Blizz always" support" horde (Spoiler 8.3)

Basically, since alliance always have more bonus, they can enter faster to visions and farm stuff faster than horde.



It’s scandalous how incentives for the less populated faction benefit the less populated faction.


I’m sorry, but this is a complete garbage. The bonus for those WQ rewards should be removed immediately. This bribing is getting ridiculous. Find some other way of incentivizing the Alliance to turn on the war mode.


This is just another reason to add to the case to remove the WM bonus system.

Only it isn’t an incentive to actually participate in world PvP, instead the incentive is the bonuses brought in as a “fix” for the WM balance. Many people have said before they’ve only opted in for the bonuses, even Horde players and theirs hasn’t changed from 10% like the Alliance’s has.


This literally won’t encourage the Alliance to turn on the war mode anymore than they did before, bar the min-maxers. Nor will it make them want to fight the Horde any more than before.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”


You’d be surprised, there are people who didn’t want to PvP who also weren’t min-maxers that were also among those who turned on WM for the bonuses.

Then why do the Alliance players complain how the Horde dominates WM on all non-RP shards?


Doubt war mode will cover the cost of 4th entrance per week. The entrance cost is high while those 50 quests are much lower than what’s needed.

  • 50 Normal, 55 War Mode

Where as to enter horrific vision requires 10k and most of that doesn’t come from 55 dailies.

Hordies, you know that drill.

Step 1

Find that flight master.

Step 2

Find the Rez sickness graveyard, do your thang.

If blizzard is gonna double down on a trash system, we should also double down on the ganking.

Warmode had the potential to be a super great mode, all they had to do is not offer bait and let players who genuinely enjoy pvp do it, that’s all.


Well in order for me to answer that I would need to be one of them.

My issue isn’t about the balance (although more would be nice) but the bonuses that get enabled for simply opting in which can be switched off just as quickly. Your reply really hasn’t countered my point but highlighted the nature of the complaints because of WM being a thing.

I’ve played on both PvE and PvP before on both RP and normal realms before the change. Unless I specifically went looking for it I rarely saw more PvP than before the changes unless its something to do with the current patch (Nazjatar and Mechagon) or its camping from either side at assault locations when they’re active.

Sweet. May inspire me to do more World PVP now that I have been having a pvp hiatus.

Give alliance 100% even 200% bonus - I don’t care tbh. Even 8000% won’t help them. They will be always bad. Dead faction.


I think its fair… Considering how long they will sit at graveyard :rofl:

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Didnt the horde complaint recently about being farmed by the alliance when it gave the alliance gear?

I mean from my point of view:
Alliance dont get enjoyment about killing a horde player.
To us the horde players are just npc that trigger raids.

I think that if blizzard really wanted the alliance to world pvp they must offer a reward that makes it worth hunting down and killing horde’s.
Ofcourse last time that happend… The npc where complaining on the forums.


This is a very dishonest thread. All they are doing is displaying rewards a bit differently by breaking out and showing the bonus part separately.

Somehow thats turned to “horde bias”? You should go and spin for labour, they need good liars atm.


Alliance bonus moves between 20-30%.

Now that most hardcore raider in eu are horde, more of them gonna use warmode even just for 10% to get the essence out even just a bit faster, and possibly alliance get 30% bonus for weeks and 50 will become 65. Yeah its still low, but in the long way it could be a very huge advantage (not mention the bonus weekly gear and azerite aswell… ).

Call me whatever you want, facts are facts that alliance got much more love in this xpac than horde.

And before the we all know what kind of “storm” is coming, im talking about the stuffs thats affects one’s character progressing, and not about mad lore fanboys or some recolored mounts…

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So then only 666 dailies to get 1 bonus Horrific Vision from the +15 bonus and there is a limited amount of them per day :wink:

Price on ptr is probably placeholder and surely will be reduced, if not now, then later on…

I highly doubt that people will be happy to wait so long to re-enter the visions, since its one of the main features of 8.3.

So much love. Giving the faction that has been bleeding players especially serious end game players a bandaid. So much favoritism. Meanwhile the horde got better mounts, story, mercenary mode to play on both sides of pvp. The horde certainly is the faction that got more interesting stuff this expansion. And the alliance just tagged along with the horde story basicly

You complain about the warmode bonus, but seriously most of the alliance wont profit of it as they only turn on WM to do the weekly quests. Alot of serious pvp players already factionchanged or quit the game a while ago


Alot of serious pvp players already factionchanged or quit the game a while ago

:point_up: This is the main thing happening right now.