Blizz pvp dev, can you nerf dh pls?

Ok I guess, I’ll take the L.
It simply never happened to me or any DH I’ve played against, after checking multiple (hundred or so) logs. I guess it could be possible by some freak coincidence, with every single proc popped and a specific non-meta build.
But given my average (95% interval) is around 200-250k, I legit cannot explain a 100k gain given same gear level as that guy. That is a 30% bonus outta nowhere.
Sure, maybe they can find a way to even the extremes, getting hit for 40-50%hp is not ok.
But asking for a flat nerf for that outliner crit would make the average break+sweep combo be completely neutered. I honestly would be fine if they make it unable to crit at all, given I already have 11% or so crit. More predictible damage is always good for the game.

Grow up. Stop letting your ego get in the way.

Dh is way overtunned. Period.

It does 2 times the damage of any dps and survives 2much.

Your argument you cant do that past 1800 is irelevant.

If you
Cant do it past 1800 as dh, you cant do
It on any class.

Most classes are having x2 less damage than you.

Its a game, i”m sure your happy
You are op
And its not your fault, but stop defending stupid overpowerd numbers because you are emotional


This never happens, you are talking pure nonsense because you probably play at a rating where other dps don’t know what to do with DH, or where healers don’t CC.
I almost never do more then 15-20% more dps then other players in the lobby, and usually end up in 2nd spot or even 3rd, behind stuff like Boomie, Affli, devoker in mixed lobbies, good WW and Arms warrs in meele lobbies.
GL doing 150k dps when being non stop rooted and CCed, like it happens, or in Resto Dudu lobbies where you can’t basically play for half the game.
Cleaving into 3 targets sure, only happens against some fistweaver cleave, and DPS gets heavily padded into pet classes and small dots/immo aura on people.

You can say DH is S tier, but made up numbers are nonsense.

If they cc you, ur other dps is free to damage:)

And even with full cc u are nr 2 most of the time. Imagine beeing cc”d half
Of arena and still being top dps with a minus of 20% :slight_smile:

Clearly not S tier

Fanboy of Irony or what is going on here.

The reason why dh is so utterly broken is mainly because you can’t cc them. If you have no eyes get a WA or something that tells you when to backflip / meld. In worst case you have 5 other instant ways to stop cast.

Casting a cc on a dh as a healer is actually mostly a waste of time since you gotta cast it 10 times until it goes off which puts you behind in tempo since the guy is doing 100k+ dps with pure existance.

Dh is utterly broken, easiest class to play and game is piss mostly cause of dh.

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This conversation is pointless, the goalpost is always moving.
First DH is broken because of the utility (which every single meta meele has BTW, stuns, incaps, mobility, burst, defense, MS).
Then its because of the damage (which can be proven its not any bigger then the others on prio target).
Now its because it’s somehow immune to CC.
Peace out, wish you GL with the class you play, hope it someday becomes just as strong as you imagine DH is.

“Just” 15/20%

Bruh that is some classes external cooldown right there. And that’s permanent, not a 10-20 second cooldown.

That is not normal with all the passive defences ontop of mobility DH has.

By all means let dh’s have perma mobility and their high damage, just strip away any and all leech, self healing and leave blur as a 1,5 minute cooldown and only dodging abilities from the front.

Then it is balanced.


There’s not one specific thing which makes DH broken. What makes the class so oppressive is that it’s too good at too many things.

Dh so broken, but with same toolkit in whole SL and S1 post nerf and S2 was most useless d-tier class which actually dies to air, “glass canon class”, remember?
Trust me, even if u remove reverse, fel erruption, glimpse, fear, dh will still be viable and s+ tier spec? Wonder how?

Dh is immune to cc, but before nobody complained and laughed at dh perma cced all game, lmao

Next patch they buff any hunter spec or ele or fury or ret to be able to do broken dmg and same andies will complain how hunter or ele or fury war or ret pala has everything best in the game

Guy was literally AWC screenshot given and he talks about 1800. Top AWC players are high end rank 1 players lol

DH mains at their best

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Hunter traps don’t work on dhs when they leap on you with Metamorphosis. Also traps disappear like they used.

You can’t literally hit them when they use Metamorphosis, Blade Dance and Blur. They are immune to damage nearly half of the time. Insane.

The problem is that most classes can’t do anything against demon hunters. They are very tanky, you cannot kite them, you cannot CC them, and, sometimes, you can’t even hit them. They also have the highest damage in game.

Is there any particular reason you cannot do any of that? Happens to me all the time. Did I get some new cool abilities that I have missed, since last patch?

Sounds like DH became Terminator, can’t be stopped, cant be cced unless killed. Kinda like bladestorm war.

You just named all the reasons why it’s busted so i don’t have to.

Important to point out dh has a cc of a rogue mage combined except it’s better, ranged and all instant.


AWC players are fully geared ?
I seen a awc game where DH did 2x more dmg then second place.
Btw DH dies in stun :d

pls nerf :melting_face:

To be fair, imo. the DH toolkit itself is fine but the damage and the pressure in general they have is just a little bit too good.

Imo it’s the toolkit because Havoc is literally better warrior. If it was more agressive alternative to Arms - fine but it’s literally better in every aspect. Maybe warrior has a bit more defences for the partner but has better damage, mobility and defensive CDs and CC on almost every school. In the past people said that “Havoc has only damage” it was truth in SL but not in DF anymore.

It is. Can’t have a class be this kind of unpeelable ooga booga, but with their amount of cc.

Chaos nova/fel eruption choice node when? Same for imprison/fear.

Coping over 3 second fear on 2 min cd… actual lol.