still didnt buy my kodo, since I have my wolf form.

Don’t buy skills or gear from level 30, you’ll have enough by 40.

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Sounds like complete bs, you can get nowhere near 100g leveling low level zones, droops are cheap and quest give few silvers, there isn’t really even any droop that you could sell for good price in ah.

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Grind mobs or level an alt and send all the money to your main

You’re behind the curve so anything you do it’s going to be an uphill battle.

Most niches are saturated and there aren’t many things left you can do to get ahead of the pack.

At this point your best bet is to sneak into Winterspring and camp the Runecloth Bag vendor during off hours.

It’s definitely not bs, at lvl 53 I’m somewhat behind the curve as well and without going into much detail I’ll probably have enough for my epic mount by the time I hit 60.

No exploits, but granted, some of the things I did to get ahead while leveling have become saturated and are barely profitable at this point.

Saving up from 1-39 has always been a clear winner for me, personally. :slight_smile:

Yet here I am, level 37 with 70 gold at hand, progressing through Hillsbrad Foothils! I’ve no doubts that I’ll have 100 gold at level 40.

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you are not telling something, there is no way to get such amount of gold just doing questing up to Wetlands.

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I’m not struggling, I just blew (and still do) way too much gold on unneeded gear upgrades , even small ones.

And also professions, can’t be bothered to grind.
And respeccing, because it’s too much work to use a talent calculator.

As a result, I’m level 49 and still ghostwolfing it, but I’m not complaining. I knew in advance this was going to happen.
Slowly getting there though, I’m at 52g now + 27g on my banker.
Never change a losing strategy :smiley:

All in all, living like it was true vanilla again.

EDIT: Just bought my mount the next day at lvl50 :money_mouth_face:

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Well, I’m miner and blacksmith, so I mine veins that I find, craft items to level blacksmithing and vendor them, so a little money from that. Selling cloth. I did not even get a single good blue BoE. Got few but they were selling very cheap on AH, vendored them instead.

I’m trying to not spend gold on unnecessary things, like armour or weapons from AH. Just buying some cheap enchants sometimes. But I bought all skills and recipies, 14-slot bags, some low level stuff for my alts. Respecced once to full protection (:

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I was struggling for cash early 30-ish lvls, but I bought my mount right on lvl 40. All I did was:

  1. Stopped buying any skills outside of frostbolt ranks and food/water upgrades for dungeons
  2. Sold all greens and recipes on AH. Ppl bought 90% of my stuff
  3. Got skinning and didn’t spend too much money pushing tailoring forward.
  4. Grinding mobs and dungeons on higher lvls. Once I dinged 38 I went to crystal cave in STV. Basilisks there give you good vendor trash and thick leather that sold around~1g20s for a stack and it sold really fast, often times ppl would buy it in 10-15 min after I put it on AH. Also I did some SM, but not too much, I did it like 12 times in a span of a week. Once I hit 40 I had my 90g. And after that gold is way easier to come by. I got 60g by strictly managing my gold and since I’ve got 40 I earned ~ 50g doing almost nothing

The way I saved up a lot of money was to only train the bread and butter skills I needed for soloing and my healing abilities. Because of that I only had to grind very little for the missing gold. And if I wasn’t going hard on my trade skills I would not have needed to grind at all.