To be honest, I do like BFA… … … for the most part.
It was my first expansion (Started playing a few months before the Nazjatar Patch), that would probably be my major reason why I would say that. It let me experience what WoW had, throwing me into a heated feud between the two factions and how I should try to resolve it, while trying to save the planet from dying. I had a soft spot for its concept plot, especially when I was still new to the whole Horde and Alliance premise.
And Yes, I am aware of the awful gimmicks of BFA. I can for sure agree with everyone that the Borrowed Power was a letdown and the Azerite gear was a pain. I did not enjoy that, and the ending of the expansion was a let down, by throwing an Old God at us to resolves the war instead of having us learn at the last minute when Azeroth is threatened.
And the less I talk about Shadowlands, the faster I can make my point.
Yes, BFA, was bad, but it had some redeeming things underneath the burning tree. (…Too soon?) The new areas were fun to explore, the allied races were nice and some of the Cinema cutscenes are some of the most stunning videos I see. The Trailer for BFA gets me so hyped to fight For the Horde, and Saurfang is the best part of the Expansion. He was always a favourite character of mine and his story line I thought was great. Sad that he’s gone and we won’t be able to see what Metzen would’ve had for him in the saga expansions.
Long story short, it had the guts, but it didn’t give us the glory, as it caused a massive split in the community I felt. I felt like I was pushed away from other players, especially from the opposing faction. It wasn’t about adventuring and meeting up with others who are also exploring where you are, it was about hating and fighting the other faction. I was never a PvP player, so I always felt dirty having to show hatred to the other faction. So I was satisfied that we could somewhat bring the two factions together to finish up this roller coaster of a story.
I guess to give a conclusion, I have a soft spot for BFA, like having a soft spot for McDonalds, it may not be good, but sometimes the experience give a good taste. (Don’t ask why I made this expression, I’m just saying whatever comes in my head.)
So that’s my take on BFA. What about you?
Do you agree with me? You think I’m wrong?
Feel free to reply and let me know what you think about BFA. I would love to hear Why you think BFA was bad or if you had things you liked from it.