BFA is actually a solid expansion

Well for few months of BFA i have been a good fan boy and defended blizzard and bfa in both forums and reddit but even i cant claim bfa is good anymore. I just want legion back…


I am not sure what’s solid about BFA.

90% of BFA’s so called “content” is a rather uninspired reduced version of what we had in Legion: azerite instead of AP + legendaries + tiersets, plus standard instances + raids + PVP.

The remaining 10% are completely out-of-this-world boring rehashes of random group PVE, one for small groups = island expeditions and another for big groups = warfronts.

This is a lot of content? This is a lot of grind, yes. As in, you can go ahead and try getting all the drops from islands and since drop chances are so low and drops are random and island types are timegated, this will take you a while. But it is utterly uninteresting. Low effort from the side of the devs produces low quality content, who’d have thought.

BFA is so great that I ran out of things to do in BFA after a little more than a month and by now spent twice as much time in the old lands than on Kul Tiras / Zandalar. And that’s the beginning of the expansion, it is going to get worse after 8.3 - if we are going to even have 8.3 worth speaking about.

If was fun to start with, there wasn’t much I didn’t like about the game, I like the scaling, loot system was ok to start with ect, much content to do but then I hit a wall.

Couldn’t get into groups for M+ couldn’t create own groups due to how long it took to form. ( hours) always got judged on a 3rd party (skill) based score system.

Rio killed the game for me in fact. I haven’t played in over a month.

Luckily I spoke to a GM and my sub will be froze and re-added when I decide it’s fun/playable again :blush:

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I haven’t played since WOD (which was an unpopular expansion) but i despise this expansion for a number of reasons.

  1. No true PVP servers

  2. The GCD makes everything feel horrible and sluggish

  3. The complete clipping of abilities (How can I be 20 levels higher and have less versitility? (not the stat I mean the gameplay)

  4. The azerite aweful gating system designed for grind

  5. Honour vendors gone? for BG gear? I used to be able to gear up in a battleground and feel a nice increased curve of power as i got more bits I just don’t get that sensation anymore…

  6. The level adjustments (I know alot of games do this guild wars etc… But i don’t like it) I realise at this point I am possibly like a grumpy old man that doesn’t like change.

  7. The plot line gets a mention by quite a few people, but actually I don’t mind the sylvanus going full loco thing I actually quite like it.


P.s. I really enjoyed Wod i might have been the only one… Also maybe cause i finally cracked that 2k pvp ranking in a good battleground guild where I felt like i contributed alot. Also had the comeradre in the guild too, which is maybe why it rings a good expansion for me as the social level got there… Also the gearing wasn’t really dragged out and painfull as i was able to hit my max pvp setup with not too much annoyance which i like from a pvp perspective.

I like legion so i also like bfa

Couldn’t say I didn’t play legion

They can do that? Tell me more please

“tons of content and things to do”, that nobody cares about, because it is meaningless and boring content.

I wonder what is worse, having a game with little content, which is tons of fun
or a game with tons of content, which is little fun

considering wotlk and mop both had much less content than bfa, but the content was much more fun and both expansions i liked far better than bfa, i’m going to say the later is worse.


I agree both with mellinora and dappy. It was fun at begin because there was a lot to do. It was just 1 month after that i realized that was an unfinished legion 2.0. Not solid at all. With my sub strictly linked to the sinkin ship (march), i Hope 8.1 bring some fresh air …


Ademes, i am glad you said “Just thought I’d have my say since people who hate it get to have their say and it would be nice to have both sides share their passion for the game.”

I mean i dont enjoy this game at all, its just too boring after having so many things gone from legion, felt like i leveled down 20 levels, but its just my opinion.

To me it feels like there should be a balance of ingame content, and how fun your class is. And if there are alot content to do for me, but at the same time, my class is boring, then the game will still be boring, sadly. Thats why i preferred leveling alts in WOD and now. Well not anymore, i gave up on the game after hearing how Blizzard ignored elemental shaman feedback on the beta and now * shamans so hard they have to be redone in 8.1. And Warcraft GO… man i cant quit the game fully as i have 2 years off WoW tokens…:frowning:


I could barely read most of these replies… Most people keep saying that “Legion had more content”. This, is bulls**t, unless, like a MORON, you are comparing the END of Legion to the START of BFA.

In 7.0 (Start of Legion) nearly every aspect of the game was unenjoyable.

AP farming sucked.
Artifact weapons sucked, people didn’t like them.
The raid sucked.
M+ didn’t exist till 7.1
People didn’t enjoy the dungeons at the beginning.
You couldn’t play alts, you HAD to stay playing 1 character and 1 spec, otherwise the AP grind would make you fall behind majorly.
The Order halls for each class was considered “Garrisons 2.0” and quite a few people didn’t like them.

There was NO content compared to BFA’s start of the expansion. There is SO MUCH MORE to do in BFA than there ever was in Legion to begin with, and by the end of it, BFA will have more content than Legion did.

Get’s on my nerves when people compare the end of Legion to the beginning of BFA. I’m guessing most who do either didn’t play at the start of Legion, or completely forget that Legion was just as hated at the start, if not more so, than BFA is.

All there was at the start of Legion were:
1 raid
Mythic dungeons

At the start of BFA, there are:
1 raid
Mythic dungeons
Island expaditions

Not to mention, zones that are easier to get around than Legion, BFA’s main cities are not laggy, compared to how Dalaran was. 2 separate campaign’s (Horde and Alliance), where as Legion had 1 that everyone followed.

There is a lot more to the start of BFA to the start of Legion. Stop being morons and comparing it to the end of Legion, it’s just stupid.

Start of legion, I had 1 level 110. Start of BFA, I have 6 level 120’s, all of which are 340+ ilvl. It’s more alt friendly (And will be more so in 8.1) and there is a lot more to do.


You have a terrible memory.

I am not a big fan of Legion (as many are), but saying that BFA has more content than Legion is just stupid.

Let’s ignore the subjective digs at Legion in your post and concern ourselves strictly with the factual lists above.

You missed:

  • Mythic+ were there in Legion as well, yes, at launch. You misremember.
  • Artifact with traits + legendaries with abilities + tier sets even at launch of Legion were much better than azerite gear in BFA. A lot of the traits and tons of abilities on legendaries were something people were looking forward to. The only issue with legendaries were how difficult they were to obtain - that’s different from the design of abilities. Plus, guess what, azerite gear is also difficult to obtain, so…
  • Legion had Suramar. Nothing like this in BFA and nothing even close to it.
  • Legion had EFFING DEMON HUNTERS. A new class. With their own zone / order halls / etc. Nothing comparable in BFA at all.

In systems, Legion added:

  • Profession quests - which were perhaps overdone, but that still was something you could play. Unlike BFA.
  • Transmog 2.0 - a universally liked feature giving people reasons to collect old gear. Nothing like this in BFA.
  • Lots more pet battle content than BFA. Lots more. It is just incomparable.

And by the way, you count warmode towards BFA, but it was not added in BFA, it was added in Legion.

And, by the way, Legion added world quests, BFA merely didn’t delete them. This effort was spent in Legion. So, yeah, while both expansions had world quests, if Legion didn’t have them, BFA wouldn’t have had them either, so that’s additional points for Legion. It’s similar with several other things which Legion added and BFA merely didn’t delete.

Your list is trash. Legion had significantly more content at launch than BFA had, and that content was better.


No, they were brought in in 7.1, not when Legion came out. Check the Wowhead, even says it there.

Wrong. Though the traits on the weapon were better than the system now, the grind for the Artifact power was nothing BUT painful at the start. Wasn’t until 7.1-7.2 that they implemented catch-up mechanics. Where as now, you have had catch-up mechanics from the second week.

You forget Surumar was stuck behind a 20,000/21,000 rep grind. You couldn’t complete the zone till you had almost exalted with them. Not to mention, you forget the lag people had in Surumar. You mainly had to grind WQ’s there.

Also, as an Alliance player, what was my purpose of being there? You know, since, after I had helped to “reclaim Surumar” for them, they allied with the Horde?

Yes, I will give you that. They did have DH’s. You know, since BFA hasn’t introduced Allied Races or anything. Those aren’t apart of BFA, right? 6 Allied Races (Soon to be 8) compared to 1 new class with 2 new specs.

Yes, professions are not in a great position.

No, but it’s STILL apart of BFA. So, that content that came out in Legion is still the same content in BFA. So, that’s a moot point.

There’s pet battle dungeons in BFA. They didn’t come out till LATE Legion.

It was added in BFA pre-patch, when the stat squish happened, and is a BFA feature. Simple as that.

SO, because Legion ADDED them, that makes them non-content in BFA now? Is that what you’re saying? Because that’s just moronic. Raids and Dungeons don’t count as content either, since they’ve been in since Classic. Same with quests and everything else Legion brought. WQ’s are just “dailies” with new names, nothing special. No content exists in ANY expansion if that’s how you see it.

Your memory is trash, not my list. Only good thing to come of when Legion came out were the class differences, that was it. Everything else was pretty much disliked.

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Not going to reply, all you are doing is trying your damnedest to stretch facts to come to your pre-set conclusion, even if this includes rewriting history and making factual errors.

Call me delusional then delete it, good for you. You clearly were not around for the beginning or Legion, or you just completely forgot about it and now brag how “good Legion was” because of it being at the end.

I think you are making a little confusion here. Patch 7.1 was “Return to Karazhan”, and mythic+ started already a few weeks before when EN started. For the record, you are right about everything else you said.

Knowing me, I probably did make this mistake. Truthfully, I “think” I saw it say “Mythic+ came out in 7.1” somewhere on WoWhead and took it as proof (I vanished just as EN came out for the last part of LFR and didn’t come back till near the end of Nighthold, I couldn’t deal with the grinding anymore xD).

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BFA is :face_vomiting:
The devs response to Q&A :face_vomiting:
The community that supports WoW: bfa :face_vomiting:
The players in forum/game that view themselves as elitists :face_vomiting:
The forum moderators :face_vomiting:
and finally the investors :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


The players that have barely done content but complain about it are :face_vomiting:
The players that have BARELY done ANY content in WoW altogether but complain about nothing to do are :face_vomiting:
The community that thinks they’re right and everyone else is wrong is :face_vomiting: (You know, since we all have our own opinions. Don’t need to follow the crowd like you do)