Black Char Screen followed by 'Character Not Found'

I can’t see any of my characters either (20 minutes past maintenance). Great, Blizz.

I can’t see aggramar - most of my characters are on this realm

Ravencrest and Silvermoon missing from my list.

i cant my classe just all the servers

I’m sure not having players being able to play the game was just part of the patch to save us from ourselves

It’s the same issue after some realms merged. You can just select your realm and then after 1 minute of black screen your characters pop back up. However when you try to login your character the loading screen is stuck on 75% and after 1 minute of waiting there you get Character not found. I have tried it for chars in my Garrison and in Boralus so it’s not “world/instance” depended. Something went wrong after maintenance and with the last patch.

Every single day since pre-patch (yes, that is 3 weeks already), issues with login, characters not found/vanishing, logout does not function, realm list not loading up etc. If there is a blue post about it, it says “it is already fixed” while it is clearly not, since it has been ongoing since 3 weeks. It is really getting tiresome.


Same problem here…
Stormscale disappeared
Silvermoon disappeared

The issue is that some realms are just not on the realm list. Ravencrest for example isn’t there so we can’t just select the realm and wait

+++++ And this is only the beginning… I know how wasn’t even possible to log in during prepatch day 1… Can’t even imagine how won’t be possible to log in during Shadowlands release…

Blizzard crapping the bed again.

Ravencrest/Kazzak don’t show up for me,
and the other realms i know i have characters on don’t even show a number on Characters…

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outland dissapeard as well just great first a whole xpac not playable and now realms missing i lost all my characters and stuff

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same here
silvermoon not showing for me

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outland is missing for me lol

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I believe Blizz will fix this pretty soon. They just need to find their back ups and a person who knows how to insert the server drives :wink:

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This is what happens when you play a game from a small indie company without enough employees . If one of their servers die they cannot just replace it or redirect . It will take some time probably for a fix. Good thing the game is free , no additional DLC like content to pay for , no monthly subscription and we only pay for cosmetics in game if we want !

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Same here :frowning:

no idea what u talking about but he game is not free i pay 13 euros a month to play this game first i lost a week cause the entire xpac not playable and now realms gone and no its not a excuse blizz is a billion dollar company not a small indie company stop talking that bs that blizz is a small indie company cause they arent

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Sarcasm :slight_smile:

@ Beamerr Swoosh

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