Black Char Screen followed by 'Character Not Found'

Same issue here. I played around normally last night, have characters on Outland and Kazzak that won’t show at all. I don’t really get it, It seems I can log inn on other realms, it just looks as if all my characters are completely gone… kinda scared here ngl.

same issue…

draenor showing online, few of my guildies can login but i cant… char not found.

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Same issue on Twisting Nether EU.

Same here - Tarren Mill EU

Same here, how do I contact support ?

Same issue - Been trying to log in for 2 hours now. No chars on any realms, manually pick my realm, after waiting I get to char select screen. after trying to log in with said char for a few minutes, the message pops up: “Character not found”.

WTB fix

Unacceptable for this kind of service for a game we pay for MONTHLY, which also has paid expansions every 2nd YEARS, as well as an ingame SHOP.
You’re drowning in money, and all you do is shutdown EU services, so you can get even more profits, all while we get a worse and worse player experience on the other end.


Same issue here. My characters load after a while but when I try to enter, a message pops up ‘‘Character could not be found’’ for every character.

Ragnaros EU

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Wait so both classic and retail are experiencing the same issues and only EU? oof.

This is weird issue as my active main characters are on Outland and I can not see this realm in my list.

However I have some old characters on Dreanor which some one above reports as having the issue but I can log onto it fine. Same with Tarren Mill above reported as having an issue but I can log into it fine.

Hey guys, take it easy, not like ActiBlizz is multimillion dollar company, relax, we all get to play this game we love for free. Oh wait…

Blizzard CS EU just tweeted:

We are currently investigating reports of login issues. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Hey everyone!

We’re investigating the current issues affecting some realms from being visible and the “character not found” errors. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reports!


Yeah, kind of mind boggling. Only my main realms (Outland, Kazzak) are gone for me, while I can see all of the realms that the people in this post are commenting. Kazzak is offline in the realm status while Outland is online so something weird is happening, let’s hope this gets fixed asap.

Yeah that will help us :frowning:

Hi everyone!

We’re seeing new reports of issues around some realms. We’re investigating this now!

Thanks for all the reports :slight_smile:

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That’s a real comfort that today’s issue is not related to yesterday’s issue.

I am still not able to play the game that I have first bought, then paid subscription to be able to play. But hey, it’s good to know you come up with a new bug every day. If it was the same bug all the time preventing me from accessing the game I AM PAYING FOR that would be no fun.

You’re such a joke Blizzard…


If it makes you feel better I can’t see Kazzak either :wink:

Sounds like some kind of Network routing issue their side I would say. Might help if people give location / ISP information also.

UK - TalkTalk - Can’t see Outland

both of them are gone for me too.

Hello. I apologize in advance if this issue is trivial or due to an explained reason.

Logging on right now, I see that the Silvermoon realm is completely missing from the realm list. I have seven characters on it, and even if it is assumed that the realm is not showing up at the top as having characters, it is not showing anywhere on the list as well. At least, not in the High and Full sections (which I know Silvermoon would normally be a part of). Ravencrest is not on the list either.

Is this so for a reason? Perhaps the realms are down for maintenance?

As a side note, I updated the game before launching, so it is up to date.


Exact same issue, Kazzak aint showing for me either

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