BGs should have separate queues

I dont do pvp as im currently only playing hardcore. I simply try to put some oil into the fire here. The topics about how unfair it all is, are just too fun to be honest. Im down with the cold and this keeps me warm.

Just want to make sure you know nobody thinks you are cool, more like sad and cringe. I know in your head you are the main character so, there it is.

That is a really weird take…

It is of no importance what a stranger on the internet thinks of me. Most discussions, such as this very one, are pointless and lead to nothing.

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I chalk it up as a sideeffect from being a wee bit ill at the moment.

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If that would be true then you wouldn’t be parading here like a clown.

On this we can agree on, all this talk is just entertaining ourselves, game is abandoned.

It doesnt do that, honor farmer. All it does is it creates different game modes like there were different arena modes. In premade you have to be good at preparing and in solo you have to be good at working with what you get.

No, in a premade you have to be good at healing hunter pets, have alot of hunters and a druid or shaman that can do the wall glitch flag carry, prep is not needed, stop trying to make it into some grand tactical super prepp, it’s a hunter and healing meta nothing else

‘Honor farmer’ - what a burn, Graveyard Granny

I would call you something too, but it would be against ToS so I will refrain from it this once.

you have to have a very low IQ for this comment. Even if you are in a premade it is so boring. I played 10 games vs PUGS and they got 0 kills in 10 games… most boring pvp every

It’s fine. Just type /afk

Wait 15 minutes and type /afk again

Premades are unhealthy for the normal queue.

I wonder if they’ll do a response about this for phase 2?

Premades makes bgs toxic for casual players.

Current state is that if you are casual you wont be able to play bg.

And if you say the truth you get toxic respons by players that benefit from premades smashing pugs. Saying you are bad and a sorry person.
So toxic

imo bgs should have seperate queues, the regular q where premades and pugs can queue, the one we have a currently. And a seperate Q where only pugs can Q, but that gives no honor or rep.

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Jesus what a victim. Grow up.

Premade v premade is even faster rep/honor gain than premade v pug. I don’t think I’ve actually played in any premade v premade matches that the fight lasts longer than the first mid fight. Matches are generally decided in the first minute. Whoever wipes first generally folds and let’s the other team cap.

The argument that premade v premade fights will make matches longer & rep/honor gain less is completely invalid. I would argue that having a problematic pug FC is more of an inconvenience to a premade than actually playing another premade. It’s all about rep/honor per hour and some pug matches can turn a 7-8 min game into a 15 min game if the pug decides to turtle or you have a clever FC.

I honestly don’t see any issues with separating the queues. As someone who plays FC a lot, I actually only really get challenged when playing in pug v pug matches because everyone normally plays to the last cap. In premade I’m just someone who engages in one fight at the start and runs back and forth cause I have movement speed buff or just straight up shuttles the flag back and forth. At least in pug v pug I actually have to use 2 brain cells and play smart to cap flags.

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if you find a pug problematic and are letting a solo q fc make the game longer, your premade is very bad. the most fun i have as an fc, is when I solo Q and facing bad premades, vs pugs its often just boring.

I said they could be potentially more of an inconvenience than premade v premade. You can have a good FC that can delay a win for premade by hiding with flag in some obscure place that costs the team time.

Nothing to do with it actually being a threat to them actually winning.