Beware, toxic players randomly kicking from Timewalking

I think they should just shorten deserter, if you get kicked. Say, 5 minutes? If after that 5 minutes you enter another dungeon and get kicked again, then give the 30 minute debuff. Its unlikely you’d face two kicks in a row if it’s not your fault… or am I being a little too hopeful here? :thinking:

This is why the first thing you do in TW (or any other DF in general…) should be checking for the obvious signs of premade parties. 3 guys of one guild, one realm, you know the drill, they can kick you because they felt like it. Reasons do not matter in the least because they can kick you for not being one of them.

In Polish it’s also offensive slang word for homosexual man. Also in like half of Slavic languages. Doesn’t translate well to English for this precise reason.

Lots of things make no sense yet they’re done anyway because they CAN be done. The fact that you see no reason to do something doesn’t mean someone else also sees no reason to do it. Even if it’s “for lulz” or “wonder what this thing does”.

I recommend bringing 2 or more friends to ensure kick immunity, as votekicking requires 3-4 people to click yes. Or having lots of alts and/or patience. Or play a tank, then you’re the God-Emperor of DF, practically irreplaceable because new DPS comes in 5 seconds but getting a new tank can take up to 1 hour.

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