BG Queues - Solution for TBC - Live WoW solution

We all knew the faction populations would be imbalanced even before classic as it was the same in vanilla and all the countless private servers.

As everything in life there are pros and cons, you have to manage it and I don’t say this to offend you but it’s childish to ask for the best of both worlds.

Maybe some people will stop playing, but the majority will either learn to live with that con or adapt.

I appreciate you actually trying to look at it rather than bash the idea completely.
However you are completely wrong with the notion that Horde racials are stronger for PvP.
Simply put; no. Alliance racial are BIS for arena.

All this discussion aside, what’s your solution to shorten the queue times to enable any horde player what so ever to have a real life and not being forced to divorce your wife and leave your job to be able to gear up in BGs?

Oh, yeah right, you want half the horde players to quit - great business case for money hungry Blizzard.

I’m off this “discussion”, it’s up to Blizzard wether or not they want to retain their horde players or force us to quit the game.

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As if half the horde players would quit LOL.
They would’ve quit ages ago, if the queue bothered them THAT much.
My bet is that you’ve just recently returned / boosted a horde character and now regret the queue times.

How amazing is that you know every player on horde :slight_smile:

Somebody’s getting salty about it.
Reroll alliance or stick to having queues.

The only people that need faster queues for horde are the PvE horde players.
You were aware from the beginning that horde would be overpopulated due to “overpowered racials” and thus is the clear result of how badly horde outpopulate all of the realms.

Alliance queue: 30 seconds - 1 minute.
Horde queue : 25 minutes.

So, why would I roll alliance, if horde have all the stronger racials - same queue time, outpopulating the alliance in the world exactly?


Simple put; no.
Will of the forsaken is bis as long as RMP and WLD are the top tier comps. Perception is good only vs rogues, escape artist is kinda useful for warr but not even close to bis and stoneform is getting nerfed since blind is no longer a poison.

Also, even tho i don’t like to be THAT guy but… Do you know what was the horde answer to all alliance whining for AV being unfair cause horde had a map advantage? “GeT gOoD nOoBs” and “l2p”. So it kinda feels good for some ppl to answer with a “reroll alliance if you want to play fast”. Revenge is a dish best served cold after all.


Honestly if you compare the racials and how they work Allience racials are weaker by a large margin.

Most Allience racials have a niche use

Let’s compare

Humans have better stealth detection by about 5 yards and you have to be looking the direction of the stealthed characters in arenas your not always against stealthed useable effect long cooldown

Orc racial gives you huge amount of stun resistance all the time and an ability that increases your damage great in PvP as most classes have a stun or are completely based around stuns.

Gnome has escape artist great for getting out a nova or a slow does not grant immunity so most classes can reapply slows or roots after which don’t suffer from diminishing returns.

Undead racial breaks any fear,charm effects usable while under the effect of cc and makes you immune to the cc for a further 5 seconds this racial is absolutely broken in PvP priests locks warriors depend on their fear and its the only ability in the game that breaks out of seduction without negatively effecting your DPS. On top of that you can eat a corpse to regen your hp which is good.

Night elf shadowmeld very niche as it is only useful for defending a flag in ab and in arena but you need to be out of combat to use it and moving breaks the stealth…

Bloodelf an aoe silence/interupt plus mana drain how strong is that for PvP you can interupt a heal,prevent cc it is very strong in arenas and bgs

Dwarf can remove poisons and bleeds makes you immune for 5 seconds very niche as the only class that relies on bleeds and posions is druids and rogues and even then they can burst damage instead when they pop it.

Tauren aoe stun good interupt in bgs and arenas and higher hp I wouldn’t say this racial is overpowered as it locks them in a small cast time.

Draenei a long cd heal over time good kick bait in PvP weak use overall not overpowered

Troll attack speed buff great for hunters damage but overall not overpowered.


How about not posting useless comments like these… It has been an issue for 2 years, do you expect people to just suddenly fix this by them selves cus you post a ridiculous comment?

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“NNNNOOOOOOO But I have to play Hordee, they have the best faction racials, also I don’t care about other players, I just care about myself”

You reap what you sow.


You are crazy lol… I ask Blizzard for 1-way transfers so I can play Alliance. I didn’t chose horde because of racials.

You and I know that tranfers are not going to happen, since they just released the boost. Just boost one up and you’ll be in the saddle in no time.

I wont boost the same class as I already have on Horde side. And I don’t plan to play a different class in TBC.

That’s how it works now. You pick horde or alliance.


See, I offered you a solution but you are still not happy about it.

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If you call that a solution lol, sorry to disappoint you.

Imagine knowing at the Classic release that Horde will have the BG que problem, still rolling horde and then crying about it in the forums.

You literally had 1.9 years to reroll.


First of all, I didn’t know until later in Classic since I did 0 PVP. Now when TBC hit and there are 30 min queues it just sucks. Secondly, I play with my IRL friends who are playing Horde, none of them have the time to re-roll Alliance.

Again, why would you be against those who wants a transfer to Alliance side to get rid of the queues? Population imbalance isn’t good for anyone… It would be a solid solution.

Thankfully Blizzard has found a solution to your problem, since the Classic gear don’t mean nothing in TBC.

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Don’t even bother trying to discuss with this Zombie Batushka and his minions buddy.
If Blizzard wants the dough to keep rolling in, they’ll fix the queue situation.
All this nonsense about picking faction and knowing things in advance is beyond ridicule.
Add to that the fact that there is 52% horde 48% Alliance on EU… it literally CAN’T get more balanced than it is already.

Clearly alliance are just not interested in PvP, fine by me - just let us play as mercenaries so we can play BGs.


The truth is that at the end of the day the players create this issue for themselves by keep rolling more Horde characters instead of Alliance characters despited knowing how it’ll end up in the end for them.

I understand the different reasons as to why you choose Horde over Alliance and I don’t blame you for doing so, but it comes with a price and that’s to have longer BG queues. That’s just how the reality is and until the players choose to balance this out more, you’ll continue to have long BG queues I’m afraid.


How lost are you mate? 52% horde 48% alliance, resulting in 30min queue time for horde and instant pop for alliance. The problem isn’t the faction balance… The problem is that 90% of you alliance players are PvE Andy.

Enable Cross-Faction PvP, let us join as mercenaries - EASY QOL FIX. You PvE Andy’s can enjoy your PvE all the same.

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Maybe a few of you PvP chads that totally didn’t roll Horde for their racials could come over to Alliance and enjoy these instant queues? Blizzard could even help you out by offering Horde to Alliance transfers or something like that. Even the semi serious PvPers on our server were done with their honor and mark grind in 3 days. You might occasionally eat a fear you can’t simply WOTF your way out of but I’m sure you can manage.

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