Black Char Screen followed by 'Character Not Found'

Stormscale is also gone. All the toons I use are on there :unamused:

Yep, same for me. Outland realm and all my characters are missing …

same for me im on outland i try to start my stream :smiley: but the server ‘outland’ is gone…

Silvermoon is gone as well :slight_smile:

It just got posted that Blizzard tweeted they are aware and checking into it

Loaded up several times now and Ravencrest isn;t in the list of servers, anybody know why?

tons of threads about it…idk that anyone can log in at all

Ah okay, seems like there is a few others affected too. Strange…I can log in on all my other chars perfectly fine, just the one server with all my mains isn’t there, typical!

Still not working here

Here too, I was wondering if it was only me but now I’m sure. Hopefully in hour or two we’ll be able to play.

Hopefully but thanks Blizz…

Same problel here…May the force be with us :slight_smile:

Same Problem on web site i can view all of my char’s in game (realm list dosen’t show any character’s) when i am log in manually on twisted i can see my character but i cant’t log in (character not found error) any news?

Most of the servers I have my characters on seems to be gone from the serverlist. Is there a work in progress to fix the servers? They’re not even showing as offline on the serverlist. Would greatly appreciate some response on this. Thank you.

So, my characters on both Kazzak, Ravencrest, Sylvanas and some others, seems to be gone? I can’t be the onlyone with that problem? Just logged on and tried to get in but… shrug

Lots of threads about the bug…the two realms I have characters on are not on the list of servers now. I didnt try and make a new character on a diff server not going to do it for a few hours

annoying to have 4 hour downtime and then cant get in anyway. Will be fun if the reset in less than half hour is still down

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Ah I see that now… well damn .-.
Hoping that it will get fixed asap :stuck_out_tongue:

Chamber of aspects is nowhere to be found too…
Such a shame…


Sigh … yes Me too

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Crossing fingers for this to fixed fast af… does seem to be an old issue, saw a post that was from 12 hour ago ._.