Black Char Screen followed by 'Character Not Found'

Same issue for me but for Aggramar where I have the most Alliance Chars.

Edit: I’m missing a couple of other servers as well like Silvermoon (Alliance).


Same with my main realm Hellscream.

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Well at least its not just me…and idk why I get the realm list up without it going right into my usual realm of ravencrest

Same thing for me, I cant find Silvermoon on the list or any of my toons

missing frostmane aswell

yes… we are ready for Shadowlands :smiley:

Silvermoon looks to be gone indeed :frowning:

Chamber of Aspects is missing as well. What is going on?


So i remember a while ago they started grouping up servers, does this mean that our sever with each realm mentioned above is down? I checked the realm status and its online ok.
Was hoping to log on before work but guess i wont :disappointed_relieved:
Come on Blizz fix it please!

You can’t even login to your character on the realms that are up, you aint missing anything :slight_smile:

Would be nice if we had a response from Blizzard that they know about this and aren’t asleep or something…

I can log Nagrand but nothing loads up. Totally empty realm. I cant log out or exit.

Same for Ravencrest server can’t find it and login :frowning:

i logged on to the exact same issue, silvermoon is gone and all of my characters are missing too. it’s not in the realm list and i have no idea what’s going on? the game also had log-in issues a few hours ago, saying ‘no servers are available’.

I can’t find silvermoon in realm list. When are they coming back?

game went down for a listed four hour ‘maintenance’ so thats likely why you got the no servers message Animewife

ahh i see, still confused as to why it’s currently disappeared though!

Most likely they are still doing maintenance. Silvermoon is still down

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Thank you, this seems to be the answer. Oh well, time to burn the time I have on my Argent Dawn characters instead!

assuming you don’t get “character not found” error when trying to login on said toon.

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