BG is ruined

Iv noticed Alliance queues have gotten pretty long as of late ? Are Horde more or less instant now ?

I’ll never give up!!! If I know the game irreversible lost, I simply play for killing blows / honorable kills, however games like WSG or maps like AB/Gilneas with wits, victory can be achieved.

However the main issue that a lot of horde players have, is not gear related, is lack of coms, people simply need to listen/read to calls so stuff can actually be done, instead of having 10 people capping Lumber Mill and keep pushing into Stables without defending the recently capped base.

That is what alliance does a good job, they stick to the objectives, not always, but very often whilst communicating.

30 seconds/1 minute

Pretty much none of it. I have no trouble winning on Horde whatsoever. If you have 2-3 people who play well and know what they are doing, you can carry your entire team. I run into groups of friends on alliance often and we beat them most of the time. Queuing as a group really helps. The players on this forum should do more of it and complain less.

Murbastic here , i can’t change my main so bad, but premade go bad.

Forum is bugged i can’t

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I can’t change avatar becouse bug.

It’s easier to complain, or insult xD

Not even this. It is simply dumber. There is nothing hard about putting a few decent players on your FL and clicking on quick join when you see them queuing or asking “hey, wanna play bgs?”

Why is it so difficult for you guys to understand that most of the playerbase finds queueing in a premade of 3+ with 2 healers to be boring? You win near 100% of your bgs and all of them are not even close. 5 capping every AB in the first 2 minutes is not fun. 3 capping Gilneas in the first 2 minutes is not fun. Winning the first fight in WSG then GY camping for 6 minutes while someone runs flags is not fun.

The fun in BGs for most people comes from queueing solo or as a duo and fighting other solo/duo players and doing mentally stimulating stuff like small skirmishes or even 1v2 or 1v3ing people.

The reason people hate BGs like Kotmogu is that the stronger team wins within seconds of the gates opening - every premade BG is like that.

There is more to life than effortlessly winning BGs - if people wanted to queue premades in BGs, the RBG bracket wouldn’t be dead for the past 8 years. If you regularly queue BGs with 2 healers in a 3-5 man stack, you are in an extremely small minority. Virtually no one finds this fun, so they don’t do it.


Queuing with two healers has more to do with BG queues are much faster than if you queue without a healer. In SL when the alliance had instant pop we often queue as 5 dps.

Not as much as you think. I’ve been seeing the same hordes premades for 2 years. And it is precisely another incentive to queue as premade as alliance.

This doesnt mean anything. I see the same 4 premades on alliance for 2 years. Just cuz i see them often doesnt mean they aren’t a minority.

Lets say there are 10,000 people that queue BGs in a week. Probably 200 of them total will be 5 man premaders.

The issue is, most of that 10,000 will do 1-10 bgs max in the week, where as the premaders will do 200+ bgs in that week, so you will see them every week, if you queue around 5 bgs total.

They are a minority, but they ruin a large portion of BGs.

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Honestly, that in most of the Bgs I join the horde team is most of time full PvP without hardly having a single pug, with very strong healers, and alot of 300-500+ honour lvl players, it seems too coincidental to me to think that they are not premade.

If most horde teams were premades you would have around 50% winrate like you do in RBGs. The only way to get higher than this is to abuse premades or play a disgusting op spec like ret with saltwater pots and so on and hyper carry.

You’re giving yourself too much credit if you think you’re beating horde premades most/every BG you enter.


Not necessarily. For example, out of the last 5-6 times I’ve run into the endofstory premade, I’ve only lost 2 times to them, and so far they’re the strongest premade I’ve run into in the horde.

Most rated Bg i’ve played was for cap with look for group parties, most even without voice chat… xD

No one play enhacement for serious rated BGs.

Yeah thats the point i’m making - most premades are just people in a roughly decent comp (2 healers, 3 dps) that play out of voice and focus on winning.

Not much different than low rated RBGs. Semi decent comp, play out of voice, focus on winning.

You play thousands of BGs into mirror premades and you will end up with 40-60% winrate, depending on how good your premade is.

All this is to say, no, you’re not playing into horde premades most of the time.

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I’ve played alot of 5m bgs with Pandora or Firzen party. I can assure you that with the first mentioned group I have never lost a single game, not even against premades. With the second I could have lost some, but it doesn’t always depend on us. there are 5-10 other people in the BG. :man_shrugging:

In most cases it is just me +1 or +2 friends. That we get 5 people together is an exception, not the norm.

To each their own. All I can tell from looking at your forum posts (by that I mean everyone who dislikes groups of friends in battlegrounds) is that you guys aren’t enjoying yourselves and having a lot of fun at all. You all seem rather frustrated and salty.

Saying this as if it means anything is silly. If the way me and my 30 friends had fun was by sitting on quest givers and camping people for hours every day, every week, every month, for years, would you say "thats just how they have fun :slight_smile: " when people point out it is ruining an aspect of the game?

What is the difference between doing that - where the only way to win is to not engage, and fighting a 5 man premade in a WSG, where the only way to win is to not engage?

And again - i am not talking about you, a person who does a lot of BGs in a 2-3 stack and produces these results:

I am talking about dedicated, sweaty 5 stackers, who do an enormous amount of BGs, exclusively in 5 stacks, and produce these results:

Have fun with your 1% chance to win if you queue into that guy on your 2-3 stack! They’re just friends having fun right?


Whose statistic is that? From the sheer amount of games, I would guess Pandora. We’ve actually beaten them a number of times before on the smaller battlegrounds when they were only 5.

The problem with this particular player is that they also bend the rules and queue epic bgs with many synchronized 5 man groups.
If any action should be taken, then the first thing blizzard should crack down upon would be those who bend the rules and take more than 5 players into epic battlegrounds.

Mix alliance and horde, keep 5 man groups together, randomly assign them into different teams. No more epic bg premades larger than 5. Easy.