Wow has never felt more unrewarding, in an expansion that showers you with ‘rewards’ and whilst BFA could be solid, it has a myriad of issues, the aforementioned being key.
Solid crap baton that is.
8.0 was a disaster.
we need the dislike button back for posts like this.
I think BFA is one of the better expansions.
At this point I can do my raids, while pretty much only doing a keystone dungeon a week. Legion was oppressive with Artifact and Legendary grinds. I can play all my druid specs. Raids are good, M+ is good and RBGs are good.
That said I still rate MoP and TBC higher, mainly due to the late pruning and over ‘spec’-ification of classes.
An ignore button would help also.
I’m definitely enjoying raiding in bfa… And that’s about it. I wouldn’t mind that except in order to raid efficiently I have to do a ton of boring mindless rubbish. Raiding doesn’t give any gold so I have to farm herbs to pay for my raid consumables. Then if I want augment runes for progression I need to go into LFR and random heroics. If I want to unlock all my azerite traits I either have to do world quests or island expeditions.
Why can’t I just be allowed to do raiding instead of being funnelled into stuff I don’t enjoy.
3 months into expansion:
- Mobs go through textures and pull half the instance (Tol Dagor for example)
- When you DC in an instance you get disconnected while trying to log in as long as an encounter is in progress AND as long as you do not get a soft reset throwing you to the beggining of said instance.
- Half the professions are non-existant. JC - gone. Mining - basically gone. A couple more barely alive.
- 355 ilvl CRAFTED trinkets are so overpowered they outclass ANY 395 trinket available from ANY other kind of content. Except, of course, of world boss retardeforged trinkets that are OP as well but locked by extreme RNG.
- 395 WF Trinket available from the final boss of raid tier is so shJt it’s on par with 335 world quest trinkets
- Fire mages 1-shot people in arena
- Leather class stacking for M+ is the only way to go. You want to push higher keys? Better be one of these classes: rogue, DH, mage, blood DK, monk. Otherwise enjoy your +13’s at best.
- Flasks and potions cost an arm and a leg because of just stupid amounts of materials needed.
There’s plenty more but you should get the idea at this point. This expansions so far is the biggest mountain of garbage that’s ever been.
the healing/caster crafted 355s are total garbage compared to M+ trinkets
I think he is talking specifically about Fathoms and only fathoms blocked got 2 buffs and it’s still garbage as fck.
@Lilura but I see you really enjoy your titanforging 380+ though I’m just being naughty no offence given. I think titanforging helps you reaching that step above you otherwise can’t. How many times you loot nothing or the same item over and over… azerite especially.
Thanks to titanforging you’re able to step to a much better content. I hate it too but if that grant me access to HC raid content even if I have 2 rings 345 I’m waiting to replace since three weeks ago… well god bless titanforging
Is this OP for real? “Expansion is so fun and yes I took a break.”
You wrote this, like legion was a good expansion
For both of you and Aundra…
Lilura, if you have problems in M10-15 with your gear, than that is not because of your gear, but your group, be it you yourself or someone else or even multipple people with small mistakes.
For Aundra… loot progression and other progression blocking systems are good to separate people in terms of their dedication rates.
It’s already hard for random groups to decide whether or not to invite someone into a M10+, titanforging forced out the existence of raider .io, which esentially made M+ impossible with pug for M10 for certain classes, that are not ‘must have’ and players with less than 1000-1200 score.
Titanforging also takes away the achivement factor of earning better gear, because you can just go out to do some sh*tty WQ and get 395 titanforge with socket and bonus stat… and what have you done for it? Killed some random guy that you could kill any time by just right clicking on it? what an effort… but in a mythic raid, unfortunately other than extremely preciseteam coordination, you neither have to do anyting, Uldir cleared by Method on the first week just proves it… over 370+ the only thing you need is to have the current OP fktard race-class-spec combo, but at least one of the currently godlike spec and you’re better by 1,5-2 times AT LEAST, than the other lesser beings…
Also, most of the things are not ‘you can do these’, but ‘you MUST do these’, because if you don’t constantly roll the dice and pay for your lottery ticket, then you realy have no chance of getting better stuff, but even if you do, over 370+ you’ll need dozens of M+ runs to get a few items, that you might need and they HAVE TO titanforge… in the end, getting a usefull item or becoming a maxxed out character became completel impossible and gearing up became extremely unrewarding, because the extra power you get from a better item is negligible.
You can gear up in around 2-4 weeks from lvl 1 to lvl 120 370+ ilvl, then you can farm azerite… how enjoyable… to repeat the same thing over and over again instead of doing what I wish to to in the game.
And I haven’t even touched uppon the jokes of the expansion: PvP(class balance) and azerite traits.
three weeks ago? cute, i should have replaced those trinkets three months ago
this is my first 120, raided non-stop since week 1
i used seals every week, up to last week…i don’t even bother anymore
and no, i did not enjoy that 395
Hahaha, good one…
Worst expansion in the history of this game. GCD and pruning ruins classes. Leveling is non-engaging, boring and after a certain level there’s 0 character progression. PvP is 25% of the fun of MoP. On top of that nothing is really worth doing anymore with the abundance of RNG.
2/10 expansion
It’s gear. My group’s current highest is a 12 in time. We got a 13 King’s Rest, this was last week with tyrannical. We tried it, and the reason we didn’t even finish it was simply because it wasn’t possible for our healer to outheal the ridiculous Spit Gold ticks on the first boss. He’s the best healer in our guild and is 12th on the druid healer board for our realm. If he can’t outheal it, I don’t doubt his skill, just the numbers.
For me this is the worst expansion i’ve ever played in WoW. Even worse than WoD. WoD was actually solid, the very little content we had, was actually decent. The content we have in BfA is boring no matter how you look at it. I just wish a miracle would happen in future patch that will add some flavor to this boring expansion.
EDIT: I got myself thinking, what content is the OP even talking about though? Dungeons&raids? Ye ye fine, that’s the norm. But what else exactly? Rep grind and WQs? The fact WQs are the base end-game content for anyone that doesn’t raid is straight out an insult to the customer.
What content? WoD had raiding, which has been good in pretty much every expansion, and then what? Dungeons were terrible even after Mythic got introduced, the only incentive was the heirloom trinkets. Apexis was god awful. Tanaan jungle just added a load of rares to give alts gear and not much else. World bosses were pathetic. So, what content in WoD was solid?