Really blizz? Seal of Filial Duty is being used by players in pvp and being one of bis parts due to murlock. io website…so we returning back to old “play what we force but not what you want” concept.
Why not add an item needed in mythic pve which can be obtained only in pvp? Why not?
Why shall i play pve which i don’t like to get an item i need to be bis in pvp?
I thought it was long time ago decided that crossing pvp and pve gearing is a bad idea
PvP has always been a side part of what is primarily a PvE game, and Blizzard is obsessed with getting people in to raiding, so sadly, this is always how it’s going to be.
not at all. There was nothing like this during last 3 pvp seasons. During first 3 seasons you could gear full pvp bis by just playing pvp. And this is how it should be. Swtor devs once forced pvp players to play pve to get gear in pvp and got punished hard by subs leaving. I guess that’s what blizz also wants - people to leave
You sure, because the item was introduced in S1. Was it not BiS then or was it just not widely spread?
Also we are well within the season, getting 2 bullions is very easy, just queue up for LFR if you really don’t want to bother.
Oh noes, spending half an hour in LFR to get 2 Bullions for it without the typical RNG, the horror. A lot of people AFK through it, you could be one of them!
That’s besides the point. How easy or fast it is to get this item is irrelevant.
In BFA, Punyelf had to do a handful of BGs because a BiS item was obtained that way. That was easy and fast too, but she disliked that.
BiS PvP items should be obtained in PvP.
BiS PvE items should be obtained in PvE.
No exceptions.
It’s that simple.
Then Blizz should disable PvE item effects in PvP and PvP in PvE…
There’s an even easier solution: PvP items already scale up to a higher ilvl in PvP.
Just make it so that ALWAYS scale higher in PvP than the highest ilvl PvE item currently available.
It’s really not that hard.
As if currently scaling up to 525 isn’t an advantage already with entry level PvP gear for PvP…
Imagine being forced to play what you don´t want
I’ve imagined it. What’s the next step?
Ummm reads the script umm… so like umm… okey you are not meant to think this far…
yes iam sure, no one was using it so if it even existed means it was nerfed but now many people are using it in rated pvp which means it was buffed or something in pvp.
And no iam completely against playing pve. Imagine u playing mythic and forced to play epic bgs to get an item for mythic lol. Terrible abosolutely terrible
I think “forcing” is the wrong word to be using here. Blizz can’t “force” us to do anything ^^
It wasn’t buffed, it only got scaled up. It used to be “super rare” but now you get it from a vendor at mythic quality by just doing LFR. Maybe thats why everyone is using it now and not back in S1.
Why imagine, this was how it worked in BfA with the essences, not only did I have to grind BGs for honor but I climb rated arenas and fill up the PvP chest each week for a month to get what I needed. Compared to that doing LFR where you can literally AFK and get what you need is laughable… welll LFR in general is laughable but still.
I agree, bullions should be rewarded from all sorts of content… Buuuuut it really is just LFR.
Yes, the golden role which based on policy “play what you want” but it seems blizz thinks it’s too clever to break golden rules. Well, swtor devs also thought same and now look at that game’s state. Imagine forcing people to play what they don’t want in mmo in 2k24
They should make Bullions available from some sort of pvp quest alongside raiding imo.
Best would be to disable any pvp effects in pve and vice versa, that way theres no chance pvpers have to PvE or the other way around every again.
You people that read a bis list and apply no thought really make me laugh.
It possibly does 1% of your damage, sure it may theoretically swing a match but just lol.
All 3 of them
It’s hard to sympathise with you when this season you got the bullion system.
The time it took you to visit the forums you could’ve done 1 wing of lfr and be done.
If less than half an hour of lfr is too much for you, you don’t deserve to have it. Sorry.