BFA - Was is really that bad? (Spoiler: Yes, but...)

Sure Mekkatorque didn’t die but I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Also Horde started everything by burning the tree, that was just a bit of karmic justice.

He’s still around, which is more than can be said of the Horde faction leaders who are permanently killed off if they end up as raid bosses. The major exception being Sylvanas who absolutely should have been killed off with the same passion as Garrosh as she became an enemy of both the Alliance and the Horde.

Pipeline isn’t incorrect at all. The trend has always been that Alliance leader figures as raid bosses mysteriously don’t die whereas Horde raid bosses typically do.

Nope. False. The Burning of Teldrassil, whilst a terrible event, is a direct escalation of the faction conflict playing out in previous expansions with no real resolution for either side.

Who? Garrosh survived the raid and died in a 1v1 vs Thrall in Nagrand. Rastakhan was killed so his daughter can rule, that was the narrative reason.

In the end alliance leaders just don’t go full Garrosh. Rastakhan was also pretty arrogant calling his attackers barbaric so it was fun seeing him eat his own words.

When was the last time alliance did a major attack on the horde just because? Horde tried to expand into alliance territory all the time.

If I remember correctly and pls correct me if I’m wrong.
The horde and the zandalar empire where not allied at the point of the raid happening.
Wich would mean the alliance attackt a city to kill a king in the hopes that would stop them from being our Allie.
Up to rastakahns death we where talking about working together and they allowed us to use there habor

BfA was the last expansion for me that felt like WoW. So for me it wasn’t bad. The Storytelling was good, heck i even good emotional from time to time.
I even was a huge fan of Mechagon, i had so much fun there.

The only thing i really disliked was the whole Azerite system.

I want to leave this here.
An Unexpected Reunion

He was still killed off. Which is more than can be said of practically any major Alliance leader who more often than not mysteriously get ‘redeemed’ if they’re corrupted or just happen to manage to escape to fight another day.

They do. There’s simply no consistency in the narrative or amongst the community, who will often make excuses as to why the torture and murder of civilians is entirely justified when the Alliance does it, but the gravest most unforgivable sin.

That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense when the Alliance, historically, has sneered at the various members of the Horde and branded them ‘barbaric’ and ‘savages’ on a number of occasions.

The Purge of Dalaran, for one thing. The deliberate torture and murder of innocent Blood Elven civilians at the behest of Vereesa and Jaina.

Either the torture and murder of civilians is always wrong or it isn’t - the game likes to pretend it is the worst atrocity ever committed but only when the Horde are involved. If the Alliance are responsible, it’s just quietly hand-waved.

Either way, I don’t care for either the Alliance or the Horde at this point. I care for specific races within each faction but I think Pipeline’s point is valid - it’s tedious and predictable to see Horde aligned characters end up as raid bosses and be killed off either right then or at some point afterwards only for practically every Alliance character who ends up as a raid boss to mysteriously be spared and ‘redeemed’.

You’re right, I don’t care much about the story. The all-out war theme of BFA I thought was okay, even if the details were a bit stupid.
Just like in Legion, cool premise, you barely even feel the “legion invasion” in the actual world.

Classes just played the same except couple buttons had GCD added to them.

The zones - probably my favourite from any expansion. The design and art style are excellent (i.e. ever so slightly desaturated, unlike the overly-saturated DF and too-forced SL zones). Oh and the music… yes please to all of the ambient harbour noises in Boralus. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The rest of the mechanics which came along with the expansion, however… not a particular fan. It will be nice to give it a blast again though when (inevitably) we get it as a BFA Remix before The Last Titan launches. (I’m looking forward to Legion Remix first!)

I liked Azerite gear, however because of the implementation is now forever associated with the HOA azerite grind. But the concept of an armor piece without secondary stats and instead with class perks and minor effects was a good idea.

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I have mixed feeling about BFA

It was the expansion when finally i was able to get cutting edge (on n’zoth. I also got the m+ mount)

But is also when i realised that I had reached my skillcap as a player.

Uldir, i was able to play only arma, i struggled a lot playing fury and my logs where not that great (average 50-60 on Heroic and when i got benched for the first zekvoz kill i decided to take a break for rest)

Then i started again in Eternal palace as a fire mage with a rough start too and i also disliked being dependant on the mechagon bracers to play well, in HC i performed ok but on mythic i was always parsing green or grey on orgozoa.

Then came the last raid and i rerolled to warlock (destro) loved the spec but still i was not good enough to play it properly, besides the first 3 boss i was always the worst dps even if warlock was great in that time and prthe only reason my guild brought me was just because i was the only warlock and that I was able to do mechanics even if my dps was mediocre (grey parses on the last 5 bosses)

But raid aside i was a fun of warfront, never did island expedition for azerite and i liked essences, corruption and horrific visions.

People think BFA is better than it actually was thanks to COVID and being stuck inside all day every day and having next to no choice but to make it enjoyable. BFA was the first time I ever quit WoW in 15 years until lockdown.

The dungeons were enjoyable, I liked the raids, the rest was absolutely terrible.

I enjoyed bfa alot , it pretty much sucked for mythic and high end players. But since most of them streamed or were content creators. They spread the message that azerite armor sucked etc etc

People just copied what asmon and preach were saying without actually experiencing any of their qualms.

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Covid struck around SL launch if i recall.

You recall incorrectly. Covid struck late BFA. A 30 second Google search will create the timeline for you.

Just checked now the june just before SL so no BFA was not around for all of covid thus disproving your point.

I didn’t say it was around for ALL of BFA, don’t make up things that I said.

Then be more concise with how you say things and no need to personal attack i was just expressing a view.

Nothing wrong with how I said it. Shadowlands came out in November 2020, COVID started in January 2020. 10 months of playing an expansion more than you usually would because of national lockdowns, restrictions and cautious behaviour is ample for people to form a skewed view of an expansion. Is that clear enough for you?

Well i locked up and in the country i am it said June 2020 so :man_shrugging:

You are getting all angry about me expressing a view when no need, i suggest calming and reflecting.

I’m not angry at all. Don’t respond to me with inaccuracies.

Do you dispute that COVID had/has an impact on people’s view of the quality of BFA? Yes or no?