BGs should have separate queues

I’ve quit BGs for now.

6 games in a row camped in GY as a bunch of randoms against premade.

They should either only allow to solo que or big groups get put into a que of their own. Measures need to be implemented to treat everyone fairly.

I hope blizzard make a response soon about this. Even if they state they can’t do nothing.

I’ve never known it to be this bad and we’re only level 25. It’s going to get worse!

If a random group is getting pitted against an organised group you’re taking away the competition and turning into a farming ground.

Class stacking is a problem in pre mades, so playing your favourite class can be punishable by the community if you are forced to play pre mades.


I hope I camped you at least once, so to say did my part of the job


Can’t wait for premade vs premade so your grp disbands after getting roflstomped by an actual premade


once trade chat premade that I joined disbanded after not winning a pug, so can’t surprise me on this one


It was Always Like that since vanilla, Privateservers and 2019 Release. Its a stupid system. The rankers wanted easy and fast Honor, fighting premades was counterpeoductive. The real pvpers played on henhouse and 10v10 real premades. This minmax era is bullsh… When i do premade i only want to Fight premades. Other stuff is boring and only for pvers

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Most pugs just throw their hand into the air and give up as soon as they see the enemy team is a premade group, not understanding that being a premade does not automatically make them invincible.

I don´t play som or do pvp, but I do hope they keep the system as is, since these forum posts are just too funny.


I hope you did too. Farm all that honour while you can. You know, incase they do introduce a fix for this.

You’re going to need it!

Its this bad because we’re only lvl 25.

We really need to take the 25% damage reduction away from Battlegrounds! Tank/Healer comps are just outlasting even the best comps. They don’t get kills but they don’t die either… I rather do world PvP than que a BG because of this.
The PvP helm rewards with 5% damage/crit reduction is a good idea though! That I do like!

You didn’t have to say you don’t play it was obvious from what you are saying. Enjoy your ignorance.


when more and more soloplayers quit. premade vs premade is inevitable the very same thing they try to prevent :joy:


What´s so ignorant about my statement? I played on Light´s hope (private server) and there were 90% premades. Was fun. More fun than having to coordinate some nublet Pug who just wants to aram.

Give it a few years and you will be wiser, young one.


We won’t miss you bro!

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Cool story, bonebag

PUGs vs PUGs have soul and charm

Premades vs Premades meta-gangsters of the Owl have their appeal too

So why not separate queues? You real PvPer can understand it right?


i’m reading US forums and they have the same problem, it’s global problem
just want to share something i read on:

"Make Hogger solo’able!

No, it’s there for group play. Group up. Talk to folks."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Who can’t solo Hogger don’t deserve a place in the “real PvP” that premaders claim

But the fact is that you premade defenders are full of players who say that type of chips:

"Make Hogger solo’able!

No, it’s there for group play. Group up. Talk to folks."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Solo-queue appeal the most skilled players, and you are scared to be on the wrong side of the skill

This chips you are defending, start to be a dictatorship
i don’t think Blizzard need this type of reputation for their game

you can’t always force people to be meta, this is full of badstress, wow is not designed to be a job

separate queue for the sweaters and the chillers is needed

That would also make the premaders stop playing. Cause they are not really after the challenge of the bg. They are there to stomp.

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Working as intended.

I have too!

I thought they are just social guys that want to play with their countless friends (that wouldn’t even give them water irl even if they saw them dieing infront of them). At least that’s what a lot of them claim. iTsAsOcIaLgAmEiPlAyWiThFrIeNdS