Blizz always" support" horde (Spoiler 8.3)

Don’t forget to add 90% of the horde everytime they don’t get a cutting edge against the alliance

You will be Leader of Barbie Faction of excusemakers!

Funny isnt it all these Alliance excuse makers talk so much XYZ yet they do not even play both factions to say something.

ANd your lvl 100 shows you do not even play since WoD so what you talk .

Played horde durring legion. Never had so many , let’s call them , young people „ in discord

WM shouldn’t give any bonuses at all.

WPvP should be the only reason to join it and nothing else.


RISK REWARD you want just free rewards without risk!

Same could be said on any expect of wow to not give any rewards.

Clear adept for Barbie faction go to transmoggu if he will take you.

You mean like the horde gets all the time ?

Darkshore ? Arathi ? Warmode thanks to the bug

But haha I remember Wod were Horde cried everyday about human racial, but now alliance are the baby’s since horde is happy ?

Where did I mention I want free rewards?
If anything, turning WM on and off at will gives free rewards in a way.

The purpose of WM is WPvP. Not bonus rewards.

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One of these thinking they got what exactly game breaking?
Pretty sure your pvp quests outweights it ?

And why the F i should care about forum crying posters.

Arent top rated pvp players alliance most of time?

You mean the one which gives gear no one can use anymore ? Since horde cried for a 24/7 to have it nerfed, since alliance was farming them in warmode ?

Depends on the meta and expansion really.

Get your facts straight before stating anything please :

QUESTION or did you miss ?

Yep it seems even pvp obessed racial excuse makers based on win or lose are leaving alliance due their attitude of being self victimized.

Its not an excuse but a fact, players started massively going horde since the Cataclysm because horde had better racials than the alliance, and the alliance ones which were good for PvP like EMFH were seriously nerfed.

This is fine but when will they give it to an actual outnumbered faction instead of just making it 100% for only one faction. They didn’t even address how rp shards are at all, its almost 70 to 30% but i guess it doesnt matter and they’ll still count as out numbered ??

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It is excuse i do not win or lose based on racial if somene does then they are bad in first place.

Instead of getting good they see difference in race ye thats is why i lose i have to be XY race!

Ye just bunch of excuses.
No idea how my Lightforged Draenei can not do same as i Do on Blood elf.

My success never ever dependes on racial since they are so insignificant.
I pity these who believe they win or lose based on them and find it as excuse for being bad nothign else.

Same for classes/spec as proven all can push above 15 yet excuse makers find and blame class instead.

Hey thats fine as long shards dont allow too many players of the same factions. otherwise its back to full horde mode without any alliance at all. Same with alliance heavy shards. There is no point in calling it a pvp weekly quest if people just run around in 8 x 5 man groups killing single players. There is no challenge nor any fun in that for anyone

Add more bonuses!

I do both since you know World of Warcraft ,not world of just pve nor just pvp.

Lock people into WM for a week if they choose to activate it.


This is how WM should be. No tourists only turning it on for the free bonus loot or weekly quests. Picking a pvp server used to mean dedication, wich all went out of the window when wm came. Atleast make turning it on locked in for ATLEAST a week if not for the whole season

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If this would be insignificant as you stated we wouldn’t have than players who choose to do serious content in both PvP and PvE orientating as much in rolling the certain races which do better at that content, that was the case since the beginning of the game, nor would best guilds switch factions among many other things because of the racials to. For good players every edge they can get in the game matters.

It does make a difference, but mostly just for the top raiders/pvp ers. The problem is everyone trying to copy those and act like min maxing race will matter for the average player