BG is ruined

There’s plenty, actually. You can look up all of these random bg premade heroes and you can see that they are all low rated/experienced/poorly performing in rated content = bad = sustenance.

There is no incorrectness in the statement that they are cringeworthy players that are proud of beating low geared alts/new players in random battlegrounds.

We also beat cringe egotistical (With an ego level higher than that of a professional soccer player, when he hasn’t received a penny for the game) 3k exp shadow priests who leave the BG and start talking to you on Bnet.


I’m so happy that you feel satisfaction in beating me in a random BG as a full premade when I have a team of 200k HP casuals :rofl:

God, you really are boosting my ego, I didn’t know winning a random BG against me was such a big achievement for you.

Shame you couldn’t do it in the 1v1 as a spec that should never lose :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I’d say come and do it in rated, but the skill levels are…yeah.

There wasn’t any 200k in the horde. You was playing with (I ignore if you was part or just enter in the same BG) horde premade.

If you say so.

Better dedicate yourself to studying for your exams, than being a gladiator or having a 3k rating will not help you much more than to increase that excessive ego that in a few years it will be of no use to you.

How can I play as a Horde premade as an Alliance character that queued mercenary you absolute bozo? I don’t even know the names of any Horde premade players :rofl:

Man’s really living off one random BG win as a full premade against my SP and trash casuals, hahahahahha

Your salt is real. :smiley:

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Its normal to have an ego.
But man, some ppl have way more ego than anything else.
Pretty much all im gonna say xd

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Who is he? Lockfromwish?

The same xD

Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about, without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about :grin:

Addon uses only in-game functionality that Blizzard allows. If you got a problem with specific API calls being made, you should report it to Blizzard.

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Same. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve joined my team-mates in GY camping the enemy in my 14 years of playing this game. On those rare occasions I did, it was out of sheer frustration due to having been on the receiving end in previous matches.

I wanna go bg, is it safe?

Dunno. I’m working until 22:00 :man_shrugging:t2:

A least you will not be matched against me.

I play bgs 24/7 all games no premades i never meet u to.

Why is that?

Mabye its ur premade is bad?

Because I haven’t much free time, although some insist that I am 24/7 in the wow. :man_shrugging:t2:

How you know, if you never meet me?

Or what is the relation with not meeting my premade with that? :thinking:

Sounds like L2p issues.

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Playing premades are fun thou. I miss it.

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Yea u right about that.

I am just clueless about my writing.

:champagne: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :thinking:

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