Black lotus

Hello there :slight_smile:

I wish to discuss the state of black lotus spawn points and time with realm population increse in classic.

As of today 8000 herbs picked up mostly in plaguelands and winterspring i found a total of two black lotuses in all that time (2am and 7am). Bots and people/guilds camping spawnpoints make it almost impossible to get them and inflate the price to a value that is not reachoble by most players.

I propose that either the spawn rate and locations is incresed to get in line with realm population increese vs vanilla.

Or simply make dreamfoil, icecap, mountain silversage, plaguebloom have a slight chance to contain a black lotus and remove the spawnpoints alltogether. This eill encurage people to herb and pick up herbs that noone picks up like golden sansam and sungrass and make monopoly of bots and guilds non exsistant.

Thank you for reading
Flamefinger - Stonespine


Soooo realm population doesnt affect the rarity at all. You make it sound like you find less black lotus because your realm have a high population.

It only affect the value.

Ok but it does doesn’t it? It might not physically lower the spawnrate but if you have 8000 people searching for it instead of 3000 you are going to find fewer.


git gud, i’ve got over 200 lotus atm. should have farmed before the zerg reached 60


Where do you get your facts anyway? How high is the pop on all realms compared to vanilla retail and is the spawn rate exactly the same?

thats mean leave your job and play 24/7 :smiley:


once again classic wow is not casual friendly, if u are casual and expect anything other than to get destroyed in this game, you are delusional. If you are a casual that expects the game to cater to your needs, then goto retail.


I have yet to see one and I have been somewhat looking for them since the game started. I leveled with the curve and all that. Recently 1 guild member found 2 and was able to loot one so they do exist.

hehe no, i irritating rankers alot with my healing in wpvp :smiley:
loves rogues cries, that paladin do not fight, healing players around or pulling guards, oportunity class crying about oportunity :smiley:

Blizzard themselves have gone on record saying that a full (maximum capcity) realm back during actual Vanilla times is equivalent to a low-medium pop Classic server today.


i found 3 last night, the main reason you guys are not finding them, is that you are not searching efficiently. Are you using low level hunter alts to scout the entire map in 30seconds? do you know the potential respawn timer to know when to swap to lotus route and ignore other herbs? are you searching as a group so you can split up the spawns you search with the members of your group? 109?


Casual or not 150g for a flask is a premium for both. After BWL release it will skyrocket eaven more. Also 8000 herbs in i whould not call that casual but thats your opinion. Also competing with bots is not considered hardcore as far as i know.

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Ok but where have they mentioned Black Lotus spawns?

i’ve got enough flasks crafted to last me over a year. sometimes i use titans in wsg just for fun. its not a premium if you are organized. 150g is nothing.

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do you have an alt account with low lvl hunter for scouting ? are you changing your sleep schedule to farm at night?

I forgot every player were in your situation, :roll_eyes:


Your reasoning is comperable to ranking 14 in pvp but like i said it is your opinion and opinions are different. You are probably just afraid that it might affect your farming methods while neglecting the real problem that most people face. Saying that 100g per black lotus is nothing while good epic items are a few times that much is just nonsence.

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how so? u can be a clicker and clear naxx since the content is so easy

how is that no casual friendly?

Lol, mando just likes trolling people XD.

ahh i see :upside_down_face: