BG Queues - Solution for TBC - Live WoW solution

You don’t understand that stone forst+heal is like another long CD wich make you NOT DIE and lose arena.
WOTF wont help you there with it. At all.

They would not apply because you get imun for full duration of stone form.

BTW, if I remember right, wolf does not give you root dispell even in wotlk. Ther is talent wich allow earth bind totem dispen slow/roots from party, not wolf itself.

I don’t think you understand you used example of dwarf priest removing posions will not make you escape a rogue you have cheap shot,kidney shot,blind,gouge,shadow step,cloak of Shadows and undead racial.

The only way a priest can gain distance is using their fear ability even if the rogue is slower you have all that tool kit to counter it there is no counter to the fear immunity.

You cannot make plays by removing posions if you set up a kill in arena removing posions is not going to secure the kill as the posions are not cc. If undead are going for a kill removing the fear and being immune will secure the kill just look at how many warlocks and priests on Allience compared to horde.

You are not always playing against Charms, Fears or Sleeps either. It all comes down to what setups will be played the most. Cannibalize is almost never used in PvP, that’s really marginal. Bloodelf silence is useless, nobody serious in PvP plays BE. Dwarf is OP as priest, better than Undead, way more tanky, better in most setups. Immunity to poisons is HUGE, you can remove 5 stacks of Wound poison by one click and heal up in a few seconds, if you don’t understand how OP this is in PvP then idk. It also removes all Diseases and adds 10% armor but I guess you forgot to mention that.

If you want to play PvP ‘competitively’ and it has your class then you should play Orc, Human, Dwarf or Undead. Undead is the best but it’s not that OP as most of you think.

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Not always but the top team setups in arena usually have a warlock,priest,rogue,mage in the setup and horde racials orc and undead are the best. Cannibalize does have its uses more for BGs than arena.

Blood elf silence is strong just shows how little you know about PvP silence/interupt secures kills especially on melee cleave teams you have kicks /stuns plus a racial you can easily chain on a healer to kill them.

You are insane if you think dwarf is better racial than undead is that how 90% of horde play undead/orc their racials must be crap eh I guess that’s how horde have such short queue in battlegrounds since everyone on Allience plays dwarf.

Read again what I wrote. Never said Stoneform was better than WoF. I even said this:

Undead is the best but it’s not that OP as most of you think.

Stoneform is OP for priests. WoF is OP as well. Both are the best in some situations.

Most top teams at least in 2s will have a druid in the team and most setups will be RD and you have no use of WoF against them but you would be very happy with your Stoneform.

The fact that most people play Horde because of racials doesn’t mean that Alliance racials are useless, it just means that most people THINK that Horde racials are OP, but most people also suck in PvP.

Bloodelf an aoe silence/interupt plus mana drain how strong is that for PvP you can interupt a heal,prevent cc it is very strong in arenas and bgs

Tauren aoe stun good interupt in bgs and arenas and higher hp I wouldn’t say this racial is overpowered as it locks them in a small cast time.

If you say BE silence is OP then by the same logic even War Stomp is OP because it does exactly the same thing, hell, even more, you need global for both, WS is only 0.5 sec cast so almost instant and it’s a small area CC, both CC for 2 seconds, so how come in your pro description silence is OP but stun isn’t?

Learn to use your racial and stop whining about WoF, you have the second best racial in the game and in some scenarios THE best racial overall, and you are also a priest so good for you. Go look up how Hydra wins tournaments on a dwarf. And he isn’t even that good on TBC nowadays, there are better priests than him. If my friends didn’t have their friends on Horde already we would be playing Alliance and I would be a dwarf priest.

Gnome has escape artist great for getting out a nova or a slow does not grant immunity so most classes can reapply slows or roots after which don’t suffer from diminishing returns.

Gnomes also have more mana thanks to their Intellect bonus and Humans have better mana regen.

Draenei and Night Elves are bad that I have to admit but why would anyone play a Draenei anyway…

If you create a Horde you should know about que times thats the downside of being Horde. You cant get best package, there is pluses and minuses in everything.

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No change i love the toxic party chat in horde bgs when they losing

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Warstomp while good in battlegrounds is not op due to the fact you have to stop what your doing and cast.

if your a melee cleave stopping your damage to cast warstomp your not putting out kill pressure the bloodelf one is instant and because it’s a silence it effects casts that are kick immune and is on a different Dr from your stuns.

Dwarf racial is weak the most played classes on Allience by far for PvP is human and gnome and even those are lackluster compared to horde racial abilities.

Your on about small racials with small amount of mana and spirit which are negligible even the horde side has better for survival and killing. the horde have 5% hp,10% hp regen in combat and 5% damage from pets. These are all small gains over other races nothing game breaking.

The top twos team is undead/orc rogue, undead mage
Followed by druid,orc/gnome warrior and druid/undead rogue. Druid locks are also strong guess what the best race is yep undead

Eh, when was the last time you played TBC 2s?

Just orc things. Not even a spell you activate and need to think b4 hand or smt. Braindead passive that’s there and can’t be ignored, baited, outplayed, bypassed

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Mate, really, do you have any experience in arena? Esp in TBC vs most popular setups rogue+mage/rogue+spriest/rogue+lock?

It’s another strong self defence cooldown with perspective to break distance with rogue. It is not ultimate weapon or something. But, you the one who listed very strong cooldowns. And arena is place where you must count all your cooldowns and use them wisely. You said it by yourself, stone form == force rogue to use clock or vanish (CS ofcourse). I will take it over wotf at any time.

So, lets be clear. Your argument is that undead priest more popular than dwarf in VANILLA?
Do I get it right?

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I am a dwarf priest and rarely see other dwarf priests. Most are NE.

They have to be the most OP then.

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Really makes you think which faction plays for minmaxxing.

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I rerolled to alliance for TBC giving up BIS geared chars, a guild, friends and gold.

Why? Because i wanted shorter Bg Queue Times.
People asking for mercenary mode now are nothing but selfish. You want everything. World pvp DOMINANCE, better racials overall (Arena arguably but defintly in BGs) and now shorter queues. While probably having the better PvE environment too, since more people play on your faction and its easier to find groups, pugs and guilds. Why would anyone who cares about pvp AND pve start on alliance if mercenary mode was a thing? Pls tell me.


The queues would be fine on themselves but the worst part is you can’t do anything else in the meantime (30 minutes) because you get teleported back to the battlemaster every time you leave a BG. So if you want to farm BG whole day you just afk in OG most of the ‘gameplay’. My realm is 60% Alli btw

World pvp died with flying mounts, get used to it. On top of it, some of us are actually playing on balanced servers, hell, some even on servers where alliance has majority of pvpers therefore “you want everything” notion is invalid.

Fix is simple, allow one round of free faction changes for everyone. I’m quite sure a lot of horde players would change to alliance if this option was available. However, this option could screw up some of the servers big time which then introduces another problem…

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Inform your self correctly befor you start a troll post. The PvE Server are all in Alliance Favor so i dont think they have PvE problems over there. But they have what? the PvP servers in Bg REALMPOOL. Also we didnt ask for SHORTER queue time as Alliance has. just Shorter as we self have now which is 30minutes and more. In same for not letting Premades insta queue vs horde randoms.

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The thing is, there is no other solution than allow horde vs horde and alliance vs alliance. Because ok, start/middle of TBC (before people roll to OP factions) will have big queue time for horde. But in wotlk, alliance will be on that place. You guys will be on our place, and you guys will whine, like it was before in the end of wotlk.

But I want to play BG now. And there is 2 solutions for me, I kind of drop my friends and reroll for better racials and lower queue times to alliance, OR activision implement some kind of solution.

And solution is only one. Esp, when activision already changed game alot, and vanilla was a huge mess. We already get a frankenpatch, and I believe changes which will make game actually playable, might take a place.