Blizzard asked me why did I unsub the game?


On the start I desire to inform everyone that I find WoW WOTLK as a wonderful game, I love this game and it’s still the number one MMORPG in my eyes (Wotlk).

But as a casual I cannot get endgame gear just by myself, I have to rely on others. If my arena setup does not work (2vs2) I have to find not only a few more people but certain classes, also. I am dependent on their time and you force me to speak with them via voice communicator, because arenas are impossible without it.

You say that deadly set is just 12% better than hateful, but I DO NOT agree with that. In practice, OP class to me will have more attack/spell power and more resilience than me (+3 slots for weapons for 1800 rating = additional resi which I cannot have).

Instead of having fun in the world, you force me to increase skills in arenas that I do not have. My Gladdy and Gladius do not show spec detection for some reason in any version of WoW (looks like reserved for some people to get them an advantage). In Naxx25 they are angry with me because my DBM also does not work and I do not know when the boss goes frenzy and when to use MC to MC worshipper.

Addons make me sick because they work on some comps, but don’t on others.

I am not mad at Blizzard, I do not complain for Blizzard, I even DO NOT NEED ANSWERS for this post. I hope that Blizzard is satisfied (by my answer) now, why I left WoW. Like many others, I am waiting for this new MMO ever made by someone. I love WoW, Blizzard created a real masterpiece, but the implemented system supports hardcores not casual and noobs like me.

I wish everyone a good night and top fun with WoW.


Ohh, it’s this person again lol.

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What an utterly worthless reply.

Good on ya OP, my guild keeps sucking me in ;(


You aren’t forced to do anything. If you aren’t good enough to get Deadly via arenas, that means you don’t deserve it and there is completely nothing wrong with this. I’ll never be able to push high MMR in arenas, because I’m just bad and that’s completely okay.


Your reply is also worthless :person_shrugging:
The OP just posts a load of junk topics all the time.
This is likely just another one of them lol.

I just post on this, because I’ve always posted on this lol.
This is also a retail character I haven’t played since MOP xD.

So read with understanding before posting - I wrote I did not expect answers. One person (Jeynar) also wrote you about your worthless one.

If you are gonna leave then just do it, don’t come on here and whine.


(Edited by Blizzard - Please keep the forum Code of Conduct in mind when posting)

I mean, it’s just another whine post from you :person_shrugging:

“This poster isn’t feeding my sense of self-importance, they must be an idiot!” - You.

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I’m not one to belittle posts/feedback, but you’ve unsubbed because getting endgame gear (not a requirement in the game btw) requires you to rely on others, in an online game, in a MMORPG…? Unsubbed because you have to rely on others - I just had to say it again as I don’t believe I read it.

I don’t know why your DBM wouldn’t work, the only reason is read only permissions, beyond that it’s all the client which is the same for everyone.

If you’ve actually unsubbed, this is the weakest reasoning I’ve ever seen in my time playing WoW.

As an uber casual myself still with 3 pieces of level 70 gear despite playing since Wrath launch, I don’t think I side with your idea about casuals and hardcore players. WOTLK is the welfare expansion, where you can get really good gear without doing whatever the current end game raid is as the expansion progresses.


You’ve gotta stop making threads and declaring you don’t want answers :laughing:


I mean, I play MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER games in order to experience solo content only and I for one am totally confused as to why group content is a good way to gear up.


I play it also for a solo experience, mainly because those who play games now - any game - generally aren’t fun to play with anymore.

Group content is a quick way to get gear, but I’d hazard a guess there’s a major case of FOMO going on with many.

I may have been joking…
Honestly I’m having plenty fun playing with groups, both PUGs and my guildmates.

Hello, bye.

Are you an economy designer? Or are you barking just for nothing?

You should have answered via the mail, dont write here.

Give me some contact details. maybe i can convince them to give you a reason to stop posting on the forums.

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Lol? For real?

I thought for sure Blizzard did not pay any mind to the EU forums