BG Queues - Solution for TBC - Live WoW solution

There are a few things Blizzard could do but I highly doubt that this will ever happen and those are:

  • Put a limit on X amount of Alliance & Horde characters on a given server to balance it out.
  • Buff the Alliance racials to be on the same level as the Horde.
  • Promote the Alliance players to be more active with PvP and thus balance the queue a bit more than what it is now.

However I still to this day believe that it’s up to the Horde players who play on the very much dominant servers to balance the faction imbalance out by moving over to the Alliance. I know it’s not easy to go away from your main characters, guild, and friends but that’s the reality we live in right now.

You can’t have it all and something needs to be done if not by Blizzard then from us players. Change the behavior and you will at the same time resolve this issue.


Maybe you don’t have to drop your friends, maybe you can convince them that alliance is the way to go since their racials are so op and make them follow you. That way you play with your friends, you play the op faction, you get lower ques and you help the game overall since you will increase the alliance pool while lowering the horde one. See? 4 in 1.

But i can suggest smt else too since you mentioned the whole “game changed a lot” and you want to use a retail thing. Why don’t we use a similar system to the open world bonus or the tank/healer satchel rewards from LFG?
When the whole open world with pvp talents on/off came live horde (surprise surprise) overflowed the world with pvp talents. In order to bring some balance blizzard started giving alliance bonus to world q rewards.
The LFG system’s problem is closer to the problem we are talking about. DPS had long ques cause noone wanted to tank/heal HCs after they outgeared them. So blizz just started giving satchels with gold and small chance for mounts (later augmented runes) in hot hours when dps que was getting out of hand.
Atm all the horde crybabies ask for merc mode which will lower the ques for horde but will increase the alliance one. So b4 we go to merc mode why don’t we give a motive to alliance 1st and see how that turns out? According to different sites alliance-horde ratio (overall since bgs are alrdy cross realm) is smt like 40smt to 50smt, close enough to not cause a huge difference. Yet we have it, cause it seems like alliance just don’t want to que. Why don’t we give them some motive then like bonus honor in hot hours or satchels with some gold? Alliance win for queing more, horde win cause their ques go down. Both sides win smt in oppose to merc mode where only horde win while alliance lose.

Not all the people like you, many don’t choose faction only by ‘OP’ factor.
I for example never play gnomes (while play as a warrior alot), I hate trolls (however those one of the strongest and balanced casters). Same goes for draeneis, so for my shamans there is literally no option to play alliance.

I like that idea, however, alliance already have huge PvP bonus. Alliance already have much better honor/hr ration. But still not interested in PvP, dunno why. I remember on Nostalrius, sometimes there were close to ~50/50 balance, but queue for horde still were big.
But, we can try (if only activios gave a f…).

You’ve made your decision then, now take the consequences too.

Wtf are you even saying mate, a silence (untrinketable) vs a stun are to vastly different cc’s. No cast time, aoe silence that even provides energy for rogues makes that spell top tier for rogue pvp.

Okay, you guys finaly triggered me.
Rogue BE is like undead warrior. Another kick is good, but in reality it sucks when compared to Human/UD:

  1. rogue already have tons of ways to break casts, there is no big need in basicaly second kick, because the only way someone can cast non-instants under rogue is to CC rogue
  2. rogue mostly plays with mage/spriest/lock two of who have one of the strongest silences in game, and last one have 3s silence too. Rogue also have garrote which in TBC apply silence. So, BE ability also have huge DR conflict in almost all rogues setups
  3. here also other things, like setup popularity. rogue one of the most popular pvp class, who sits in like half most viable setups. And rogue is very vurnuable if enemy rogue open on him, that is why human so strong.
  4. Also, priest, another ‘near OP’ class, and he have strong fear, which is very dungeous for rogue. And while there many other ways to not be feared, another ‘free’ way to break it always good.
  5. Also warrior, no comments here, UD have good bonus, BE have none.
  6. Also mage, mage already virtually can not cast upon rogue, so no difference too.

That is why BE not that popular as a rogue race in TBC. Not was before, not it is now, not it would be. It is only usable when you are solo, and you tunnel enemy healer. Rogue have 2s setups (rdru or dpriest), but you will not see much of them. There is also other place, BG, where it can be good, but I doubt someone choose race based on how strong it is in BG, atleast not before BG got it own rating system.

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a silence (untrinketable) vs a stun are to vastly different cc’s.

Yeah because everyone is trinketing War Stomp lol.

makes that spell top tier for rogue pvp

Even if it was good, perception and WoF are still way better. Noone serious in PvP plays BE for anything else than pala.

Even Hydra saying Dwarf is the best race for dpriest.

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