BGs should have separate queues

Maybe meeting other premades lakes them a lot less social, I dunno

they don’t want to play with their friends anymore :joy:

pretty much this

What? People wouldnt go through the task of creating, forming and coordinating a group when you get the same result by just brainafking in random bgs? Really surpising.

Almost like people have a bunch of different motivations.

Almost like the setting and incentives also influences human behaviour.

Almost like people have to be somtimes nudged in a certain direction.

Really high tier rocket science here.

your highness,

there are more afk players in premade vs PUGs (premade afk at GY to kill, PUGs afk ghost, only the guy who run the flag for the premade without defense do something)

than in


:tm: :registered: :copyright:

Why don’t you show premades what true PvP skill is instead of talking high and mighty all the time despite spending 99% of your time as Caspar in the GY?

you got to chill, man…
and let people chill, man…
it’s a game, man…

match premades with premades and if the enemys are at least 5man premades honor and rep is doubled. here is your carrot you desperately need and solo queues can be left alone.

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whene its premade vs premade your lil group will cry and disband

Nobody disbands after premade vs premade. There is no point in breaking the group.

So, why do you act like you are gonna lose something, everyday all days on the forums, if Blizzard add separate queues?

Why would you think banning premade will make your solo queue BG experience better? You think it is fun to play with random comps, trolls, and AFK in stealth such as druids, and rogues, meeting toxic people in chat, and HK’s farmers in the middle for 45 minutes up to 1 hour. Do you think people won’t find ways to exploit and still queue as a premade like players are doing in Retail WoW?

Separate queues with separate rewards so that group play continues to be promoted. Sound good?

nobody wants to ban premades, we want a premade vs premade queue to have some challenge once

this is a wrong resume of PUGs vs PUGs, you got too much hate and nothing really valuable to tell on it

organized premades are way more exploiting than PUGs, #win-trade/sell


which rewards do you want?

which rewards do you want? as a premade vs premade?
don’t be shy

which rewards do you want? as a premade vs premade? explain your idea to the people of azeroth

Increased honor and rep is a no brainer. If you oppose this, I simply ask why? You’ll have your Solo queue and the premades will have a carrot. Win-win.

Separate queues with the exact same rewards results in a dead premade scene, I guarantee you.

So that’s what your premade team is? You admit make a premade just to have some PUGs to farm at GY?

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99% of premades atm are made in LFG with no comms to maximise winning chances vs unorganised opponents. This is obvious.

However, if you make a premade queue (I support this btw), you will force these premades to optimise comp (priests ftw), use comms, and have good gear. If you do not give increased rewards for going to this trouble, then you kill off premades as they see 0 point in fighting harder games for 0 gain.

It’s very straightforward.

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