Blizz about solo q


sorry, if this was discussed before, im new and i wonder if blizz ever said sth about solo q?

In my case, i cant voice, i cant / dont want fixed appointments for a game, there are enough in my job already, and i dont want to sit around in lfg all day looking for random mates (which is effectively solo q but vs. premade and without technical support to find a team).

In every other game that would be no issue at all (because my profile is not super rare among gamers), however, i enjoy many aspects of wow and would rather play wow than another game.

so why cant we have a solo q? the game is in some way excluding players like me. i started playing and after some weeks i was full 197 and the game was over. now i go with 15k/15k honor into skirmishes and random bg but i could probably also just play any other non rpg game because i cant get gear anyway. feels quite strange… but i guess thats why they have so many boosters, should probably just sell the gear in the in game shop instead, but thats another story^^

You should try to get into rated bgs, apparently they’re free.

Also if SoloQ is to happen, they’ll need to hide names of players to avoid targeted griefing.

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Hello, Holinka was Lead PvP Designer in Legion (i only know him before, i know he was on MoP and WoD too) , maked a break on wow and come backed in Shadowland as Senior Game Designer.

Here was his answer :

he feared the lack of healer role and how to adapt a soloqueue systems in wow.

But as i explained here my opinion, role should not be feared if it work like in random battlegrounds where role is in majority in mirror :

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We don’t want soloqueue going on in regular ques.
We want soloqueue to be a seperate bracket for arena (at least arena for the beginning).

This is the entire idea of soloqueue - picking up random ppl, based on their MMR and chosen role for pvp.

i havent made the experience that someone would take a 200 gs spriest without cr into a rgb group tbh… i absolutely suck as disci but so far this has been my only way into rbg.

Then the game will be full of toxicity.
And it will not push you to be friend with someone else.

You have to motivate player getting the dream of getting a team like we can see in AWC, where they enjoy each other doing arena together.
Not just i queue and bye.

Because else it will end like dungeon leveling where the other people is just to group with 4 people you gonna treat them like they are computer AI and it will not be enjoyable to play with them if you treat them like that.

Also making premade and soloqueue player together push you to look on your friend list first instead of queuing directly on Soloqueue and don’t care about your friend.

So… why are you at challenger if you know the recipe for success?

Sorry, but I’m not sorry for sarcasm.
It all looks very nice on paper.

Last time premades were facing randoms was in 2008 when steamroller / avperformer and PVP SUXX WHEN’S NAXX was at Stormreaver. Things didn’t end up well then and blizzard disabled those addons. (I was in that guild, i know how stuff looked like for opposite teams)

You simply should not ever premade vs soloplayers.

2nd thing
We aren’t teenagers anymore and building mysql databases for potential partners for arena is not going to work for more than 50% of players who are below 1,4k rating - source:

You talk with sense.
Yet you can’t implement it yourself.

I understand your motives, wishing that everyone could improve, but people above 2,4k in eu are nearly 1% (same source).

And if someone wants to make friends - he will, also in soloque, all it takes is a whisper after arena: “hey, we did good, wanna play normal games?”.

Watch a few clips, I’m playing my alt and it’s surprisingly easy and you get invites rather quick.

Should i continue to read ?
Well let’s see if the rest make sense.
because actually i’m playign 7 level 60 , gearing them in random battlegrounds. My time is spend elsewhere.

You forget that 1K4 is the start of casual / PvEr that just want the mount.
The rest of the representation of class and etc is correct but it does not consider the goal, if player just played for the spider.
Because every mount farmer want the spider from ranked due to the original spider cost 2 million golds. So instead they rushed to just get the mount and PvEr many thought gladiator was easy but abandonned while faced reallity.

I understand that. But rating depend on how many player play arena. Like we have saw since the PvP vendor came back, the influation of the best rating exploded compared to BFA S3.

That is exactly the goal i explained on my topic : The goal of soloqueue is to make friend and then go queuing together and befriend.
So everyone can get a start to get friend without getting X achievement.

bother to tell me how? im say my versa, my arena xp (1,8k in mop, but i dont tell them it was mop haha), i dont have rbg xp and no one invites me as spriest. so i request as disci and we ofc lose because im a terrible disci but no one wants me as shadow^^

yes, i watch guides from time to time, after 7 year break you have to, but this is not getting me in a group. im playing arena on 1,2k in 2s and 3s with randoms and no voice, so im not good, but im good enough for 100 CR RBG.

I can’t help you with shadow as outside of DK I primarily play healers.

The general gist however is to be in caster cleaves [Aff Lock+Moonkin+You at the very least] and mind games targets with Unstable Affliction on them - this is the most basic mechanic you need to do.

Outside of that it’s simply cleaving everything and solo CCing healers with horror 1 ; Silence 2nd / MC 3rd.

Thanks^^ I was rather asking about how to get into a group, to learn how to play my chars is easy compared to this^^

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