BG is ruined

But why else would they play?

If I play wow it’s because it’s fun, but the fun is also in winning. To honestly lose I would dedicate myself to something else and I would save €13 a month. It may seem good or bad to you, but it is my way of perceiving it.

When I join them on the discord to play epics, they are always laughing and joking, so I imagine that yes, they will be having a good time.

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No one cares if you find it fun, or if you do it with friends - is the point.

Anti-social behaviour can be fun and done with friends, but no one is going to defend, say, egging peoples houses as ‘just some friends having fun’ - you’re actively ruining every single BG you join with your anti-social behaviour, and the only people having fun in the bg are you and your 4 friends

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I can understand being bothered by the synchronized premades in epics, since they are in a “legal vacuum” (Not illegal), but classifying groups of 5 as antisocial behavior is completely nonsense and also subjective. Groups of 5 bother you but you play in groups of 2-3, but I’ve read people here also complaining about those who play in groups of 2-3 and want the bgs to be 100% random. These people might think the same about you so we are entering a topic of personal perceptions.

I queue into this guy a lot - some times solo, some times he is with Jillian playing disc priest, some times he is in a 5 stack. This guy plays BGs because he seems to like playing BGs. I wish he wouldn’t 5 stack, but I don’t care when I see him solo or in a duo or trio. I have beaten him solo, duo and trio, and lost to him in the same way.

I also queue into this guy. This guy exclusively queues in a 5 stack. He has near 100% winrates in all BGs. I wish this guy would get banned for anti-social behaviour.

The frustration is amplified by the fact that they added RBGs specifically for you guys - guys that have 4-9 ‘friends’ that you queue bgs with all day. Do you do them though? No - you don’t. Despite them giving better conquest, honour per hour, unique titles, cool mounts and the usual rival-gladiator range rewards.

Why do you not do them? As an added bonus - you exclusively face other premades, now instead of 5 friends having fun, we have 20 friends having fun!

Why do you not do them?

Why do you only queue if you have at least 1 healer in your party? Why do you not queue as 5 dps? Why do you not queue on low geared alts?

Why? What could it be?

Its almost like the only reason you do it is this weird pathological obsession with grinding out a trivial game mode, knowing you are ruining it for everyone else.

So yes, anti-social behaviour. Yes, ban you all.

These people are welcome to make the case why duo queuers with 65-75% winrates are ruining the game for them.

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Once again, she hasn’t broken the rules of the game. She can look like whatever you want at your judgment, but there’s no reason she can’t play.

I am practically certain anti-social behaviour is a bannable offense and i report them every time i see them and i know dozens of other people have as well.

So, if they are not banned, it means that they are not doing anything wrong. One thing is your subjective perception, and another thing is what Blizzard later decides is legal or not within the game.

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Ah yes and the bots and boosters and boostees should get a pass too for the same logic?

Bots are using 3º it is a third party program, and are classified as illegal by the rules. I can’t tell you much about boosts because I really don’t know.

Nice, so?

So… Blizzard takes often months or years to ban problem players, and often they get away with it forever.

But, what exactly have they done to be banned on your opinion?

An objective point, because telling me that playing in a group of 5 is illegal is not.

Repeated anti-social behaviour, as previously said. If you’re looking for a bloodied blade or smoking gun, this isn’t how we evaluate anti-social behaviour.

For example, leaving a rated Solo Shuffle is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. Real life happens. Disconnects happen. Repeatedly leaving solo shuffles will get you banned for the season.

Another example would be boosting. Queueing 2s with a friend worse than you is a perfectly normal thing to do. If you’re a 3k player and your buddy is 1700 and you wanna help him get to 1800, go for it. If you spend 6 years of your life queueing 10,000 2s games per season, with hundreds of different people, all of which mysteriously trade you gold or paypal you right before you queue up - this is anti-social behaviour and doing it will/should get you banned.

As a final example - ganking. I gank people a lot particularly on my rogue. I also see other people that love ganking people too. Theres a DH from Ravencrest and some fire mage called Ivy from ravencrest too. They gank people a ton. Ganking people is not anti-social behaviour and is not bannable. Camping people is. If you spend your day camping someone, track them down over the course of weeks or months or years, you will be banned for that anti-social behaviour.

So circling back - premades. Queueing with friends is normal and fine. Queueing with 30 of your friends into AV by using discord, chain leaving queues and doing this for years? This is anti-social behaviour and should get you banned.

5 stacking. 5 stacking is fine. You and your buddys wanna queue? Np. You and your buddies wanna queue only as a meta RBG 5 stack comp, with full gear, feasts, flasks, potions, banners and so on, for years straight every day? Anti-social behaviour, ban 'em.

Warn them first, but hit them with the ban hammer if it keeps happening.

“b-b-but, we just wanna have fun!” - fantastic, i love fun too. If you navigate to your PvP menu click ‘rated’ and then click ‘10v10’ you can queue all day with premades and no one will mind.

Alternatively, you can challenge specific premades and queue up a wargame against them - never mind, they removed that feature because it wasn’t used because mysteriously no one wants to play against a premade by choice.

You have practically told me a list where most of the things are your ideal world, but they are not authentic reasons for banning in the game because in the end the rules of what can be done and should be clear.

Let’s go to this point as far as I am concerned:

My group isn’t precisely “meta rbg” since I’m playing one of the worst class for PvP (F-tier), that to start.

2º I have played hundred of bgs only with dps. Now playing with healer is necesary for the long queues, but when we had instant queues I would say that I played more bgs without a healer than with.

They come out of the chests, they can also be bought by marks of honor.
They are available to everyone, since they are sold to you in the same Bgs.

You’re missing the point entirely. None of what you are describing is bad by itself, it is bad when it becomes a repeated, pathological behaviour. Children that cry are normal. Children that cry every day, for many hours per day, have something wrong with them.

There is something going badly wrong inside the minds of 5-30 man stackers, that forces them to queue a bracket that gives little to no rewards, intentionally dodging the RBG bracket, repeatedly, for many hours per day, for years straight. We know they can do it in another bracket that gives superior rewards, where they can bring even more ‘friends’ - they don’t do it. There is something here and it is anti-social in nature.

You are playing together, alone, at the detriment of everyone else you encounter. Never in the history of World of Warcraft has someone queued a BG, hit up the scoreboard and went ‘fantastic, a premade on the other team!’ - the exception being if you yourself are in a premade and you’re intentionally trying to snipe another premade, way back in vanilla.

This is 2023. That doesn’t happen anymore. You ruin every BG you enter, you know you do this, you do it anyway, you do it repeatedly. This is anti-social behaviour. Use whatever mental gymnastics you can muster to avoid having to admit this, I don’t care.

I don’t do any mental gymnastics, except to get your point across.

I not sure if you are referring to me specifically or to the communities in general.

2 healers can perfectly change the course of a BG, especially if the other side’s dps are low geared and the healers are moderately well equipped. If you win 75% of the bgs it means that yours enemies would have only 1/4 chance. You say that against pandora they only have 1-2%, but it is that winning 1 out of 4 Bgs would not be much better if we get strict. I at least wouldn’t play if I lost 3 out of 4. Therefore, what you do is not so different from what I can do going in a group of 5.

But hey, you’ve made your point. Here is mine:

I work 8-10 and 12 hour shifts (up to 190+ hours per month) with night or afternoon shifts. Normally I play 5-6 bgs a day (Depending on the queues, in 1 or 2 hours, the holidays a little more.). When I decide to get into BG, which is what I’ve always liked about this game, the last thing I want is to find myself with the typical Shadowlands alliance groups (incompetent, ignoring objetives, healers that heal less than dps, green geaded people) and losing game after game, because it doesn’t work out for me then to pay for this game (Besides I’ve always hated to lose).

The BfA and SL gearing system was absolutely horrible.

Battleground commander, the tool they use, works in a similar fashion.

If you’re up against people that can fight back, that is. Else it’s arguably antisocial behaviour.

im proud of my 60/65% winratio as a solo player.

could be higher if i didn’t enter bgs that were halfway done because my team was getting camped and someone left

or if i didn’t constantly queued in 5man teams with dedicated healers, there is only so much a non FOTM class can do against coordinated players who play decent.

What do you mean solo player? you play in premade as well, and please, don’t come around with the "i queue up solo and then people join my group via quick join.

Yes it happens that you sometime play alone, but so does everyone here. It is not our fault that people join us to play, or simply ask us as soon as we log in.

This sounds like you’re trying to say She is double premading the 10-15 man battlegrounds.

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no man, i play solo. i play solo 99.9% of my bgs every now and then someone does join for a bg or 2, but ive been in a 5man group only 1 day in this expansion
was me, srs on his fresh priest, eflatun, a random friend, and either amtoxic or mezo, thats it, rest of the year ive been spamming solo.

Which doesn’t have much merit coming from a good part of these statistics from SL, when the level of the alliance pugs was worse than that the bot in comp Stomp. I’ve seen you in BG and I don’t buy the story that you were carryng the entire team, rather you was carried by the horde.
I also had 68% win rate as solo player during WOD times, when alliance was a thing.