Blizz I hope you are happy

Community is splited even more than ever I hope you are happy…


Community is not splited,the usual 5 trolls got few more friends now,once they stop being triggered they will keep playing like rest of them.


I dont think so, theres a redit thread about making discord server for ignoring, kicking and killing players with tbc storemount and it wont be just 5 ppl.

Im not suprissed. I understand them, same as I understand players that will buy it. Its no ones fault but blizzard.

Are mounts p2w? No.
Are they bad for the game? Yes.

Weeks ago there were threads about how 58lvl boost is just begining and Im afraid they will add more and more things to ingame shop that classic players didnt want. Imo token is a matter of time and I dont even want to know how many things they will push into WotLK when they release it.


So people dont like the way blizzard is doing things so they will take out their credit cards ,pay for subs and what not,to hunt people who want to enjoy the game in their own way…bruh…well didnt expect much from reddit anyway,99% of them are idiots on that site.


Yeah its kinda crazy. I do not support it but as I said I kinda get why they are doing it so I dont blame them for willing to do it. Im just sad we are splited thats all.

I think this is the turning point and for many ppl it means they will enjoy the game less and eventually quit if it continues this direction. The retail kind of players will ofc still be there and it will still generate money. That’s not the problem. The problem is that Blizzard literally said they weren’t going to put these things in the classic version and now they did anyway.


There is blizz tactics. Cant make good game, so ruin old good games and garbage new one is better.


Yes, I just dont get these people.
Instead of turning their guns at Blizzard, write petitions, mass unsubs, forums and social media protests, they will try to make a movement against innocent players who legally bought what is offered and whos only sin is thinking differently.
Why didnt they raise this much noise against their guildies who were shamessly buying gold with same credit card swiping and admitting it on discord?? Hypocrites


Well obviously it’s because Blizzard only pull this nonsense because of the whales that pay for it. The reasoning would be something like "If you can’t stop Blizz milking the whales makes the whale life a misery so they go to another game with microtransactions to waste money on. Getting rid of the whales makes Blizz have no morons to milk. The whales will be easy to spot as they are wearing an “I’m a whale badge” with their microtransaction purchases on show.

I mean it isn’t so hard to figure out their logic.

Before you ask - I am on a PvE server - there is no KoS! I am just commentating on the topic at hand!


I might have learned wrong but whales tend to imply people throwing 500+ euro on a game. Not a one time 70 euro?


Nah it just means they have lesser corporate fanboys at that site

Wait. So griefing players cause they bought a service? How can you even justify that?

There’s always a solution to a problem.

Probably the dumbest solution possible.

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Its not a one time 70$. You pay for sub each month + each expansion + many ppl will buy deluxe edition together with character cloning so its another 35$ per char.

Thet belive that microtransactions make game worse and by buying store things ppl encourage blizzard to implement more of them, by fighting players that buy it they fighting the idea and making some ppl consider if they realy wanna buy it and be excluded from many parties/raids/community at all and because of that they will be less likely to buy it which will maybe make blizzard rethink if thats a good option.

Now Im not saying its my mindset and Im not supporting it but I get how they think. Likewise I get why ppl want to buy DE for cool stuff like portal toy.

Lets think of this as a irl thing instead to give a perspective of why its a dumb way to go around the issue. So somone goes and buy a brand they dont like. So said people get mad he supports that brand. So they proceed to destroy his property. The company doesnt care. But the owner sure as hell cares.

These players aren’t innocent, in the sense of what we are accusing them of-- which is contributing just as much as Blizzard in destroying the integrity and entire bloomin’ point of having Classic in the first place.

It’s utterly ridiculous they can’t see what they are adding to, as in making Classic more and more like Retail. They need to wake up and realise they are looking at the wrong game, and not spoil it for people who genuinely want to live in that old version. Yes, I absolutely assure you most of the 'Shiny toys and booster" types will not stay long in TBC-- well once they realise this isn’t a confection RPG/Twitch streamer ahoy instance anti-RPG smash 'em up.

They’ll just act like bulls in a china shop and leave the game damaged in their wake.

Half will quit when they see the far slower attunement design, and the others will quite once they realise how simple the raiding is, and how basic endgame is (because the focus is on the levelling still, and the community). It isn’t a game for go-go-go people, who also very much fit the store dwelling mindset.


Its not the best example but I can see your point and yeah you are right that those ppl will be punished for no reason when only one to blame is blizzard. But we as humans are not perfect and each of us is lead by different emotions so I understand they are angry and why they gonna do it even tho I dont agree with it.

It was a bit extreme comparision but the point got across atleast. Go for the company, not the buyers.


No, consumers are just as guilty.

It takes two people to create a market.