Bfa is ... boring ?

M+ is what’s keeping me playing :woman_shrugging:
Theres never been a lot more to do tbh.

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Redoing the same dungeons you did during leveling over and over and over again at max level with only variations being mobs with higher stats and a few annoying effects.

Okay, to each their own I suppose

That’s what they need to change if they want people to keep subs up and keep their interest.

Eh, it’s a bit more complicated i suppose but i guess that’s a way to describe it

Hopefully they will.

It feels like such a half arsed expansion.

PvP was evidently garbage within the first few weeks of launch and yet they have done nothing to fix it and we’re relying on a new expansion to fix it.

Absolutely unacceptable from a company that charges monthly subs.

Uuuuhuh remember the oculus uuhuhhh creepy sounds

I found dailies better because there was a defined end to them. You worked for your reputation rewards by doing the same dailies over and over until you didn’t need to do them anymore. With World Quests it feels endless. Even after your reputations are capped you still keep doing the same WQs over and over.

uh, you got didnt pug bugger all you got carried by an 8/8 guild and spent the entire fight dead for Orgozoa and barely contributed for Ashvane. ?? wut

Boss mechanics have been challenging and varied as they should be for any raid tier, the environment was stunning and we had some major lore characters to engage with. Every raid on mythic is to an extent unfriendly for pugs, its not meant to be content you pug. You can join a one or two day raid guild- there are even a few 6/8 or higher progressed weekend mythic raiding guilds.

On the actual topic - Blizzard have actually done a pretty good job with BFA apart from one MAJOR facet.

The unfortunate reality is that the part they really screwed up with is Class design and game play.
They game can have as many great environments, great raids, decent dungeons and shiny areas as it wants if the actual game play for the classes is lackluster it will all fall flat on its face.

It’s a massive shame and based on blizzcon there is some hope they learned from that lesson. If it FEELS good and LOOKS good to just play your class matched with blizzards world design of legion/bfa, classic loot and item design, varied dungeon design we could see a new golden age for wow.

That and please don’t make us feel like a level 1 again when the new xpac hits. “here hero of Azeroth, journey to this new continent and get weaker each level, kthxbye”

If you think that was not deliberate,by design :I It was done all for the sake of arena,m+ and easier to track what’s going on. Trying to make WoW into esport at least easier entry level.All that prune and it was for nothing.It’s a bloody mmorpg.I hope they get back to the pre MoP classes,where we had spells for every speck,talents maybe even some hybrid speck hopes.

So the real problem for you is that we now have paragon rewards and emissaries.

Repetition is bad when it comes to quests. Repetition that never ends is ten times worse. That is the reason why I dislike these recent systems far more that I ever did daily quests. Even MoP dailies had an end to them. Just because World Quests don’t repeat the exact same way each day isn’t nearly enough to overcome the fact that they never end.

I honestly don’t see a lot of difference between dailies and WQs. I prefer WQs because I get to pick what quests I want to do.

I do agree paragons etc are there to keep people grinding long after they should be done.

If there was a finite reason to do WQs then I guess it would be basically the same as dailies. Getting to choose a little bit can be positive I suppose even though it never really made them less boring to me.

But they don’t have a finite reason so comparing them in that way doesn’t make much sense. WQs have always been a never ending grind while dailies never were. That has to be considered when comparing the systems.

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I literally go for anything that is one mob to kill, if I can. I really want to be in and out as soon as possible.

same thing here

Haha the Mechanics for BFA dungeons are a Joke.
So no, before you judge my capabilities

You miss one raid there :smiley:

They’re not meant to be super difficult, but they’re still more difficult than most of the other stuff we’ve had.

All the addon features failed and made a bulk of players leave the game.
Game design is on non-existent level.

BFA became a place you don`t want to log in to.

The only memorable things from BFA are Jaina`s song & a couple of races, half of them are sh_tty anyway.

Nice job (no) !


Hey Boralus and Drustvar are still cool places !

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