BFA is actually a solid expansion

I really dont care about the content as long as the class im playing is fun. I even enjoyed ashran because i felt like i was actually obliterating people when i used OBLITERATE. Now every single class feels lackluster and boring :confused:

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That’s the biggest problem isn’t it? If the classes ain’t fun, then no matter how good the content is, it won’t be fun to play. I would be more or less fine with BFA if the classes weren’t gutted at the start of it.


It’s a solid expansion.

It has:

New area’s
New races
New abilities
New factions
New dungeons
New raid
New quests
New Lore
New systems
New gear

The problem is:

It’s over-all relatively boring.


How do you know how much content there is if you haven’t even done anything?

4/8 LFR hero btw.

Its like being a 90 year old in a Zimmer frame with a “whole world to explore”.

Spot on! I can’t even count how many shjitty games I’ve played just because playstyle was fun.

My as$ is also solid.

I agree on that so i will just quote you cause i think the same.
Also i wish they reverted the game back to Legion or even WOD at least cause for crying out loud WOD was more fun then this Poop we got im bored and feeling sleepy everytime i turn wow on i guess i am just feeling a burnout :sleepy:.


I wouldn’t say a “great time” but I’m definitely enjoying BfA on the whole. As a casual player, the content on offer is just about right for what I have time (or care enough) to do. I rarely do world quests or Islands anymore outside of weekly requirements and when I do they’re a nice little distraction from Raiding or Mythic Plus.
The AP catch-up system means that I never fall too far behind the minimum expectations for a casual player. Like, at my current extremely relaxed pace of farming Azerite, I should be well on track for the next raid. Of course I fully appreciate that in highly competitive guilds, players are expected to maintain as high as possible Azerite Levels. I don’t think I could do that, on up to 3 characters mind you, so I don’t blame the top 1% of raiders for hating it.

The m+ weekly cache means that I gain a healthy stream of gear to keep me up to date without requiring anything other than a few mythic dungeons every week.
Having at least cleared Heroic Uldir there isn’t too much demand for me to raid right now outside of mindlessly farming the same bosses over and over for a few iLvls upgrade. Mythic raids are something I aspire to do and will probably get involved in for the next raid so I have that to look forward to.

Now that the initial fun of the raiding has died down and I have levelled and geared 3 or 4 characters, I don’t play as much. That’s to be expected though, and I think it’s important to recognise that there can never be infinite content. At some point, it is okay to log off and play something else. I still log on whenever I get the urge to play some M+ and improve my raiderio score or level some new characters but yeah I have almost zero anger towards BfA. It is what it is.

Seems like there is enough, if not even LFR is completed.

I like BfA overall

  1. the Dungeons are nice (I don’t like the amount of trashpacks, but that’s on me)
  2. I like Uldir (Taloc and Devourer are not that interesting, but some DPS checks are fine and I like the other fights - only Zul trash in LFR is a huge pain in the butt)
  3. island expeditions are a cool concept (however I don’t like it was hyped as a huge endgame feature, because one or two a week are fine, but more is annoying to me)
  4. Arathi … sorry, this one I find really boring (I like it how it is not a difficult content, but I don’t feel like part of a group, if it was scaled down to 15-20 minutes and singleplayercontent it would be fine, but now you wait for a group, do rather boring tasks and get way oversized rewards, basically the only reason you enter it altogether)
  5. gearing up to 320 is a boring task (if you don’t get carried through some higher content from 300 to 320 there is dungeons and hoping for drops or very small steps via worldquests - I had 4 quest offering legs and none offering anything different when I got my DK to 120)
  6. mounts, pets and other side content got some nice additions (I like doing some of it from time to time, but I am not the right person to judge it’s state)
  7. story … I love the story (yes, it is a one time thing, but for this one time I thought is was interesting and presented in a great way)
  8. heart of Azeroth and azerite items … well, I think the current state is a huge step in the wrong direction considering tier sets and the artifact weapons (I would be ok with the change from sets to azerite items, but the way of progressing them via the level of heart of Azeroth seems uninspired, it feels unrewarding to get items and not beeing able to use it to its full potential or leveling up the heart and not gaining anything besides a few statpoints)
  9. TF/WF - well it is no big deal in the overall scheme, because huge procs are really rare and moderate procs are calculated into the expected progression, but I really hate those edgecases. I would love the system limited to a few itemlevel (10 is often named and I like this the most, however 20 would not do harm in my opinion, but further seems really unbalanced and tertiary stats and sockets are a huge deal to - I would love those to be attachable by crafting products, like sockets where in cataclysm, and not by pure RNG)
  10. professions, I mourn for those, apart from alchemy I don’t see them put to good use. Jewelcrafting has every now and then a socket to sell, Enchanting can enchant rings and weapons in the 2 weeks after a new tier, this might even make some money, while it is not even worth to sell them currently. Other professions … well every now and then there are some quality of life items you might sell or use, but that’s about it for the most part.

This sounds really negative and to be honest I think BfA is not a step in the right direction, but it is still a good game. I enjoy playing it, but it would be a lot more enjoyable if those points would be reconsidered (I know not everything I think about the current state applies to a majority) and possibly changed.

It’s a solid turd.


More liqudious for me.

Scrap Titanforging entirely.
Fill the hole of gear upgrades with Professions to make them relevant again.
Make raid bosses/dungeons (mythic) drop profession materials if you do not get an item (which on its own is an enchanting material) .
Mythic+ Awards Azerite gear (370 - L10 | 385 - L15)
Take a closer look at class representation & class balance - (nerf Rogues Shroud, PvP damage - the main outlier)


lol ppl keep complaining becz some players here with an alt. Really I did 1 mythic boss and tried mythic 2nd boss but I know the content is bad did 1.7k on rbg and 1.8k on 2v2. did some +10 so I know its bad. Also I am not a good pvp player or even pve player but I cant enjoy dis crap when all classes I tried are boring.


The perfect case of Stockholm syndrome.

Let me tell you something, Wod was an ok xpac. Only problem was there was too many cancelled content unlike bfa. Bfa’s problem is the content made it to live but it is boring. No matter how much fix they do it won’t change anything unlike wod. Wod had a good baseline xpac , bfa doesn’t have that. There wasn’t any time in wow they fk up every aspect of the game. I mean c’mon they are trying to push cosmetics as content of this xpac (allied races) , they should be extras not half of the content.Professions are pain because of expulsom , class balance is non existant ( even worse then before) , new systems they bring to the game are pure garbage , lvling from 110 to 120 feels like losing 10 lvls ,world content is dead, azerite could be fine if we didn’t have legion artifacts and legiondaries now it feels like a downgrade and they really went all in with rng this time.
Only good part i see is raiding. It’s always been good and bfa raids seems put this experience into next lvl. I really enjoyed progression weeks then after it became pointless to reclear.Bfa dungeoning seems fine too. Only problem i have is i never liked m+ and always did only to weekly cap. Bfa didn’t bring anything new to it , it’s just a copy-paste of legion ( which is fine , it was working fine)
No idea how they can fix this mess , i’m not a dev but it’s not fun to play. I’m only doing gold making and cosmetic farming atm there wasn’t anything else to do.


You say it is solid and yet plate wearers are not directly harder to kill than the other armour types as it should be.

And im talking solid passive defenses not actives which do nothing because you are already basically dead before you can trigger them.

I actually prefer BFA to Legion.

But in honesty - I only disliked Legion because of the story/zones. Fel and demons etc have never really interested me. I mostly played to see Illidans story evolve as I find him interesting enough.

BFA for me has it all, the zones, themes, music etc just a shame my total play time has hit the rocks this side of Christmas but hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze in a bit over the holiday.

WoD was not an ok expansion. It was not a good baseline. There was no content outside of raiding unless you wanted to go braindead farming apexis or grinding mobs for reputation, and outside of that everything was done in garrisons. You’d only log in for 5 minutes tops unless it was a raid day. Professions were dead because everything was in the garrison, nobody had to go out and farm anything.
BfA is a baseline good expansion. Yes, the RNG involved in getting gear now is stupid. Azerite needs fine tuning. Professions aren’t a pain because of expulsom, crafting is dead because you can’t auction high level crafted items anymore. That’s about it.
World content is not dead. I’m going out to do world quests every day (not all of them) and I see plenty of people out there. Warmode really helps make it enjoyable. Levelling was absolutely fine, and if you’re referring to scaling, jesus, please shut up, it’s such a negligible difference. Class balance is fine. The only class which is actually needing any sort of fixing is Feral. The rest are perfectly viable. I’ve played with pretty much every spec now doing keystones and everyone is equal so long as the player behind them knows what they’re doing.
Raiding is good and always has been, keystones are better this time because the dungeons are actually designed for it, the affixes being on a set rotation makes it feel more competitive, and trash is actually worth thinking about now.
As for new systems, Island Expeditions are fine, they’re getting improved, and only an idiot does them all in one day. The warfront needs (and is getting) a faster cycle and Darkshore is miles better than Arathi. We’re getting incursions next patch which is even more world content.

WoD was superior PvPwise however, the issues there were not even close to what they are currently, there still were one or 2 problems however such as chimera shot.