Let me explain why Random Battlegrounds got more adept than Premade Group
In Random Battleground, you freshly or already geared your character
All you have to do is to press a button and waiting for the queue to pop and enjoy yourself.
In Ranked PvP, to play it you need to :
- Play a viable Specialisation
- Premade Group
- Select your category
- Browse in the long list with filter your actual CR
- Checking the note if you got the right Exp
- Checking the note if you got the right Class / Specialisation for the group
- Checking if there’s still enought place for your role
- Getting enought ilevel
- Linking your achievement
- Waiting for the guys to accept you
- Be declined ( 70%) / Be Accepted ( 30%)
10 step to try to join a group.
The success of Random Battleground come from pressing a simple button you can directly enjoy the game. One part of the end game.
Where Premade Group fail and why people stick on Random Battleground is the complexity of it, the work it need and the work require to play to just join a group. That work listed with 10 step make the comunity toxic between each other :
By the time you spend on Premade group, you want a winning group because if you loose, you will have spend soo much time to say you have won nothing. But if you didn’t have spend that much time browsing or creating a group you would have not bothered about winning or loosing and you will be more positive about that PvP is 50% win 50% loose and you have to beat that score.
Like what Absterge say after loosing :
That mean when you got the option that you find people easely, it’s the game you enjoy playing, not the result.
But when it come to Premade Group and you spend 45 minute to be accepted, the game is not the thing you do in the content but the Looking For Group picking class is the game, since when you will create group you will spend 45 mn to win and not picking someone and play.
And you can’t escape that, even when you will create group.
People who say that you can create your own group to negate that got it wrong : because you will became in time the cherry picker !
Since you will take time creating group, you will be more in time asking more of people… and more and more !
Let us remind why more accessibility for the Ranked PvP is important:
World of Warcraft is a MMORPG, containing many different content like Player versus Ennemies (PvE) and Player versus Player (PvP).
Each content got a systems of progress : More you go into the difficulty, more it will reward you with ilevel gear.
Random Battleground is the Unranked content of World of Warcraft PvP, Where when you hit level level 60 you buy your first unranked gear in the PvP Vendor with honor aquired when leveling in random battleground and then continue to progress that equipement throught Random Battleground.
Until with Renown level 22 you upgrade that gear to 197 ilevel.
However the simplicity of going into Random Battleground attract even the Ranked PvP.
The explaination come from the Premade group as said in the top of the topic, because of the 10 step required in order to join a group.
And thing is getting harder : more you will push into the rating, the harder it will be for you to find someone.
To a point where when you start to be high ranked you could find people in Premade Group where they afk to write in description their battletag to be added in friend list in order to make a list of people with the same rating.
But you want to play
You want when you connect into the game to go in, bypassing the 10 step and in a simple click you go in into your content.
And That what Random Battleground and Arena Skirmishes offer : a simple button to click and you got content.
So to avoid Ranked Player with 227 ilevel going down to the bracket where Unranked Player is 197 ilevel, is not to decline the content, but setting a solo queue in Ranked PvP to continue the Unranked player with his progression and also forging his own experience further he play; to meet new people and friend he will do along the way with a solo queue into the Ranked PvP without passing the 10 step barrier you encounter today with Premade Group.
It’s all about meeting new people we don’t know to discover them and enjoying together, that we become friend and queuing together to become a team later on !
While the Premade Group you will spend 45 minutes on the 10 step for the Destination, to only get at the place and being done with it.
Solo Queue : Improvement for the Premade Group
Some tend to believe that Solo Queue will tend to make Premade Group less important because people will queue on Solo Queue instead. And Solo Queue will increase the toxicity in the game.
I will say that it will make Premade Group more valuable and a more enjoyable place. With more positivity and more friendship.
One of Blizzard Game Heroes of the Storm got a great systems of Solo Queue and got a great systems to deal with toxicity : Fight toxicity with toxicity.
Also Premade Group will make more sense about long term friendship.
Today when you join or create into Premade Group, it’s rare you invite in battle.tag the other player in your friend list under gladiator ( at least a grand majority don’t nowaday).
Someone who do Solo Queue will meet up a vast possibility of composition than just the tier list composition of his class. He will discover that some comp will fit him more than some other. And find comp that don’t work for him.
Here come the utility of the Premade group :
That player who have played quite a lot of Solo Queue will then note each of his favorite comp and then go in Premade Group to find people to befriend with and add them to his Battle.net friend list.
Premade Group will still be superior to Solo Queue
People who have queued a lot of Random Battlegrounds understand the power of Premade Group :
- Player that got the same skill
- Speaking on voice
- Team Coordination
These are the pillar of why Premade group will always be superior to Solo Queue.
And it’s great because it values the part of the RPG into the MMO, value the friendship and communication than always being Solo.
Solo Queue and Premade Group will be on the same queue :
- Premade group will get more chance to win and so go go upper in the ladder.
- Solo Queue player that will face Premade group will not suffer that much being solo since premade group will maybe goes upper on the ladder faster than someone who Solo Queue.
- Sometime it’s not because a team is premade that the Premade Group will 100% win
Solo Queue player is not left alone versus Premade group. Here some tool that can make a Solo Queue Player closely matching a Premade Group :
- In game vocal : Many forget but when you queue into Random Battleground, any people can join instance in game vocal to be in vocal with Random Player in his team.
- Battlegrounds Ennemies ( Great Addons) : Great addons for focus target without using voice, you see how much allies is targeting the ennemies and you see directly their composition (if you want to know where is the rogue on the map, click on his bar on Battlegrounds Ennemies and you will target him, if not that mean he’s on stealth).
- REporter ( Great Addons ) : Great addons that show you a minimap, and on that minimap you can see your team and if there’s a black dot on their color class dot this mean they are in combat. it also get a bar under the minimap to call directly on tchat status of people incoming ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 5+ ) or the status of your base ( Help / Clear ) or command on objective / base ( Attack / Heavely Defended / Guard / Losing ). A must have if you do Solo Queue Battlegrounds.
- Capping ( Addons ): To share in tchat timer when a base will be capped or when the winner will win. Good for Solo Queue.
With those tools, Player is not let alone to his progress. and got great tool to befriend with other people along his journey to solo queue.
Until he will growth enought to join the Premade Group.