it’s hoj. hoj
How did you Copyright and Trademark (!) your post omg Oo
Amazing how rocket league mastered queuing groups against other groups in 2015 but blizzard still struggling in 2023
- Your class not being meta
- Your server not having a big wsg scene
I just don’t get this response.
If the game allows me to que solo, it also should put in measures to make sure that everyone is being treated fairly.
I shouldn’t have to make my own groups if access is there.
They need to either disable the solo que function or add a pre made function.
Imo adding a pre made function is the fairest thing to do. To allow people to play with friends or play competitive.
Anyone against this really sound like they just want to farm those easy matches when they can.
It also allows you to queue in a group.
It’s not a matter of access as you have it, it’s all those solo queuing players playing as a cohesive group or everyone running off to do their own thing, and we know they all do the latter, which is why they lose. If Solo players can’t play as a group that’s not the other sides fault
Blizzard will not make “friends” grouping or “competitive” grouping as they don’t actually join as a full group, they time it so they end up as two groups or more together.
You will when its premade vs premade. No more GY farming pugs. Bro will actually have to work for a win lol.
At the moment it’s borderline exploiting if they don’t put something in place.
I’ll accept them banning people queuing solo.
You know, “just have 10 players to join”.
At the moment though, it’s just exploiting and harassing half your playerbase.
the SoD meta is boring, and gameplay without flavour, too many fences (PuGs vs PuGs have more variables)
We had fun since 2019 with or without premades for 4-5years of Classic
Paying (13e/month) for this meta-premade for more ~2years is a bad way
Formula 1 (Premades) stomping at GY the Fiat Punto (PuGs) is not entertaining…
it deserve a try to separate queues
remember horde asking for Horde vs Horde BGs, they obtained it (TBC classic)
Blizz can change the matchmaking, they already did it for Horde
We are facing an equal or bigger crisis in SoD, Blizz have to change this
Blizz, how hard it it to make a few lines of code to change the q system where if you are more than 5 people in a party/raid and below 10 you face ppl in the same range, and if your 10 in a raid you face another 10 man raid. Hire me and I fix it for you
It’s one of the few things you can do at max lvl in sod and you screw it up, and we’ve seen you hotfix stuff so hotfix this asap. For once, have your developers play their own game and let them have the input on what’s important.
If you think a little more about this - you will understand.
Better find a premade group and wait in queue for 3 minutes
Thn waiting 2 hours in queue to meet same premade composition like you have and to have less organized team for both sides?
Right now you can do reputation in a few days from revered to exalted. I don’t want to wait wsg for 2 hours for 0-205 rep, no one will play it at the end at all and no one will get reputation.
And let’s do some math with me.
If you have 9ppl premade and will play against 9ppl premade, how do you think 10th man will feel about that? He joined solo queue and faced premade.
If someone was disconnected from the 10vs10 premade game, who will join the lost player’s place? Another one non-premade pug, right? Who will join this forum later to whine about playing against premade and stomped in the field there he was walking because he wasn’t in the discord with his premade.
If you joined game as a premade, lets say, 4 ppl, and you get another 5 ppl premade for you and another 1 solo player who joined solo q but get the game against premade. If no one from the other side will never join 4+5+1 ppl composition? You can try to calculate the composition variety
(1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1), (1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+2), (1+1+1+1+1+1+1+3), (1+1+1+1+1+1+4), (1+1+1+1+1+5), (1+1+1+1+6),(1+1+1+7),(1+1+8),(1+9),(2+1+1+1+1+1+1+2),(2+1+1+1+1+1+3), (2+1+1+1+1+4), (2+1+1+1+5), etc. Imagine how many combinations it is and if you will never find the same combination - you will never join the battleground.
You didn’t think it through, right?
easy to recrute 1 player
a man down is a man down, it’s War. You Win or Lose, and recrute the player left for the next battle, (a disconnected player is not replaced instantly, currently)
it’s still not 10 organized players vs naked randoms, and i think 4 players queuing together should be the maximum, if more it’s easy to recrute and go in 10v10 (for people who need organized team from A to Z)
My name is Warsong. Lamborgimli Warsong, from Auberdine
I know the game
You stupid or something? there are plenty of premades going on, and you will get game soon enough.
10th person would probably prefer to play in a 9vs9 premade as the stand-in instead of facing a premade every time he signs up.
Every server doesn’t have premades being made all the time. So you can’t play bgs at all cuz you only meet premades 9/10 games.
And the game wasn’t made for ppl to minmax to get exalted while not enjoying the game. I guess you have never played any real pvp game like Dota, Valorant, CS etc.
Imagine in these games you go solo q and face 5 stacks all the time, would you like it?
There is no argument for the situation to be like it is, if the q times would be to long as premade, well buhu, go 5man q and u have half a premade. And if you can’t win with half a premade, GET BETTER!
You called other people “stupid” and do not able to join a group for battleground.
Let the help you.
In the channel “Looking For Group” you should find a person who write something like “LFM WSG Premade” and ask him (left click on his name) to join his group. After he will approve your application, you will see the window with invitation, you should press “Accept”.
PS: WSG is an abbreviature for Warsong, the name of the only battleground right now in the game.
I guess you have never played any real pvp game like Dota, Valorant, CS etc.
Go play fkin Valorant, kid. No need your session 8ull$hit here, ok?
If the 10 ppl premades will face only 10 ppl premades, some ppl will do 9ppl premade to face non-premade players, they will not recruit the 10th player on purpose.
My man can’t even work towards making a group; what chance does little Timmy have in a Solo Q?
this will be still available with separte queues…
they can’t if the maximum is 1 to 4 players grouped in the PuGs vs PuGs queue.
9 people not finding 1 last they have to go in the 10v10 queue?
your zero IQ is confirmed
go to school, kid, stop farm PuGs and claim you are a PvPer
don’t try my mathematics
Problem here really is that many people giving feedback about their soloque needs fail to behave.
Give feedback, maybe discuss a bit, and leave it. Instead you act like whatever you percieve as a problem is something that objectively needs a solution.
Spamming the same stuff over and over and even going so far as promoting to open multiple threads is just mob-behaviour.
Act like a adult that gives their opinion about something, not like a toddler experiencing a tantrum that wont stop until they get whatever they think they need.