Blizz pvp dev, can you nerf dh pls?


Then this post should have been called “nerf DH in AWC please” not “nerf dh”. There isn’t any mention of the source of the image (AWC, arena, bg, pvp brawl, world pvp), and I’m not a mind reader.
BTW, those numbers are completely made up and not achieveable in the LIVE RETAIL version that we all play. I literally tracked dozens of rounds so far, and never saw a death sweep last hit CRIT higher then 230-240k, neither for me or any other DH. I have 526 iLvL for refference. 350k for the LAST HIT seems complete fantasy outside some freak luck with every single proc aligning, and even then it’s a big stretch.

how is it made up when it literally happened?

Ok, then go ahead and try to reproduce it In-game today on retail. I’m telling you there is zero way to get that number. I tried with full mastery BiS gear (94% capped in arena) with demon soul proc from dispell, and everything, and could not get higher then 260-265 no matter the circumstances, for hundreds of times. The average was 180-230k both crits and non-crits.
You are asking for nerfs on a class based on an improbable and barely even possible event. Cool.

As you said yourself with much sarcasm:

It is wise to pay attention to what you say. You can’t press the “change team” button everytime you contradict your own words.

Also, because you can’t do something does not mean it can’t happen. This screenshot is a nice display of it. The stats of the DH from the screenshot will be achievable in a couple resets and while you may not have some of the PvE proc items he had, they do not come into play in that scenario. If he could do it then you should be able to, and if you aren’t then he knows something you don’t. And you lacking in knowledge isn’t a defendable argument.


duelist lvl shuffle dh players thinking they didnt get carried by their class :rofl:


the thread showed me again the average iq of a dh player,

the fact, that a Rival/Duelist dh flaming Awc Players indirectly as 1.8 players makes it even more funny

i looked at the screenshoot, u also can see the names there, check pvp them next time, and u see these players are not 1.8

and it´s crazy how high the bias of every dh player is, close to every team in the awc dh vs dh (yep this class is really bad) cope

yeah this is crazy^^

do me a favor and answer me a question

Do you think, Theres so many Dh´s Above 2.2 because they like this class, or have fun with it, or playing this class since Legion

Why do you think there are so many Dhs?


ur right, i should make a dh too, and rofl me to a rating by smashing my head on the keyboard :((((

Yes, I casually check pvp names in random screenshots, this is what I like to do with my time :rofl: :rofl:

There are not many DH at all tho? Go to Check-PvP, check ladders, there are way more Assa/Hunters/even Locks above DH in both shuffle and ladder.
How come there isn’t this DH domination and overrepresentation if the class is OP?

In you own screenshot, there are as many DH as are Ferals. I don’t see ANYONE complaining about feral being broken. How about WW and ASSA, both above DH. and these classes also have multiple playable specs in PvP.

4.33% of specs are Havoc, and you call THAT “SO MANY DHS?” Insane.

i even linked u check pvp stats bruh :question:

3s Dh boomy is atm one of the best comps

there is

No it´s not true

because u dont know how check pvp works?

44 and 72 is the same?

and yes you see also many ferals there because fmp is op, same as every dh comp.

the other dh made a whole thread about “nerf feral”

and i think u dont see many people complain about it, because u dont see “so” many because this class isnt faceroll, feral representation is always low even when it is op or have op comps

but dh on the other hand, is a easy class, and give u high rewards for low effort, thats why everyone is playing it, when this class is good/op

Dh is currently the best Meele after Ww ret and Feral

why should a ret play with an warri when he can play with a dh?

The Problem with the current Dh is just the High dmg peak Go´s with Inner Demon

Either nerf the short essence break dmg go in meta, or just fix blur and this class is fixed

and yes ww monk rising sunkicks are busted too, because of the pve set.

Feral are getting fixed in the next xpac, it is a whole rework, u just cant tune feral currently, unless they remove the pvp talent, but i doubt devs do that in dragonflight

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Wait a second over 300k sweep… That name is familiar, one DH quit SS with a similar name.

because classes have different strenght and weaknesses? I can’t banner a go, I can’t cleave 2 targets as good, I can’t break roots from self, I can’t intervene my healer/dps, I dont have situational 50% MS, I am not passively as tanky, etc etc.

h ttps://

There are more Outlaw rogues in top 50 then DHs ( 6 vs 5) and much more rogues overall if you count assa as well. I don’t see anyone complaining. But it’s cool to complain if DH is a top tier spec I guess, even if there are currently 6-7 top meele specs (arms, rogue (assa/outlaw), havoc, ww, ret, feral) that are really close in terms of ladder presence, and you can add survival hunt too for shuffle (which has lower player numbers because all 3 hunter specs are viable, but it’s still strong and capable).

Imagine being that low to whine about mage on DH. Hahaha

bruh, nothing against you, but it looks like, that u dont know how statistic works

u dont look at this page to make a difference between what is right and what is wrong

Unless you take the best 200-300 people and add it all up but u dont need to do it, cuz u can use the “stats” tool on check pvp

and u can see, there are more dh´s at 2.2

also we are at the 3 week of arena that means most of the players havent even pushed to glad or higher, so u have allot of players “most likely dh´s” at 1.8 or 2k cr with 2.5 mmr

i played 10 games at 2.1/2,2 mmr and close to every team had atleast 1 dh

ele dh, owl dh, even demo dh, ret dh, warri dh

If I were you, I would play dh a lot, could be the last time, where dh is so “good”

outlaw rogue got hardly nerfed, it´s still good in the best top brackets, and can also counter dh with a good rmp, but thats it

outlaw does not that much dmg, and have a high skill cap + apm in 3s


the only difference between a good, and bad dh is that the good dh, doesnt die randomly.

and also dont throw essence break instantly away as soon as it is rdy

watch some streams, or watch Tonisosa, and maybe u will see how good dh currently is.

I dont need to watch anything, I can handle myself on DH, I am currently around top 60 in EU. I’m not a top DH by any means, I picked it only last season, but I understand the basics of it at least.

DH is exactly the same as it was last season. Literally no changes since then in any patch. And people weren’t crying about it as much after the nerfs and the tier set bug fix. What changed?

yes, any Bad DH glimpses/Meta immunes CC, purges everything inbetween rotation from mages / pala lobbies, lands cc chains on healers, darkness at maximum efficiency to save team, manages Fury well, kites damage, maximises hunt damage by positioning with another enemy player between him and target, keep soul rend+dots on all kill targets, lands fire sigil on max targets, lands Fear, holds nether/blur for the proper timing, not too early not too late, etc…
If all it required for being decent was “not dying randomly”, then surely everyone would be at the same rating Top right?

but not in 2s or 3s either, solo shuffle is really inflated, im at 2.6 mmr with my ww monk currently and these players there playing like potatos

i played against a dh, he did 50% less dmg than tonisosa

even when dh dont have a high skill cap, the dmg cap between ratings is still very different

they did, and well the meta still changed to some terms, sub rogue dh´s biggest enemy is nearly unplayable now and this is a huge benefit for dh, why is it like that?

cuz the stamina got increased, the biggest weakness for dh was beeing squischy in a stun

but the stamina increased helped this weakness, and thats why everyone is saying “dh tanky cant die in a easy stun anymore”

so dh can pump and do way more dmg, cuz he can play more offensive

so no dh isnt the same, or the pacing itself.

nope, because this game isnt a solo game, if the dh is decent but his mates are bad, the dh will be at bad rating

but yeah this what u describe are some basics, when it comes to the difference between a good dh, and a bad dh

have seen multiple good dh´s what can even pre glimpse feral/rogue opener

The longer a dh survives, the higher the kill potential is for the team, cuz dh wins by default with overall dmg.

Idk how solo shuffle is

i rarely playing it, but in solo shuffle u ignore most likely the dh, and tunnel the other dps until dampe is high enough and root/disarm stun dh


High mobility, high microCC, have big CC too (jail), high survivality, and very high damage that can zone tarjets.

The representation on high rated arenas is very high, but take in mind, high rated players can play the spec they love, not always the best of the best.

In AWC, when they should win a tournament, play the best of the best it does matter, and man, all lobbys have this dh being free to enemys focus (becouse they do have survavility) while they do crazy damage.

High rated players (or streamers) are complaining about dh being OP.


Thank you! 10/char

Don’t forget Mortal Strike :melting_face:

but the Multiglad df dh said, Mortal strike is useless and does nothing


Here you are.