BG Queues - Solution for TBC - Live WoW solution

just a tip … play ALLIANCE
problem fixed

what about instead blizzard improve Alliance racials in pvp ?

And there might be a lot more players quitting if Blizzard changes the game too much. I guess everyone wants the game catered towards themselves.


Alliance has quick queues, horde wins most of BGs = balanced

A better fix would be to encourage more alliance to play pvp. Maybe have it so the more an alliance player loses the bigger boost it gets to stats and rewards?

Must be some way to even out the win/loss ratio to make it more interesting for more alliance to play and in turn reduce the horde queue times.

Something akin to another game, where the losing side got bigger buffs the more the winning side won until the losing side could push back.

Says the Dwarf Priest Andy. I bet you are so mad about the fact every priest race getting fear ward with TBC that you have to spread toxic behaviour in the forums and punishing a horde dude with an actually good idea.

PS: Enjoy your instant loses

I picked a dwarf because I’m Scottish I also picked a night elf warrior because I like tanks to be large but keep assuming I roll something for bis.

I’m happy that all priests get fearward and hordes devouring plague I don’t need racials or race specific advantages for PvP unlike you horde crybabies

Ps: enjoy your queue and I will enjoy my queue instant


There is an easy solution.

If all the hordes that cry about queue times just quit the game we eventually reach better faction balance.


Its prepatch, there is tooo many horde players queing for cap, wait for lvl 70, it will be better.

Hi, i play Horde. And it is my firmly held belief that disadvantages and consequences are only for the Alliance, not for me. Dont make me cry all day on the forum, Blizz. Cheers

Make an alliance character then.
Easy enough with a gear reset and all.

Mercenary? Never. It is terrible system which makes ali teams even more undergeared because there are not only people gearing fresh ali toons but also fresh horde guys with bad gear trying to get some fast honor. Result is ali team with 7/10 people in greens VS horde team with 7/10 people in full PvP epics.

Rated BG retail solution where horde can fight horde if there is not enough ali in que and one team is just playing as blue? Little bit more acceptable at first glance, but still terrible because in this minmaxing and metaslaving era of gaming even more people would roll horde with no downside resulting in world PvP being even more onesided where ali player cant make single step without being ganked by 5+ horde guys.

Free faction change on horde dominant realms so everybody can count pros and cons and reconsider their faction choice? Yes, why not, see no problem there.


except that dwarf is still the best race for priest in arena.

PS: Enjoy your queue times

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Cry more, die more

I’m gonna have so much fun farming BG’s with instant queue premades (but still gonna get killed by UD rogue gankers daily, the grass isn’t greener on the other side)

Also the 48/52 statistic that gets thrown around represents the number of active raiders, not Population. When you check Discord servers and /who you find that the ratio is 40/60 on servers that are 50/50 in terms of raiding population, which means that at least 20% of Horde are active PvPers that aren’t interested in constant raiding.

And Alliance players overpopulate PvE servers, but I don’t see Horde players there getting helped in any way.

I wonder at what point will people like you stopping using this as some kind of excuse for Alliance players needing some “reward”.

Though ofc I’m still against something like mercenary mode, I think it’s too far from the TBC experience to fit in the game.

Yes they overpopulated on classic because of Allience paladins where better for pve that all changes in tbc.

It also does matter what kind of server it is because PvP servers are horde dominated a full server even if it’s slightly on horde side like 5% it’s over 1000 more players out about in the world ganking you it’s easier to find groups with larger population for both ganking and raid/dungeon so it does impact players of the opposite faction on PvP servers good luck farming anything only to see multiple horde kill you on sight with no chance to defend.

You want a Rewarded for playing horde oh I have the strongest racials, more population but I’m crying right now because I have a queue can you make Allience queue longer with Merc mode, No thanks

Fix the balance on servers and it will fix the queue times for horde and I am happy for that not a band aid that helps one side but hurts the other.

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I’m not saying I need a reward or w/e, but neither does the Alliance

Asking for Allience to take the burden of longer queues via Merc mode is asking for to be rewarded for playing the dominant faction

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It’s not the dominant faction on every server, though. Why should ppl suffer for what happens on servers they don’t play on?

No but overall there are more Horde players on PvP servers and since BGs are linked in some way they are the dominant faction.

Yes queues are not pleasant but there are worse things. I just farm stuff while waiting for the pop, not that efficient but hey, thats 's just how it is. I’m not a fan either of Horde vs Horde games, and I honestly don’t believe that people will quit over the queues. They were there in original TBC as well and back then servers were linked to battlegroups, now it’s more balanced because the pool is bigger.

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