There’s plenty, actually. You can look up all of these random bg premade heroes and you can see that they are all low rated/experienced/poorly performing in rated content = bad = sustenance.
There is no incorrectness in the statement that they are cringeworthy players that are proud of beating low geared alts/new players in random battlegrounds.
We also beat cringe egotistical (With an ego level higher than that of a professional soccer player, when he hasn’t received a penny for the game) 3k exp shadow priests who leave the BG and start talking to you on Bnet.
Better dedicate yourself to studying for your exams, than being a gladiator or having a 3k rating will not help you much more than to increase that excessive ego that in a few years it will be of no use to you.
How can I play as a Horde premade as an Alliance character that queued mercenary you absolute bozo? I don’t even know the names of any Horde premade players
Man’s really living off one random BG win as a full premade against my SP and trash casuals, hahahahahha
Same. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve joined my team-mates in GY camping the enemy in my 14 years of playing this game. On those rare occasions I did, it was out of sheer frustration due to having been on the receiving end in previous matches.