I didn’t count the medalions, if I did it would have been from 7 to 4 which still feels like half because the medallions are not class or spec specific, this is just my way of looking at this tho. Most of my builds needed multiple talents to set, yes you can choose specific talents now that were on the same row, but, personally, I don’t like that and in my honest opinion is still a net loss in customization, it feels that way to me atleast.
Don’t get me wrong. my arguement is biased because I have opinions, but some of the most fun pvp playstyles for me atleast have been made impossible and all viable builds feel clunky and weird to play compared to Legion
The legion extra traits were questionable in some regards, they made you very poweful, but on the other hand they balanced the world around you to fit that powerlevel. I would even say that the artifact traits are more balanced then BFA classes were because BFA at the start was basically minimal class changes without artifact traits which were promised to be balanced around eachother without the traits in mind, this didn’t hold up, class balance took a hit from legion into BFA so all in all, BFA’s initial class balance was worse then what Legion had
AP/AZ acquisition is something I can do without tbh, I just see (not saw) it as a flat 1:1 copy with the changes being cosmetic in that instead of the numbers getting bigger, the amount you need for a new level becomes smaller every week. I also want to stress that I cannot wait for 8.1 because as you say, this fixes a lot of issues BUT, the real point I was trying to make; We felt like we had a lot of choice in Legion, we could progress our artifact weapon to unlock more traits which slowly progressed, that felt great, now we’ve reached th epoint where azerite trait unlockin gfor gear feels as clunky as leveling, you have to level 5 levels on your neck before you can increase in power. Sure the power up is bigger then one trait was but there’s just a much much bigger length of time between moments of excitement and those moments of excitement tend to be rather shortlived.
Azerite traits to me feel like they were intended to replace artifact relics and only those but because of the removal of artifact abilities and legendaries it immediately became the default replacement for all of these, intentional or not.
I know PL isn’t a BFA feature, I never said it was, however not being able to opt out of it IS a BFA feature, it was done in the last weeks of Legion with BFA in mind. It’s the inability to opt out I was mentioning.
With PvP WQ’s I mean WQ’s with pvp specific rewards. in Legion unfortionately they made it so that you only met other players to pvp with the FFA WQ’s, now we have warmode which is basically an alternate azeroth with pvp on and yet somehow we’re still killing sets of 10 krolusks in warmode.
In Legion, the pvp wq’s were either about the faction war or about arena, that’s basically what I want for BFA (atleast warmode), BFA’s wq system’s strength is thankfully in warmode something that brings players together, but to say that it would make no sense to have more pvp or faction war oriented WQ’s with pvp rewards for warmode I can’t agree with.
Actually, taking this into account, I’d say that both Legion and BFA WPvP was handled weirdly in the sense that it both worked to a certain point, but not completely.
Honor being a reward for the pvp wq’s was a bit weak yeah, but rewards like marks of were alright, maybe a pieces of gear that scales with you the same way regular wpvp gear does only with pvp appearance, they could even reward usables for BG’s and arena’s
IE isn’t unpopular sure, but at the same time it’s not as popular as they hoped which was my arguement as to why I believe(!) they upped the artifact power rewards, too many people were lagging behind.
AP in Legion felt better then it does in BFA for me, because I’m not a fan of the system and can do without it, the idea that you passively got something for everything you did was A+ in my book, but having to go out and keep track of it, I don’t see how it adds anything outside of a bland farming element to the game through scenario’s. With the recent fix and upping of azerite power from some sources it feels like that issue has already been adressed in my eyes tho so I didn’t mention it.
As for IE offering variation, that variation is cosmetic only, it’s still you and 2 others vs a set of predefined mobs, rares and resources you have to kill before a predefined set of enemies from the opposing factions do. If you see one you havn’t seen them all sure, but currently if you’ve done one you’ve done them all.
I heared MOS m+ AP farming was a think but honestly were there actually people who put themselves through this torture? just spend every downtime minute farming exactly that? do these players even still play because I would get burnt out under a month, probably sooner. I’ve been in a lot of guilds over legion and I havn’t met a single player who did this but I read it as an arguement everywhere.
Ideally, you get the gear to drop and the abilities on it are available to you and AP will never be needed again.
It was only upped in emissery’s yeah but not by a small margin, from 400 baseline to a 1000 baseline, that’s 600 extra AP every day, that’s like… I actually don’t know how many IE’s they are because I don’t do them, but it’s bound to be more then 1, 600*7 = 4200 extra AP a week, it feels like this was implemented so that you can still get the amount of extra AP from a weekly IE without actually doing IE’s, while also being able to farm even more if you also do IE’s, but the amount they estimated is now available to everyone even outside of IE’s.
Conquest gives you psuedochoices, “you get to choose between two items, one has better itemization for your spec/class”, that’s not much of a choice. Again, the current system requires me to complete the entire conquest bar 4 (I got off my buttocks (apparently the alternative word for Donkey isn’t allowed) this weekend and forced myself into it again) more times before I get a gear upgrade, to me this just drive me away from BG’s even tho I used to just do them for the sake of doing them in legion (pvp customization (not viability) taking a hit makes it less fun to play in general because I can’t play with my prefered style anymore. I.E. I do not experience my character’s playstyle as engaging enough to just want to play it against other players for the sake of it, again, personal experience/opinion tho)
I don’t mind 385 being obtainable for a small amount, ideally that’s the way it should be. I’m just really digging the PvE changes to M+ chests and really really really hope they’ll just copy paste it over to PvP and maybe change the amount of tokens needed for slots and tokens gained from objectives, I’ll take your word for it that 385 in this system for pvp would be unobtainable and to that I’d say; do a number tweak after the copy job so that it meets the time invested (roughly 2-3 weeks) for a token depending on the difficulty
Good arguements tho