BG is ruined

The goalpost shifting is crazyyyyyy xd
Bad and weird. Blocked, puppy.

Yeah, claim stuff, provide no evidence and then talk about “goalpost shifting”.

Block me too, please.

Sorry mate, do you want me to go back in time and show you how I joined and created rated BG groups? Whatever I say to you doesn’t matter, since you’re just going to disregard everything that is contrary to your opinion since there is no hardcore evidence of how I joined and made groups lol. Sad existence you have.

You don’t even have the IQ to realise this is the same as me saying to you ‘prove how hard it is! Show me you tried! Show me there’s no tanks!’

Nonsensical notion by a ‘person’ full of nonsensical ideas. Run along on all fours now puppy.

Atm I can’t even see you have played 13 rounds at all. You don’t post with your character. Why hide in the first place? Yes I am skeptical that it didn’t take you long at all to build these teams because it always took long when I tried. Maybe someone else here can tell about their experience with building RBG teams from scratch (having a network or community doesn’t count, of course it’s faster). And how long it took them.

I like how you edited your post just to add an IQ flame. :laughing:

Because you’re bad and are insistent on Fotm and perfect setups? I made a ‘2.4/hero/glad’ group and invited a n y b o d y with a 2.4 from the previous expansion and just played lmao.

I also invited anybody regardless of spec if they had at least 2k xp. For 2.4+ I would have had to wait even longer. I didn’t take that one “multiglad multihero” DK who lied about his xp. There were just so few applicants. We then faced teams with 2 sub rogues on domination maps when we had 0 in our team.

Anyway, see you in RBGs next season, Mr. 2.2k xp. With the tank hurdle gone thanks to my friend, it might actually be quicker this time.

It’d be more fun if there were like GW2’s 5 man BGs.

that whole game mode is dead, same reason they removed wargames, because it turns out playing as a 10 man premade into other 10 man premades is a diabolically awful experience - which is the same experience everyone else gets to enjoy when they face a 5 man premade in WSG in random bgs, or a 30 man premade in Epic BGs.

RBG is dead. War Game is dead. 99% of BG communities are disbanded or inactive.

So thanks for sharing with us the reality that you are in a miniscule, pet-battle community-sized minority of players as someone who did RBGs and premades BGs. As said earlier:

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I’d argue that normal battlegrounds are dead as well, given the enormous queues. I think that less than 1% of the playerbase are doing level 70 BGs at the moment. Queues are up to more than 20 minutes after 0:00 ST. That simply means that no one is signing up.

Premades, bad class balance (it’s always the same specs being grossly OP) and never getting any new content have killed them.

But at that time it is more normal, just like very early in the morning. People going to bed, or going to work.

Nah. Rated BGs are dead but random and epic bgs are fine apart from the fact that you face premade raids from time to time. The queue times aren’t long either, at least on horde. I’ve been getting a lot of instant invites recently and when we had to wait, it was like 7 min max, which is totally OK. And rounds opened quickly up until 3 AM. If you want to win more often, make your own group and complain less. Enough said.

you got sucked into it, you can never win these arguments, but i get it, i do get sucked into it often.

Having some valid points instead of rating flames and IQ flames might help if he wants to win an argument against me. :smiley:
I have to spend 1 hour looking for applicants while he just draws from an abundant supply of 2.4+ players. He’s just making stuff up.
Then he refuses to even show his character, but he is obsessed with my stats while hiding his own.
The only reason why I argue with clowns like him is for my own entertainment, and the only reason why I respond to this thread is to show you guys that there is an alternative to being salty about people playing in a group - making your own.

the only statisically remotely thing that is prove to anything is % winlose in normal bg, IF we could know if its prem or solo, now i can trust myself knowing i play, the vastly majority of my games as solo, i cannot confirm it with the others, id be veyr impressed with a 70/75% winratio, like yours for example, if i could know that it came solely or mostly from playing good, and not playing 5good
otherwise ye, there is people with 99.9% winratio and thousands of bgs, even tho its not many players, and im not as impressed by their gameplay as i am impressed by some other lowers ones that ha ve great individual skill but can’t be bothered to focus on “random bg winratio” like myself or someone else, i mean, i care and focus about it, but some games i cba because i cannot see a possible winning outcome
i did play against you tho, i was merc a month ago, idk if you were a team or not… and i can’t remember if i won or not, but i do remembe rgoing for you often, because you were trying fast caps, and my team was to slow to react, so i decided to literally have you as my priority in bg

Yes I remember this round in WSG. You were chasing me constantly. I was with one player at the time. I play BGs in various group sizes ranging from 1 (alone) to 5. 3 On average.
This round is a good example of why it is so important to have competent players on your team. You were the only one really trying to stop me, the rest of your team was sleeping. If you want decent players you can rely on on your team and not some idiots - take them with you into the round.

well, if i picked 2-3 good players, most bgs will make me fall asleep, camping GY is never an optio for me

Pot calling the kettle black.

Your husband thinks people that play premade random bgs should be banned. You don’t have to be his little chihuahua that yaps and defends everything he says.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy. There is absolutely no sustenance to your argument other than throwing out random insults. I do understand people like yourself who act like you do stems from deeper issues, that are usually not related to the game. So I’ll just stick you in your naughty corner and put you on ignore until you learn how to talk like a human being.

Naughty boy.