BGs should have separate queues

You’re funny.

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Pre-mades should not exist, thanks.

Nvm him he’s always angry

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last 3 days i’ve been mostly doing PvP,

this just encouraged sweaty behaviour and destroys the community. they need to stop theser stupid premade. as well as on top nerf these dam hunter pets. they have done so well with SOD. so so well. but this will puit a nail in the coffin for a lot of people if want to do some casual pvp during gearing/eveling alts and raiding. they need to put an urgent announcement out. it actually annoys me they done so well with so many areas of SOD and yet fail to bring this straight out to the community.

the option of making your premade is not a valid escuse.


No it won’t, it will only kill BGs because people are too whiny to quit and queue again.


Agreed, screw people with actual lives that dont spend 16 hours a day running BGs :smiley:

Just make the ashenvale Event run to exalted and the lifeless ones can still grind wsg for it if they feel like it

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No, they don’t. They grind it because of the reputation. If you need that reputation - you shall also grind it. If you don’t… why you need this reputation in a first place? You know, not every reputation in a game should be grinded. You can just forget about it. Why you want to get something for free when other ppl grind it through miserable wsg?

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Have you ever thought about ppl that like unorganized and random PvP in WSG? Sometimes we stop factoring the fun part of this amazing game and we only think about the min maxing side of thing


It hasn´t killed classic wow and it wont kill this garbage either. Stop crying and play.

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What a silly post.

Yes I have and they are the reason I don’t PvP anymore, people running around like headless chickens getting picked off one by one.

Dottie is the type of guy that is held back by random teammates :upside_down_face:
News flash, the enemy random team sucks just as much. The only common factor in your games is you, that is with matchmaking that follows common sense, not this garbage.


100% this. People who say “just join your own premade” are missing the point. If solo’s get put against each other its just chaotic and fun. You get to face all different classes and specs, going vs premade your just fighting meta comps over and over again.

Oh looks its another 3 priest, 5 hunter, 1 rogue, 1 flag carrier group. So much fun…

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Yeah because soloque is so known for being fun. Like in Valorant, or league, dota or any other teamgame everyone praises the experience of solo gameplay. Really a great experience.

Have fun trying to have a meaningful impact in a 10vs10, its really just rolling a dice.

There is no minmax in just getting into a grp with a rough plan and proper amount of healers. Acting like you cant find a slot with your class is pure nonsense.

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I don’t mind random teammates. It’s when they think BG PvP is a solo event that I get annoyed.

Your “rough plan” is barely better than que-ing solo and you will get rolled like a joint.

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That this rough set up is enough to roll over pugs says enough about the gamequality of pugs.

And something magical happens when u meet another premade, people start to get a bit more invested and people try harder.

Bro check the server populations, it’s already dead

If you guys legit think pugs only lose because they don’t try hard enough, I don’t know what to say.
People stack hunters and priests because it gets the job done, and they are broken. Nobody does these tradechat premades man.
People don’t join a game to lose, they walk out, try their best, see they are up against literally impossible odds, and they go next.

the SoD meta is boring, and gameplay without flavour, too many fences (PuGs vs PuGs have more variables)

We had fun since 2019 with or without premades for 4-5years of Classic
Paying (13e/month) for this meta-premade for more ~2years is a bad way

Formula 1 (Premades) stomping at GY the Fiat Punto (PuGs) is not entertaining…

it deserve a try to separate queues

remember horde asking for Horde vs Horde BGs, they obtained it (TBC classic)

Blizz can change the matchmaking, they already did it for Horde
We are facing an equal or bigger crisis in SoD, Blizz have to change this