BGs should have separate queues

It’s so nice to join WSG against premade and get 0 kills through the game.
You know how good it feels? It feels like I wanna cancel my subscription.

Have a nice day.

Actualy hk farm is useless atm. R14 gear will be ingame only after aq 40 raid drop in phase 5, lvl 60 cap acording to blizz. All you need from wsg rn is just exalted reputation which can be farmed in afk mode too.

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so we pay 13e/month to be afk and never play the game straight…

no worth

don’t want to be “friend” with your meta-premaders afkers honor/rep per hour grind farmers

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: this community

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nice minmaxx mentality
hope your parents are proud of u

paying Netflix and never watch a single movie on it… (a.k.a. meta-grind-farmers-premaders stomp PUG farmers)

Skill issue.


I bet you can’t even 1v1 a weakest disc priest.

Not even a min maxer but ok

if it quacks like a duck…

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True. I form a premade to stomp his behind so long that he comes crying on the forums.

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You also lose the game within 6 min, so what’s your point? Get friends, stop hiding in your basement.


I have to agree. I’ve had several WSGs where no one on horde got a single HK, not one. This is not a skill issue, it is an issue of very well put together premades (3 priests or more) absolutely win against PUGs. Which isn’t fun for anyone really.

I am absolutely baffled by the amount of PUG stompers on this forum that are willing to defend PUG stomping as a core element of this game that must be preserved at all costs. My best guess is that they want easy (free) access to the rep-grind without having to fight another equally prepared team.


I have to disagree. Premades always were a thing in og vanilla. If u dont like wsg meta than dont play that bg.
U still can do world pvp or farm free reputation in asnvele. Blizz alredy give ppl best gear possible for free from honored/ revered

Premades always been a thing yes.
But the SoD meta is boring, and gameplay without flavour, too many fences (PuGs vs PuGs have more variables)

We had fun since 2019 with or without premades for 4-5years of Classic
Paying (13e/month) for this meta-premade for more ~2years is a bad way

Formula 1 (Premades) stomping at GY the Fiat Punto (PuGs) is not entertaining…

it deserve a try to separate queues

Yes and we cant rly complain about this

yes we can

remember horde asking for Horde vs Horde BGs, they obtained it (TBC classic)

the only basement dwellers are the ones who want friends in wow so desperate like just socialize irl?

So you’re enjoying PUG stomping i take, guess you don’t like a challenge. The problem is that it is not so much “PVP” when You’re doing this. Yes its players on both sides, but its not a battle when it is over before it started.

Do you win vs a premade occasionally - very very rarely yes.

I can only speak for my self, but i struggle to find premades on my realm, there just doen’t seem to be players willing to do so. I Search every single night, but have only once been able to get a halfway descent group. So I would love to sign as a premade in order to have a fair fight, but it just doesn’t seem possible.

can blizzard simply do pre made group separately ? I am on 12 loosing streak currently, people just join game see that enemy is premade and they afk. For those who say just join premade - I tried couple times but after 2h of waiting there is no groups or they are 50% full only.

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