BGs should have separate queues

i don’t see how, just send a hunter pet on him from bg start, have a rogue sitting in flag room.

Not all premades do that and you basically just said the most fun you have is messing with bad premades when picking the flag in a pug group. 90% of the time that premade is still going to win, but you have caused them an inconvenience and delayed their win by X amount of minutes.

i would say i have at least a 50/50 win rate against a bad premade.

Premade queue will mandate:

  • Comms
  • Optimising comp, i.e. min-max
  • longer queues to account for both the above (will take time/people won’t be inclined to use Discord initially), as well as the fact that many will go Solo queue.

In addition, many Premades will disband to simply go Solo queue as the quality of gameplay will not be as intense nor demanding - particularly if rewards are the same.

Why bother with longer pops, much harder games (the difference between a skilled and seasoned premade vs a /lfg pick-up is astonishing), a need to min-max to the Nth degree if the rewards are the same?

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Sure if you say so. Most players in PUG groups have given up before the gates even open. So I don’t really believe you have a 50/50 win ratio against playing bad premades. You can only carry a pug team so far as FC.

pressing spacebar correctly against opponents that do not know how to use space bar, can really carry a lot. Its true that some give up from the gates, but after none has capped within the first 10 mins, they tend to wake up. I also use lots of faps

Well good premades should be doing all that already and not just stacking 3 Priests, 6 Hunters and FC. Doesn’t matter how bad your premade is you’re stomping 95% of pugs with that setup.

The fact I’d that premade v premade is decided within the first minute so regardless of you win or lose it’s still going to be significantly faster than sitting in solo queue playing 30-45 min games every game. There will still be plenty of premade groups with a fast turnaround of 7-8 min games. Yes the bad premades will lose, but they deserve to lose if they can’t even be bothered to go on discord or download BG addons.

That’s the main issue you have all these scrubs facerolling pugs and defending it on the forums saying just make your own premade or join a premade, but they can’t even be bothered to join a discord group and actually face other premades properly. They just want those easy wins over pugs without even being organised or good at PvP.

imo the problem is more about priests and hunters being op, than premades.

Yeah I agree with that. I think if those classes were more balanced in BG you would see a lot more unorganised premades actually losing to randoms, which would probably make more people go to solo queue.

Basically if you could get the ratio of premade v pug matches down to like 30-40% I don’t think you need to make any changes to queue. It’s only a problem at the moment because you can sometimes face a premade as a pug player for like 7-8 games in a row, depending on time/day etc.

The irony in you talking about premades not being bothered to download external software while your ilk can’t even manage to use lfg channel is not, my friend, lost on me.

Have you seen LFG or Trade? LF WSG 4xHunter & 2xPriest. LF Feral FC full Zoo premade (yes that’s what stacked hunter & druid premade is called).

I mean keep defending scrubmades all you want. Unless you’re a BG meta class or FC you’re going to find it tough to get a spot in a good premade.

It’s completely selfish to think that it’s acceptable that people that don’t play meta BG classes or only want to play solo queue should be subjected to getting steamrolled and GY camped for hours on end just because they want to chill and have a bit of fun in BGs.


its fun being in a premade with 3 hunters, people debating on what to take to fill up, and the bottom line is the safest bet is just to take another hunter.

All of the people who are defending the premade vs PUG as it’s currently doesn’t realize that their number one worry of getting longer queue times if the queues are separated will happen due to lack of players joining from solo queue that are sick and tired of this and not because the queues are separated.

This is unhealthy for the PvP and BG scene and it has to be addressed before it’s too late.

Hahaha chars

Separate the queues and lets find out :wink:.

don’t separate the Que
allow just 5 ppl teams or only solo Que or change nothing

pug vs pug is just way more fun to me esp when both teams have a mix of good and bad players.
just had a wsg when alliance went 2-0, then we as horde came back to 3-2 win. probably wont queue for wsg after im done with the rep grind which is soon since most of the time its pug vs premade.

To my knowledge none of the safe spots are accessible without 60+ speed so you cant really stall.

Hiding will only work until a hunter tabs you and sends his pet. Maybe a few minutes toos. Or am i missing something?

You would be surprised at how long it takes people to find you in even the most basic spots these days, even with hunters in the team. I’ve sat in spots for 20 mins watching people run by multiple times. Both with pugs and premades. Maybe just the average IQ of the people who PvP in SOD these days who knows.

Normally if you sit on the tunnel roof for a while then change locations it seems to throw the whole team off. Kinda like doing a magic trick. You show them something to focus on i.e the tunnel roof and then when they aren’t looking or focused on something else you change locations and for some reason they fall for it.

PvP without a pre made is bad. I haven’t done it since getting camped 3 games in a row and always see class stacking. No PvP outside of Ashenvale for me so far in SoD.

Only go in WSG if you have a group formed yourself. But even then, you’ll be getting frustrated that people will leave because you’ll lose 1 game out of 3.

I don’t think you should be allowed to que solo as it is right now. It diminishes your experience in the game.

Queuing solo is a funny word too, as we’re not really queueing solo. We’re queuing to be assigned to a group. So what’s the point in pre mades if this feature exists?