Increasing the droprate without dealing with the bots who wallhacked into the ground on every spawn point will literally change nothing. Ban the people who are constantly online on the spawn points. Hitting the Lotus mafia is the only way to get a reasonable market, not increasing spawn ratio. (But I donät mind increasing drop rate and banning bots so Lotuses become cheaply available).
My guldies does wsg, but havent done it myself yet.
But they say thr+ey get 12k/h.
Ive been up to 21.7k/h on av when i had a lucky streak hour. But pugging you as an avreage player experience get around 10-15k/h due to turtle games, losses etc etc.
And you have to do it 2-3 weeks straight from r13-14.
Im not saying the new system is harder, but i think most players wont have the time to make it to r14.
because “no changes” is such a great idea. do you enjoy overpaying for flasks? I dont think so. back in the days each lotus spawn wasn’t hard camped 24/ either. the botters thank you for your service.
Me and a friend have been farming BL for a while now. We just run around and havne’t had issues picking up BL. Since yesterday, neither of us have seen a single BL in combined played time of around 20 hours. This could be bad luck, but based on our attempts pre-update, this is very irregular. I feel like they’ve screwed something up…
This is a half-assed post at best.
“Increasing the rate” - from what to what?
Not to mention increasing the rate does nothing for players, they’re just going to be farmed by the under-the-ground teleporting bots 24/7.
Just apply the same SoD logic to Anniversary. Give players a chance to get a lotus when herbing (burning-crusade-fel-lotus style).
It’s insane that 20 years later these things still have to be explained.
This style of “communication” is incredibly stupid.
“Hey, Kaivax, you got a pay rise”
“Great, when does it start, how much am I going to make?”
…except, of course, you didn’t get a pay rise. Someone else will get a pay rise, because there’ll be more money at Finance. Who gets it? Whoever gets there first, of course.
In a way this is beside the point. Why are people even buying flasks for MC? 2-3 tanks, sure, but it’s completely trivialized 150 SP / 2k mana / 1200 hp
Because over 50% of the groups go “consumables and world buffs required” to even join.
I can go with absolutely 0 enchants, consumables, buffs and still wtfstomp MC with no problem (as long as the raiders actually do what’s needed, mechanics-wise; I mean, run away from Geddon’s fire, don’t bomb the raid etc).
But I can’t do that because … no consumables/world buffs, no invite.
I would love if they changed it to be able to get Lotus by gathering other high level herbs like in TBC, or like Swiftthistle with low level herbs… or like the crystals (Arcane, Blue Sapphire, Azerothian, etc.) from mining. This is why I like/prefer Mining over Herbalism in Classic. It is not a big chance to get it, but at least you have the chance.
situation is absolutly the same, nothing actualy change. JUST STOP BOTTING< is the botting mafia are developer mafia the same things ???
somone of blizzard have a reason to keep bots in game, please explane this to us.
There is no way privet servers found way to ban bots and hakers emidiatly and ban them, and gread Macrosoft blizzard activision, multi miliard company dont have power or brain to do it. !!!
This just piss me off . thank you and sorry for my english its not my native language
Please just implement the sod method for black lotus, the prices are still too high due to bots and mafia!
This is good for us people with life who has chance even get lotus.
Anniversary is supposed to be about fun, not bots and mafia and greed…
You already implemented dozens of changes for us, please fix the lotus too! The community wants it clearly!
Not necessary but people like to parse, and i would like to buy flasks too as soon my mage hits lvl60 just to decrease the chance to die and loosing all my wbuffs. increasing the spawnrate was actually a step to make anniversary more like vanilla if i think about it, the megaserver is a change in itself creating a shortage on black lotus that shouldn’t be that bad. increasing the spawnrate brings supply and demand a bit closer to classic vanilla 2004.
May I ask what is the SoD method for Black Lotus?
you may indeed
I think its funny that the other herbs just went up in Price and Flaks price is basicly the same
WSG is 5-10k honor per hour. AV is 10-15k.
Friend of my friend found one black lotus few weeks ago. So it’s definitely not camped 100%.
40 hours/week is not a huge investment. It’s like 6 hours/day, easily done even without abandoning work. Everyone can do that. I’m pretty sure that every main character will have R14 very soon.
ive mostly played wsg around 6 in the morning with 15-40 min queues that is when the honor was 5-10k. surely it’s better when horde dont dodge and now that more ppl farm the rep after getting av exalted