I quit horde during BfA. I couldn’t handle the writing anymore, and I loathed their stupid capital
BFA was great fun once they made azerite gear buyable, i really enjoyed it.
The zones were pretty good (for contempory WoW where densely populated mazes is the norm). The music was pretty good, some sea shanty vibes. The local stories in the zones were engaging, I liked the witches in Drustvar and the Pirates in Tirasgarde Sound etc.
But the War Campaign was poor, didn’t really go anywhere nor resolve anything.
They ditched some of the best parts of Legion - The Order Halls and Artifacts. But kept the worst part of Legion - AP grinds and esoteric gear acquistion.
They gated Flying way too long and behind way too many reps. By the time I could fly I didn’t really want to do anything anymore as I was bored of those places.
End game features that needed currencies to be grinded out and then had Timers (Sanity) was just not fun.
BFA was a mixed bag with some positives but too many negatives. The wrong lessons were taken from Legion’s engagement. These lessons were not correct for Shadowlands but that’s when their hubris on how the game should work got hit. Although not all those lessons were learnt, there are still too many convoluted systems (especially professions) and player agency is limited by timers and currated weekly quests and Events.
But Horde had the better story in BFA.
Alliance story was “where are our ships? Oh bad man did a storm or something, now they’re lost.”
Spliting the story into so different paths wasn’t great either. You pretty much had to play both factions to get the story of BFA. Never had to in the past.
Short answer: Yes, it was a bad expansion.
Long answer: Yes, it was a bad expansion.
It was just continuation of Legion’s systems.
If you liked Legion you liked BFA
BFA was my favorite expansion… Finally the final battle between the horde and the alliance that had been hyped up since classic was happening. The cutscenes and story was epic as hell… At least until Azhara appeared and deleted the ocean and for some reason everything became about Azhara…
But I loved BFA… Why wouldn’t i? My favorite race became playable.
We had lots of endgame goals to pursue and do. It was my first dip into M+ and real wow endgame and raiding. I loved it truly.
BFA in my opinion offered more end game. And more ways to play it. Than just doing m+ alone… And the story and the cutscenes where epic and awesome. At least up until a certain point.
Yeah Skullfox is an super fan of BFA
There where azerithe powers… Island expeditions… Warfronts. Epic faction armor. There where loads of new things to do and get into… Now? Now its just rince and repeat m+ for 6 months on end.
Thats the price we pay for blizzard respecting our time. And we wanting expansions to come faster.
Personally? Id be fine if blizzard took their time… No matter the drought… To make as epic an expansion and patches as possible again as they used too.
I hated rly only Ghuun hc. Because this fight requried tons of ppl with movement improvements. And ppl stacked classes like monk. As a mage I was somewhere in the bottom. Was rly imposible to get inv for first few weeks. And made my 1st kill only at 5th week. When become hardly overgeared from m+.
But overall I liked BFA. PVP events in last season was fun too. Missed em a lot.
I have said it before and I will say it again.
Bfa was not bad.
I for one like Warfronts very much.
Visions were good,the problem with them was the timer.
I never ran Island expeditions for azerite,only when I really wanted to do the weekly.But I did not felt constrained to do it,it was something natural.
Now the problem I saw with Bfa was that coming after Legion,the expectations were huge and it did not deliver on those.
It was just not better than Legion.
It did not have something better than the artefacts we lost or the Legendaries.
I actually liked the idea of borrowed power ,because it used to soften the curve between pros and normal players.Now the gap is far too wide and the tunning is made only thinking of the pros(I include streamers here too).
For clarificarion SL did not have Borrowed power but some useless currency called also AP.
So no,BFA was not bad,just not better than its predecessor and that was its major flaw.
Yeah. To be honest, that was another reason why I liked it.
But I just didn’t want to say I like BFA because of Vulpera, end of story. LOL
So I tried to look at it from different views.
But I’m actually happy to read what everyone thinks.
I’m happy to see some agree with me and others have valid reasons for disliking BFA or some things of it.
Oh ya. The N’zoth fight in the raid. That one was a Pain! It took me and my friend countless tries trying to complete it, not because it was hard, the mechanics were just frustrating to deal with.
I personally really liked Battle for Azeroth. It is one of my favorite expansions.
But I think the lesson learned from it, is that WoW players are very conservative and generally don’t like designs that stray too far from what they’re used to.
And Battle for Azeroth had a lot of designs that were rather innovative, and the sum of all those designs probably led to players feeling disconnected from the product because it wasn’t what they associated with WoW in a good sense.
I think that’s also what Blizzard took with them from Battle for Azeroth, as the game’s direction has since shifted toward a much more conservative design that doubles down on existing core designs, rather than trying new innovative ideas.
But I liked it.
8.3 with the world events in two old zones was meh
Nazjatar as Nyalotha (black emie) were wasted, just tosed in.
They would certainly have had enough material to create their own addon, but instead one is brought in as a patch zone/filler zone and the other is half-bakedly processed in a raid.
Same situation with argus, by the way, which was used at the end, that could have been a separate addon, just make a hardcut at the tomb of sargeras.
Whilst I agree that, yes, they could have easily been used much more expansive, I’m glad they didn’t.
I’m not a fan of the aesthetic of Nyalotha and Argus, so I’m glad those two weren’t made into whole expansions.
As for Nazjatar; I’m afraid a whole expansion of that would have meant more under water gameplay, so in that regard I wouldn’t want that either.
Oh, I completly agree with this.
The less underwater/underground the better.
No guts no glory… no pain no gain…
I despised horrific visions because I was a healer main and Blizzard forgot that 40% of players aren’t dps. Struggling through those with 3-4 other healer mains who didn’t have gear or experience as dps was horrible. Not because I didn’t like those people but because all dps mains were de-incentivised from helping and we felt effing stranded and alone. Utterly atrocious design and I hope it never happens again. No I have not forgotten and I have not forgiven.
Before that, the azerite grind was unending and frustrating - there was no point at which I felt done on a character. With the result that I had very few alts.
The first raid was… kind of trash. Not necessarily mechanically, but thematically it was a miss for me. The 2nd raid was pretty darn good, as were the follow ups. I have some good memories from 8.1 and onwards.
That said, the Nazjatar zone… my goodness. Literal hours flying loops to find herbs, fighting flocks of druid bots for the right to have a flask for next raid night. Yikes. Yes that experience was coloured by Blizzard’s absolute lack of action on bots. It was dire and again, I have not forgotten nor forgiven.
On the whole, BfA was ups and downs. In the end, I did not like the story. I did think M+ and overall difficulty of endgame was pitched about right. The solo grinds were generally egregious and I’m glad to have left them behind. And there is a reason the waterstrider was the meta mount and we should not forget it.
BfA Remix could genuinely be very cool. If it learns the lessons it needs to learn. I want to look back kindly but mostly what I have is a big yawning “eh” about the whole thing.
Bfa was horrible, it drove everyone crazy
Too much farming
Too much rng
Really bad gameplay (gcd on burst spells, and legion gameplay also bad)
The only good thing was the mm+ and raid as usual on wow. (and 4 patches)
I think it’s because of legion/bfa and early sl that wow died, in legion artifact farming and rng were new, so players accepted it, but in bfa and sl, players couldn’t take it anymore, the fun had disappeared, we were slaves to the game
df was incredible, but the lore and woke didn’t make you want to play. and all the passive of bfa, early sl etc disgusted the players
tww is as good as df, but the season is too long and the lore could be better and more epic
BfA was bad cause it introduced vulpera
Maybe you ignore/don’t care about the story but not everyone does.
Legion’s story? One of the best. BFA’s story? The absolute worst.
The fact that BFA had a raid with two major alliance leaders as bosses and both of them got to go unharmed even so they where the once attacking makes bfa the worst expansion