Better balance on arenas!

Hello all!

I realized myself after observing many things that the gear (full hateful) does not make you god for someone in full savage. That is a great plus for Blizzard. It’s more combination of skills and CC than a gear.

And I think the factor that makes disbalance on arenas is two things:

  1. Buffing each other
  2. Drinking or eating food on arenas.

These two things should be forbidden. We have wPvP and BGs for that.

If rogue + DK meets holydin+warr or DK on arenas this warrior (or DK) has 10% more strength and stamina than normally. Should not be allowed for keeping up the balance.
Paladin cannot use lay on hands but mage can use evocation (8min CD) (good that not 9.99sec CD)
Mage has an extremely good mobility and can run away and eat his OP cakes which restore HP and mana very quickly. Arena is not a place for that.

All of us should use only factory skills and do not buff each other.

If you cancel that more people could take a different partner on arenas and fights would be more equal for everyone.

  1. Buffing one another = synergising with your team mates = the foundation of group-based PvP. It is absurd to suggest that this is OP as having access to certain buffs with different teammates [e.g. Turbocleave giving Warrior Windfury totem] allows for greater comp variety.
  2. Don’t let them drink then? If you allow an enemy to safely drink and regen mana then that is a misplay on your end.

Who told you that gear must not affect arena and people must be equal?
Forget about that, Lich Arena about your gear, class (and your partner class) and only than your skill, arena is not a closed mini game, thats part of game where loot is random
if you dont like it, go play retail, but even than…

Then you woud have to buff or change and redesing half of classes/spec that are there mainly as Buffers/debuffers

You don’t need to change anything as you don’t need that in duel. PvP is not a raid.

What is your present rating that you are saying about misplaying?

Blizzard, creating a good balanced gear. Good work Blizzard! I was wrong for a long time:)

I agree, buffing should be disallowed. In particular you shouldn’t be able to cast anything on your partner. Why can a priest use an imbalanced PWS that absorbs 10k damage while rogue/dk don’t have an access to that and have to struggle?

Blizzard, creating a good balanced gear.

Yes, you can get 1850~ and buy gear, that’s equal/balanced or be lucky in VOA

You’re letting the enemy drink, you then come to the forums to moan about it instead of preventing the enemy from drinking.

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It’s funny how much all of you do not understand that buffing up is good for hard dungeons and makes imbalance on arena. Simple example for simple people is to get buffed from paladin +10% your main stat, drink flask and eat pig (feast). Then try to duel someone who is only on factory settings.

The only thing that should be done to balance arenas is to remove (or restrict in some other way) PvE trinkets from arena. It’s not as noticeable now, but just wait for P3 and the trinket madness that will happen.

Loot dramas due to PvP,
Increased number of ninja looters (looking at you Deathbringer’s Will),
human racial being far above anything else,
frustration because of feeling forced to do PvE content in order to stay competitive in arena,

and the list of problems will just go on if we think about it further.

But all the fotm human rerolls will cry then togheter with the human players cause its their turn to be op :upside_down_face:

Why would you duel them if you are on ‘factory settings’? Get buffs too?

This is honestly one of the worst L2P posts I have seen in a long time.

Couldn’t care less about Human racial, that’s just only a small part of a much bigger problem. Give humans some other advantage if needed, IDC. But I really don’t want to see (once again) guilds disband because of misgiving Bauble of True Blood to a DPS. That Blood Queen piece of crap is a pure guildbreaker.

They could just put in the retail human racial. It will still be one of the top racials while not being completely broken. But doubt they will.

Gotta make money with those faction and race changes though. Played human since classic, gonna go draenei for PvE when possible

It is so sad I have to write it… your own buffs are just factory settings.

I almost feel bad for undeads and orcs.

PvP is not equal - never was and never will be - and all of those buffs are interactions between players that have always existed in WoW.

Your basic premise is that you are losing against certain class combinations because they are using their knowledge of game mechanics to gain and advantage - that is called strategy - you don’t remove strategy from the game to compensate for players with poor knowledge and skill - you encourage those players to do some research - understand their strengths and weaknesses - and improve.

You have no argument at all - only a WAAAH - I suck at PvP because I don’t know how to counter (insert class combination here)

It sounds like you contradict yourself and even are not aware of that.

If arenas are not equal why there is no 1vs1 mode then?

I absolutely love guy guys in the forum paraphrasing comments into quotes - it does make me smile.

You can 1 v 1 in duel or open world.

Again - what YOU are saying is "I suck at PvP because I don’t know how to counter (insert class combination here)

Arena’s are not equal - never will be - folk have different gear and skill levels.

I think you seem to be saying that “I want to win arena’s even if I suck”

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