Blizz always" support" horde (Spoiler 8.3)

No its region only but horde atm in each region has the bigger % not by much but enough to give Alliance perm WM buff.

Aha so when few of you heroes cry on forums that shows of what is in game?

Tell me when was bonus for war mode changed due lack of activity for horde?

Tell me when it was MORE THAN 10% as basic?

I tell you NEVER!
WOnder why.

And these few CRYBABIES posting about it SHAME ON YOU GROW UP !

Personally as horde these bonues makes me HUNT THEM MORE it is actually look at them they get bonues and you always have basic makes you rage at them and kill them even more!

Personally if more ali turns it on great for all!
Not like this will affect anyone in horde beyond more targets to kill!

War mode 24/7 RISK AND REWARD!

  • i like all bonuses

You don’t have to believe me. You can just look for yourself about all the horde crying that alliance is camping them

Something something something

Alliance got 20 Ilevel lower in the first darkshore then the horde in theirs

Something something horde got a extra round of Arathi rates

Increased risk for increased reward is good game design.

However, it needs to be dynamic so that the rewards change depending on what’s actually going on in real-time. If there are more of one faction active in WM in an area then the reward should be higher for the opposite faction in that area because they are taking a greater risk. If the ratio shifts over time, so should the rewards. Also, if there are no players of the opposing faction active in WM in the area, then you are entitled to no extra rewards because there is no extra risk.

This system is fair, favours no one faction, and will undoubtedly cause lots of tears.


But it was bugged ? But hey horde just loves to get the free ride

This is what you should know about the current situation in the game, and how and when it was made out :

That was not the point!

I’m sorry, I clearly misunderstood.

I think Blizzard need to try something else at this stage.

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Cant argue/answer with your facts to me ?

As i thought forum hero.

What was your question again ? I thought I answered it

Make 3rd faction for Alliance “Barbies” let them paly with “Barbies only”

And split horde to “Saurfang Thrall and Baine fans” and to "Loyalist for Sylvanas as me " With Alliance like me aka Tyrande and Greyman being bloodthirsty opposite to Saurfang an Thrall and Loyalists.

TLDR 4 factions.

  1. alliance barbies can play with barbies only
  2. Saurfang fans can play with 2nd 3rd and 4th faction
    3 Sylvanas Loyalists can play with and against each faction 2 3 4
  3. Tyrande and Greymane followers can play with 2 3 4 in PVP combat with

And i as Sylvanas Loyalist i was killing these TRAITORS! FOR THE QUEEN!

We could actually kill each other during the last part of the storyline. A friend (a fellow sylvanas loyalist) killed many traitor supporters

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O.o how.

I tried but all the other hordies to me were orange.

Was it because I had WM off while doing that quest? :<

10 /char

Sigh… such a wasted opportunity then.

Just bury the dead horse already!

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Ye why not war mode is question ! ree >_>

Think it was because a friend was in WM off and I turned it off for them.

I rarely am in Orgrimmar these days so never remembered to turn it on probably.

I am in warmode now though!