Blitz is infested with very bad players from PvE of course

there are 2 problems here.

  1. there is no “least worst outcome”, it’s a pug bg, it ends with a loss or a win, so there is a bad outcome (loss) and good outcome (win). If it was smt like “you will lose but you’ll either lose 5points or lose 55points” then yea, i would go for the “least worst outcome”.
  2. our whole disagreement is not on if we should play objectives or not. I said twice that i’m not saying that objectives are bad, it’s just that in pugs you can not expect ppl to think entirely around them. Most of them get mad the moment you use the “f-ing” word before flag or base. So it’s not a matter of pick red or blue pill (dmg or objectives). It’s a matter of how willingly the pug you are in will cooperate and work towards objectives smart. Do you think in a pug, the majority of ppl, will go for smart plays or just zug-zug? And yes i know of the disc-prev cancer. Balance in this game is smt that i’ve learnt to leave out of the equation since devs have proven more than enough that they don’t give a *…

You are talking about a bracket that ppl start using some braincells. I know, not always. But still better than sub 1.7-1.8k that i’m talking for. Cause right now the majority of ppl are around 1.5-1.6k. Might not seem a big difference but it kinda is considering the rating changes per match and how many ppl play right now since it’s the 1st week

Absolutely terrible bracket indeed , started with 4-0 then made like 6-7 loses in a row because of clueless people that fight mid the whole match , ignoring every single objective. Once you get in the mmr hello there is no possible way getting out , enjoy.

Last night before bed queued for a game. The enemy team had 3 dks and 1 rogue, whenever I tried to take the flag, I was CC’ed 4 times by a rogue only, and then 3 grips back to base from the DK. And after seeing all that, I had people flaming on me saying how “useless I am” instead of trying to help.

I need to know if there is a way to disable the chat, as it demotives me to even play anymore.

man are you serious? the reason one isn’t is bad as the other is because you can come back from one, you can’t come back from the other.

this is like comparing betting £1000 with betting your entire life savings and saying they’re both the same thing. obviously you take the less risky option because that produces better outcomes on average. if you just take the max risk option you might succeed 2 or 3 or 4 times in a row but then you’ll lose it all and thats you done.

people at 1.5k mmr cannot kill healers and are less likely to respond to getting cc capped on lol. you’re making my point for me tbh

gr8 analogy…

that’s the thing. you assume ppl focus healers, or that healers need to die 1st in teamfight. The micro-cc left and right, combined with the pve-focused design of classes (every dps is pretty much m+ viable and able to cleave) are enough to cleave ppl and pressure healers. Again I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT DISC-PREV MATCHES, cba. Any other healer has problems and can’t keep up if the dmg is decent. Deva, fury, retri, dk, locks, all these (probably more, since everyone can cleave as i said due to pve-focused designs) can put insane amount of cleave in fights while also have the healer silenced or stunned. Any healer besides disc-prev can’t outheal them if the dmg is decent.

The best thing people can do is have several characters of the same class, because the most likely thing is that they will get stuck with some character in that one in a mmr without being able to get out of there. Once you lose several and stay close to 1500 or lower, getting out of there is almost an impossible mission.

Funny how my post got removed, guess I hit the nerve of some peeps :clown_face: Not talking about you btw.

Wait, is this why I sometimes see people leave a random bg right before it ends? For years I never understood why people would want deserter when can just stick around a minute longer and can go again? Why would anyone care about winrates in a unranked random game mode? Are these people seriously sitting in Discord comparing winrates in random bg’s? “I roflstomped bunch of random noobs 97% of the time. OW look at me I roflstomped them 98% of the time” Ow look at me I left bg 7500times to maintain my %?? Like wth is happening lmao? :joy: WTB timeskip to before DF. back to when I Didn’t know all this crap existed smdh :joy:

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"I’m not sure I fully understand your criticism. This is a brand-new mode, and naturally, a lot of players who love BGs and WPvP are getting involved. Everyone learns at their own pace, and as you climb in MMR, you’ll see how different the games become. Lower MMR games are just part of the process—think of them as ‘the trenches’ where players gain experience and adapt.

What’s fantastic is the short queue times, often around 5 minutes for most of the day. It’s a huge improvement, especially since this mode has drawn players from Solo Shuffle. It’s a win for anyone who enjoys BGs and WPvP!"

Yes, casual battlegrounds that you don’t finish don’t show up in your statistics, rated ones like BGB and RBG count as a defeat if you leave early.

Some players really do seem to care about casual win rates.

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So weird lol but to each their own I guess. Many strange behaviours from the past are starting to make sense now lol. I feel so naive queuing all these years just for fun :joy:
I always just thought they where ragers that left with no clue it’s only a minute left. Like why get deserter I never understood. So that’s also why some people go out of their way to not die? and i mean like rather losing the bg and run away for 10mins than die ress and keep fighting sort of stuff? Do those stats also matter in these communities?

people keep asking me why im staying away from pvp in general as a “pvp is life” kind of player

the truth is im not confident i can carry anything right now with my arcane or firemage

both these 2 specs are so mid, that i will feel useless unable to ninjacap, and unable to win teamfights, and i refuse to coinflip the 50/50 hoping i always have a good team, ill wait a few changes that make it look more balanced and possible to carry solo before entering

if i cannot kill a healer or a FC with a greaterpyroblast into a full combustion without him pressing even a major defensive, and me haviong berserking, then something is off.

if i can’t survive 30 seconds without iceblock on my arcane vs 1 dps, then something is off. (while using alter, temporal, prismatic, displacement, and mass barrier)

i knew low mmr games were gonna be anightmare, but at least i was confident i couldve somewhat carried a good portion of the bg, and if i had a couple of good players that would result in a win
right now, i cannot, so i sit this one out for now

on a side note in the first week i was already 600+ item level
completed devles up to 11
finished the raid on the first 4 hours of release
farmed 2million golds
completed all quests, side quests, events, dailies
all skyriding to gold
all glyphs
fishing to 300

so im chillin, just waiting blitz to do some tuning x)

The phenomenon of synchronized premade raids in epic bgs only makes sense if you consider that some of these premade players seem to get a kick or an ego boost out of always winning in epic bgs.

I think this has more to do with cowardice and laziness than with attempting to pad stats.

There are situations in bgs, epic bgs in particular, where you need to take bold steps and rush into the opponents head-on. Like when the opponents control docks and you need to go kamikaze on the glaives or they will down your gate in 3 minutes. Some players are bold and fearless, but you always see many players just standing nearby, not daring to attack because they are afraid to die in a video game where you get restored back to life after at most half a minute after you die, lol.
Same thing in wintergrasp with players seeking shelter behind the current wall, not daring to step outside while the demolishers slowly batter down the wall instead of doing maximum damage to enemy vehicles.

Herd mentality is widespread it seems. Players are afraid to do the first step forward and stand where other players stand, even if it makes no sense from a tactical standpoint, will get them killed and make them lose the game just the same.

Win rate probably does, K/D ratio or something like that probably doesn’t. Then again, I’m not in any of these casual hero communities, but I’ve heard that some premade player flamed someone for their poor ashran win rate when his own was like 93% (what a surprise lol)

This, Games are just a complete gamble

Please NERF the evoker heal, it is impossible to kill anyone when they have an evoker, and even more so if the other heal is a monk.

Delete kotmogu, most people don’t know that they have to get orbs, I have lost 90% of the kotmogu because no one gets orbs, they stay in the middle fighting

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Syncronized premades in ebg’s will never make sense to me. If it was both sides somewhat equal I would have no problem with it. But one side having 99% chance of winning vs the other side is just pathetic. I don’t see the point in removing all challenge. Makes everything meaningless. Like what does honorlvl or hk’s or winrates even mean when you’re always playing at 99% winrates. What does winning even mean lol. might aswell hit a training dummy for honorlvls.
But For exampIe, When I run into you and your buddies in random bg. There’s Good chance I lose but I love that challenge, as it makes winning feel so much more rewarding. And if there’s some good players on my team it’s a great battle. It’s not impossible to win like in ebg premades.
Anyways, it’s just now that I know all this, it explains a lot of weird behaviour I’ve seen in the past from players in random bg’s.
Thanks for the explanations.

You won’t see me around a lot in random bgs these days btw. I only played those for the accessibility and always preferred RBGs, but building teams was too time consuming. Blitz is basically a better version of random bg that allows you to bring a friend so I switched over to it and only do epic bgs from time to time when I have a group larger than 2.

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The PvP playerbase has been shrinking steadily for ages now, We need new players to pick up an interest in PvP n BG´s is the best way to do so. Yes its frustrating to have clueless teammates but this playerbase needs to stop being self destruction piss stains that scares off everyone from even trying the game.

The weapons grade antisocial disorders that plagues LFG is the whole reason the entire game needs to move away from it in favor of matchmade gamemodes. Be tolerant of new players, if your ego cant handle it then go play matchmade games with your freinds. Blitz was designed to appeal to the casual playerbase.

We need them far more than they need us.


I do not where does players come, but i am a bit sad :frowning: I try to do my best, gear, skill, everything. But have so many lost battles… I can’t jump over 1400, but even worse, I dropped my rating… I really do not know what to do with it. Play RBG? Is more bad than solo, because of toxic players.