Ye Ragna is on too and it still not showing my characters, also retrieving realm list is loading for like an hour.
Ravencrest is also on in realm status web, so, please stop suggesting to check realm status…
There are still issues
same issue here
Still can’t log on and the realm status check tool is inaccurate. I predict a unplayable shïtstorm for Shadowland release : /
all this started like 1 day ago and now happened again… really guys?
Same with me. All my characters on Turalyon aren’t there.
Same issue here
Same Problem, Issue still presistent.
Loading realms is very slow, characters not shown initially, login not possible: “Character not found”.
Still getting that today too
Would be great if blizzard makes some sort of update about this issue. Better then let us cutomers left out to hang and hope. Its corona time so we need the distraction.
same here.
same problem here cant log into the game first it throws me into realm select i dont see my chars there after that i w8 in my server menu for like 20 seconds before chars appear and after i select my character loading screen goes to 3/4 and after that i get kicked saying my character doesnt exist
Same here. The maelstrom EU
Same here Twisting nether EU
Same here Bronze-Dragonflight EU
Hello. I have the same problem here on Twisting Nether EU. What seems to be a workaround is just let the game “load” a few seconds. It seems it’s a big big delay for some reason. After opening WoW, and my characters were not there, I let that screen idle without touching anything. About one minute later my characters loaded. Hope it helps!
Same Here - Silvermoon EU
Been like this sens server was back up. My self haven’t been able to login on any realm all morning…
same here, but if you try to login with one of the chars, you get kicked out of the loading screen with the message “Character not found”