BG Queues - Solution for TBC - Live WoW solution

The queue times throughout classic for Horde have been unbearable.
Please change the BG system so you are either picked as horde or Alliance so the entire community is able to play BGs.

There’s a great amount of people who will straight up quit WoW with lasting 25min queue’s in TBC classic, myself included.

Just a tip if you’re interested in retaining x-amount of thousands of subscriptions.


And we need fix wpvp too, let us questig in ghost form and if we die in it, we respawn so we can get ganked.


How about you reroll then and create more balance?


honestly…if bliz stuck to no changes id say hell no. seeing as they are picking and choosing…mostly bad changes frankly. it would be nice to actually have a positive QOL change…yeah why not. #somechanges

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Why don’t we remove racials and allow people to pick what they want also remove factions while we are at it may as well since Allience will be useless to play.

Punishing Allience players because horde is overpopulated on PvP servers is not a solution


25 min queues? you havent seen nothing yet. Grow up or play alliance. If not, good riddance.


Reroll to alliance, if you’re not a fan of the queues then?
This idea is terrible and would just promote everyone to reroll horde as horde would have no cons to it at all.


You do realize Alliance racials are literally BiS for PvP & all “pro’s” will be alliance.


I’m sure xD.

You knew this was going to happen before Classic even released. Did you REALLY have to roll horde?

You get what you deserve playing UD rogue.


Sorry, I don’t have time to read your post. I’m busy doing BG’s.


More like casually praising Blizzard on their forums, I hope you’re getting good money for it you shill.

Might be the case if orcs ,undeads and bloodelfs don’t exist but yeah your right Allience racials are op that’s why soo many Allience queue up for battlegrounds.

As others said undead rogue says it all.

100% Agreed on this point mate, with the number of changes they are doing. Actually enabling more than half the community to play the game would be a great QOL change.

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After leveling 5 horde toons to 60 and spending classic waiting for a 30m queue I realized I couldn’t do it anymore throughout tbc so I rerolled Alliance. Never played before so it’s like a new game. Try it.


I’m betting you’re also playing undead priest, which is one of the best to play as well.

I’ve accumulated hundreds of days played on my characters in classic with a great community. Unfortunately leaving all that behind is not an option.

Just stating facts, TBC classic will lose a huge number of players with BG queue’s as broken as they are.

No they won’t though :laughing:
If they lose a high number of players, it wouldn’t be due to a BG queue.

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How amazing that you clearly know everything about WoW :slight_smile: I wonder what makes a player bash a QOL change that would enable over half the community (hundreds of thousands of players, if not millions) to actually enjoy the game while still having a real life.

Perhaps you’re so salty about your performance in-game that you idle the forums all day spreading negativity? Or even better yet, are you a paid off shill?

The players that would be leaving are horde tho won’t that make the queues balance out?

What do you honestly expect the racials are overpowered in PvP you roll a class and race from a bis list expect the majority to follow the path of least resistance.

It’s not a Qol update as it takes the only benefit from rolling a weaker faction for PvP away if you add Merc mode or horde Vs horde Allience Vs allience the queue times for horde go down the queue times for allience goes up.

Now Allience have no benefit queueing, harder time doing world PvP due to fighting against more players with stronger racials, harder time finding groups as most players on the server roll horde as it’s racials are better for PvP and PvE.

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