Best way to farm gold for lvl 40 mount?

Hello I only have 35g and I’m really sick of walking everywhere.

Roll a Lock


Farm rock elementals in the bad lands. Elemental earths sell for 60s-1g a piece, solid stones have a decent sell price, and all the vendor trash adds up.


Stop spending money? I’m level 36, I’m leveling through low level zones (finishing wetlands atm) and I have over 60 gold without any explicit farming. I have few little tricks, but nothing extraordinary. And I bought every skill so far, leveled BS to 190, Cooking to 192, First Aid to 240, bought every profession recipe from vendor, bought 14-slot bags, bought some stuff for my alts. I would easily have 100 gold by now if I did not spend so much, but I’m sure that I’ll buy my mount at level 40-42 anyway.

lmao get grindin boyo

skinning leatherworking?

Grind out those mobs and skin em and sell it all to vendor

I’m sure that you’ll get more money by crafting items and vendoring items instead of leathers.


I have 120g, bought my mount, nightscape set, and Hellm of Fire. Skinning/Mining/Fishing/Cooking is how i made most of it. Diving for Shell fish in Desolace helped a lot

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Farm Shellfish in Shadowprey Village. Good money and almost no XP.

When I was 41 I spend a few evenings grinding the basilisks in the areas between Grom’Gol and Gurubashi. They drop a lot of vendor trash. If you are a skinner they are even better.

Got my mount money easily and also got money to train all my trade skills to Artisan and my important skills at 42.

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If you still dont have gold for mount by now you must be buying other stuff and you should stop doing that. The money comes on it’s own if you just keep levling in a regular fashion.


Fish deviate.

Invest into 12slot bags and go instance running. Each run nets ~1.5-2g from greys and greens. SM Armory has 2 chests that have grey items that most parties don’t bother looting and they contain 80s greys. Blue greed rolls are at ~1g at vendor. Green stam+int/str/agi stuff put oh AH at 1-1.5g. Collect all cloth and sell on AH. By the time i finished through SM starting at 32 all the way through to 40 i had my mount gold WITH all skills trained.

How the hell do you have 35g at 44!?

I couldn’t afford my mount at 40 but still had about 85g and borrowed a few g. At 40, the quest rewards increase exponentially too. I think between 40-44 I made more than 35g alone! I did ZF at 44 and probably made about 15g-20g in a couple of runs between quests, greens and general money loot.

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Farm earth elementals in arathi. They have annoying stuns but loot is VERY lucrative for it’s level.
P.S. and stop vasting gold on skills!

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best way is to keep leveling.
you’ll be doing that anyways sometimes and the gold from quests is good.

I got my mount purely by vendoring.
I even bought some stuff off the AH for my whirlwind axe at 30.
It shouldn’t be that hare, don’t buy all your abilities.

Just kill all the crab people you see. They drop greens sometimes.

I found on my server Unstable Trigger’s could be made for about 3g and flipped for 5.5-7G per stack of 8 for a level 50 quest and made about 60G in a day. Failing that, farming elemental earth is a good shout.

im lvl 38 got 150 g … is so easy just grind all day and get skinning/minging or herbals

Craaaaaab people. Craaaaaab people…