Beware, toxic players randomly kicking from Timewalking

Isn’t this open for abuse too tho?
I don’t feel like there’s any good option out there cause humans just behave terrible and will ruin anything good… :frowning:

There is a core problem with the game’s design, which makes people disposable. In my opinion, the dungeon finder should be deleted from the game. When you have an easy game in which other players are more of an obstacle than an advantage, the community becomes toxic.

The way to fix this is to make leveling dungeons be as difficulty as heroic, or even mythic. Make them a challenge. Then remove LFG. When players aren’t disposable, but are instead something you seek out and need, the community ends up better.

The problem with an easy game, like WoW’s leveling is that it gives people an insurmountable ego, and they need to be playing M+15 and above in order to get an ego check.

An MMO cannot be good if it is easy.

I actually disagree with this opinion, as I have met equally toxic behaviour from people who play “harder” games too.

LFG is a good tool in and of itself, but sadly people just ruin everything - no matter what it is.


In competitive games there’s a huge advantage to being a rotten hellspawn. Tilting the enemy can give you a win. :wink:

You can however also cause him to tilt without saying anything at all.

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I’m not talking about competetive games even… I’m talking “Harder” games and their communities, during conventions etc.
(Doom, Darksouls, Jazz Jackrabbit, idk - games in general)

Humans are just garbo very often… sorry I am a not-happy-with-the-world moo :frowning:


No, it means a part of a bicycle.

And the feel of BFA rearing you.

Warframe does something right, because the community there is very friendly. I think one of the main contributing factors is that other players are always an advantage, and never expendable. Having more players affects your reward, the amount of exp you get.

But also there’s a restriction to how people can join - if you do the first objective of a missions, players can’t join you anymore. So if a player leaves after an objective has been done, that player is irreplaceable.

One way to improve LFG in terms of how the community works is to make it impossible to look for players after a boss has been defeated in the dungeon.

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I mean you can look to Warframe forum based places and find rotten eggs too, quite sure some people experience it in game as well at some point.

I think the “impossible to look for replacement” stuff would hurt the good players more than the bad.
Easy to greif… I mean just look at M+ scene.

Sadly, there will never be a good enough system to fix this issue…
MAYBE if everyone is forced into a Camera-Zoom meeting cause then you can actually see the people you hurt?

Warframe’s community is something beyond salvation the past 2 years. I don’t know why you brought it up regardless, as the game lacks kick vote to my knowledge.

…I’m sorry? I did not bring Warframe up… I replied to Popgligor?

Edit nr 1:
Oh I see what happened. I pressed the reply to thread button instead of reply to person button.

Edit nr 2:
Oh wait no I didn’t. I actually DID press the reply button… ok then yeah, I was replying to Pop. Hope that helps you.

Edit nr 3:
I think it should be more obvious that posts are a reply to someone. :frowning:

My bad.


I mean, yes? LFG is just EZ-dungeon spam for entitled butt-lords who wanna get in, do it in 15 minutes, get out. and they won’t hesitate to kick random people they most likely never will see again, however, in Classic wow(and back in vanilla) you had to put EFFORT into getting into a dungeon, explain why you would contribute apart from dps, I remember on my level 44 hunter, I had so much trouble getting dungeons, until I started advertising “Knows how to corner-pull and which mobs to trap” and usually that would get a bunch of people whispering me going “Ok, how and which mobs” and then 10 minutes of back and forth with questions would almost always get a invite, good hunters were rare back then since most of them just spammed mulit-shot and needed on every item.

Feels blessed to play alliance and never experience such :sparkles: toxic :sparkles: environment

Welcome to timewalking

We kick people for fun

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Don’t they mean “pedal” as “to backpedal”, which is considered noob gameplay in wow? Basically using the S key to walk backwards? I remember back in MoP when people heavily made fun of people who did that, as it was usually noobs who did so.

Gawd I can’t keep up with the lingo already. One minute a teen next you’re practically old. 20s going by so fast…

Really not sure if that’s the case though, to kick someone because of it makes no sense

I was playing my Forsaken priest as Holy spec in Cata Tw recently.
I missed a Tauren WW Monk and he died.
I immediately apologized, he replied son of a $#@_& in slavic. How unfortunate for him I had google translate.
I immediately reported him and moved on, he was probably with two friends from the same server.
Got killed in a boss fight and we wiped because I was writing the report.
We finished the dungeon and I moved on.

I was playing my BE Warrior in protection spec in TW cata.
We got the End of Time dungeon.
None waited for me and they proceeded to go through the portal and engage the Dragons in the scenario where Baine is.
We wiped and I told them we could just mount up and dodge it.
Again none listened.
The healer was only healing other’s.
Look at name plates and premade.
I said to myself: “I either quit this dungeon or accept I won’t get any heals.”
No way in hell I would waste more time so I accepted I wouldn’t get any heals, died a couple of times, finished the boss and left as fast as I could.
Was it worth it ?
Try buying a 445 ILV piece in the AH.
For me it definitely was.

I entered another TW halfway, I don’t remember if it was MoP.
I get a whisper to accept vote kick because one of the players were being a racist.
I in my good faith accept it.
Than a second vote to kick another player comes up. By this point it was pretty clear two friends wanted to “clear the party”.
I immediately left and logged another character and queued again.

That’s my advantage, for playing 10 characters. If one gets the deserter buff, I immediately change to another.

It’s the price you pay for the convenience, you get.
5 runs completed so far for my BE hunter, no complains, good parties.
9 characters remaining. (This one included).
45 runs to go, I might get a bad group, but I love the convenience of TW.
So I will just keep queueing again and again.

That’s my experience.

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For the record, this is exactly stereotyping. There are living and breathing wastes is resources everywhere.