BFA is actually a solid expansion

The mythbusters once polished a ball of turd.

Yes it looked good and was all shiny, but it’s still a turd.


Warmode is not a feature, its a conversion that slaps PvP players and pve players both in the face.

No true commited PvP servers no true pve servers.


Beta for Azeroth appears to have been planned by Activision to actually kill of this game. Azerite armor is terrible, people have almost no chance to get the best piece for any class or spec without endless farming where as the legendaries from Legion were awesome, something similar would have been better than the crap you get now. no set bonus tier sets, fail Blizzard, they even made Alterac Valley the best BG in the game they created back in Classic, boring even for Horde. Its ridiculous to go in to it with almost zero chance to lose. Have actually sat in an AV just pitying the alliance team, we want an even match. But its seems as all of Blizzard mainly play Horde characters, they wanted to be able to farm kills themselves either after work or even at work on their breaks, There is no customer service in this company, any other company and even software developers, have a telephone number a customer can bring a problem to. As a Horde player, mainly a quest player, its actually disgusting to me to see the Horde bias that has crept in. The other day the Horde guards at a Stormsong outpost where running out and killing players, and more and more kept spawning, Inadequate thought inadequate testing inadequate development, It is obviously Activision who call the shots. Get the feeling that Mike Morhaime was actually forced out, the guys who made this work are being removed or forced out, and Ion you can tell he has never ever played this game plus the ineptitude of the main customer facing rep, in interview and posts, is a sad really sad example of a customer facing representative, Feel like I have been robbed of a true expansion rather than as Taliesin calls it a “sh 1 t show obviously”. Strange really that as customers they have managed to keep as few as they have really now relying on a guild called Method to actually keep this game alive on social media.


I don’t know what bfa you’re playing, but from my stand point, it has been quite a shaky expansion so far.
Just to list a few things:

  • leveling experience from 110-120 was dull and boring compared to the last couple of expansions.
  • PVP is in a really bad place atm.
  • Raids and dungeons are rather uninteresting

Yeah probably because they don’t feel motivated to do any content. I did plenty of content back in vanilla wod other expansions. I don’t like raiding or wq i just wanna pvp but there is no stepping stone gear now. To get my glad Warchest from brawl I have to get revered with the honour bound? WTH?

lol. I am so glad that blizzard has you running the same dungeons over and over again at different difficulties and thinking that this is content.


You can’t judge a book by it’s cover.

The cover (release) was a raging dumpster fire.

With 8.1, at least, they are admitting their mistakes and reverting some things (like leveling requirements, and some reputation relaxtion–though I am an advocate for 100% pure account wide reputation, wtf not?).

Anyway, once I got the non-sense of leveling AGAIN for like the seventh time, out of the way, can get back to things I enjoy.

Still in wait and see mode.

It was dull for me as well. It felt uninspired and felt like it was written as a job with no passion. The constant off-trail quests broke the story before it even had a chance to get going.

WQ break the immersion for me with the constant interuptions taking your attention away from the story.

Proffs still near worthless but time gated for obvious reasons. To keep you subbed. How is that working out blizz?

I am almost done with this xpac’s content and cant be bothered to even complete the quests on the other island that is not named Kul Tiras.

The only people who worked on this who cant be faulted are the sound and art teams. The music was nice and usually is. Some of the funny little sayings are ok but after you have heard them more than a few times you just want to stuff an arrow in their mouths.

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idk…I feel like Im not in a good position to judge because I really hate the Horde zones and alot of that is personal preference (Ive always hated jungle zones).
Not a big fan of the Horde storylines or capital city either so for me 50% of the expansion is instantly rubbish.

I do know Ive never disliked content in any other expansion as much as this one and Ive never felt quite so unenthused with any either.

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The expansion for me is pretty uninspiring thus far, I have only two 120 characters with another four at various levels between 113 and 118 the problem for me personally is that i find the classes bloody awful to play.

The classes this expansion are dull, turgid and simply not fun or engaging i am struggling to get motivated to even log in at the moment.
World quests i will not bother with as i had a gutful of those in Legion and find them just a boring grind in BfA.

I will wait to see what 8.1 brings to the table but from what i have seen from the class and PTR forums it appears that the “content” will be fed to us in dribs and drabs over time.

TLDR - Class and playstyle is boring, WQ are lack lustre and there is not a lot in the offing to keep my interest, professions and PvP are both shadows of their former selves, the game for me is simply not a lot of fun at the moment.


I’m so glad all you see is the surface level and you don’t bother to look any deeper and find any enjoyment in learning the dungeons, how the affixes effect them, and the various different experiences gained with the people you run them with. Stop being so shallow and conceited.

If I should mention something positive its the amazing artwork once again produced by their art department.

Unfortunately, they have continued some of the things I have disliked since WoD especially the garrison/mission table gameplay, to me, there is nothing more tedious as mission tables/maps/whatever. I would prefer to go on these missions my self instead of sending some imaginary hero.

Also, in my opinion, another bad feature is the whole loot system they have used for the last 2-3 expansions, and its the whole concept I find bad.

Before the RNG/titanforge/Azerite traits/etc. system I would only rarely throw things away, now 90% of my loot ends up in the crash, either because of it is a duplicate or because my old, 10 ilevel lower item has better stats/traits.

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If you haven’t played wow before MOP, then It’s could be interesting.Watered down with each expansion.


In response to not doing high level dungeons/raids/etc and still having an opinion, its still possible to have a valid response.
Ive never done high level content and have played the same way since Vanilla and yet this expansion feels more uninspired and lacklustre then any before. Even if you dont PVP or mythic raid you can still feel a difference in content and care from the developers, especially if you have 14 years of experience to draw from.


bfa leaves much to be desired… it’s an empty shell compared to legion.


Rng rolls are hideous as is the azerite and the clipped abilities.

Disagree with lilura, its shallow at best. The affixes are a cheap cheap cheap patchwork job and simply lazy in terms of development to produce longevity, it also spits in PvP players faces.

I like Diablo 3 don’t get me wrong but just keep it in diablo 3 please kk thx.


They lost all the good things in Wod from my opinion.

Fast paced combat
Nice abilities and class feel
Decent access to competitive PvP gear
Fun combat
Armour sets
No templates
No scaling

Yeah I really like wod I guess… sincerely a filthy PvP casual.


I think the rng rolls I hate most of all that and mythic+

BFA is bad i only enjoy old content not new one :smiley:

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